Post Anzac Day Letter To The Editor

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30th April 2009, 12:02pm - Views: 908

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Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Thursday, 30 April 2009


Dear Editor,

It was pleasing to see so many Australians, especially young Australians, attending local Anzac

Day commemorations.  It is clear that even as the number of our veterans decline, the

commitment of Australians to honour their service and sacrifice remains strong. 

Across the country services were held to honour Australia’s servicemen and women – past and

present.  Each year many people volunteer their time to plan Anzac Day commemorations in

their local community.  This is a big task and I thank those involved in planning the many

ceremonies held across the country. 

It is now 94 years since the Anzacs landed on the shores of the Gallipoli Peninsula.  Each year

many Australians travel to Gallipoli to honour the Anzac legend at its birthplace and this year

was no exception with 7500 Australians attending the Dawn Service at Anzac Cove.

More than 3000 attended the Western Front Dawn Service at Villers-Bretonneux in France. 

Thousands more attended services at other Australian wartime sites around the world including

Sandakan in Malaysia, Hellfire Pass in Thailand and Isurava in Papua New Guinea.

As our veteran community ages, the involvement of younger generations is the key to

continuing Anzac Day traditions and it was great to hear of so many young Australians

participating in ceremonies.

Alan Griffin

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs

Editors note:  An image of Minister Griffin to accompany this letter is available for download at

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