Remembering Montevideo Maru - Our Worst Maritime Disaster

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1st July 2009, 10:01am - Views: 833

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Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Wednesday, 1 July 2009 


On the 67th anniversary of Australia’s worst maritime disaster, the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan

Griffin, has called for the nation to pause and remember the 1053 Australian lives lost in the sinking

of the Montevideo Maru.

“War brings many tragedies and today we remember one of the greatest tragedies of the Second

World War,” Mr Griffin said.

Speaking on indulgence in Parliament last week, Mr Griffin said the story of the sinking was an

unfortunate and lesser known episode of the Second World War.

“On 1 July 1942, a United States submarine, USS Sturgeon, torpedoed and sank what it believed to

be a Japanese merchant vessel.  It was in fact the Montevideo Maru, carrying Australian prisoners

of war (POWs) and civilians who were locked in the hold with no means of escape once the ship

was struck,” he said.

“On board were 1053 Australian prisoners of war and civilians who had been captured and held by

the Japanese at Rabaul on the island of New Britain, in what is now known as Papua New Guinea.

“The Montevideo Maru took 11 minutes to sink.  No Australians survived.  It was not until after the

war that Australian authorities discovered the tragic fate of those captured at Rabaul.

“The families and associations with connections to the Montevideo Maru have never lost sight of the

tragedy that occurred 67 years ago. That some questions concerning the ship may never be

answered must also add to their sense of loss.  It is something that we as a nation should never

forget,” Mr Griffin said.

Mr Griffin said a local ceremony would be held in Subic Bay to remember those lost in the tragedy.

Today the Australian Ambassador to the Philippines, Mr Rod Smith, will unveil a plaque

commemorating those on board the Montevideo Maru on behalf of the Papua New Guinea

Volunteer Rifles Association at the Hellships Memorial, established in memory of all the ships that

carried POWs,” he said.

Mr Griffin also confirmed he has approved a $7200 grant to enhance the central plinth at Subic Bay.

“Later in the year, under a grant made by the Australian Government to the RSL Angeles Sub-

branch in the Philippines, commemoration of the Montevideo Maru at the Hellships memorial will be

further enhanced and an interpretation will be placed in a nearby museum.”

The funds have been granted through the Overseas Privately-Constructed Memorial Restoration

Program, which recognises the contribution that organisations around the world make to honouring

contact the Department of Veterans’ Affairs on 133 254 (international callers +61 2 6289 6184).

Media inquiries: Belinda Cole 0437 863 109 

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