Partnership Strengthens Aid Cooperation

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24th March 2009, 01:09pm - Views: 828
The Hon Bob McMullan MP, Parliamentary Secretary For International Development Assistance

Senator The Hon Ursula Stephens, Parliamentary Secretary For Social Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector

Partnership strengthens aid cooperation

A new partnership agreement was signed today by the Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Bob McMullan and the President of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID), the Hon Margaret Reid, to better coordinate and maximise Australia's efforts to reduce world poverty and suffering.

The agreement between the Australian Government and ACFID, the non-profit international development agencies' peak body, recognises the important role that both sectors play in international development activities.

"By working together Australia's efforts are stronger and we can work more strategically with the governments and people of developing nations in our region, and with other donor countries," Mr McMullan said.

"It will support global efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and build capacity in partner countries in areas that are critical to development and of key interest to Australia."

The Parliamentary Secretary for Social Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector, Senator Ursula Stephens, said that Australia's efforts in the region and at home would be much stronger by coordinating the capacities and networks of Australian Government agencies and nongovernment organisations.

"The government and non-government sectors each bring to the partnership their individual strengths and expertise, enabling Australia's efforts to be much more productive and sustainable," Senator Stephens said

"There are lessons to learn from the development of this partnership agreement and its implementation as the Government develops a compact with the wider Australian non-profit sector which will outline how the two will work together to improve and strengthen their relationship, now and into the future."

The partnership agreement commits the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) and ACFID to shared principles for providing development assistance in policy and program areas such as sustainability, gender, people with a disability, participation and good governance and the involvement the Australian community.

Mr McMullan acknowledged the contribution of ACFID Executive Director Paul O'Callaghan to developing the agreement.

"I understand that Paul leaves ACFID this week to take up another important and challenging position as head of Reconciliation Australia. We wish Paul well and look forward to welcoming the new head of ACFID," Mr McMullan said.

Photos of the partnership agreement signing can be downloaded at:

Media Contacts:
Sabina Curatolo
(Mr McMullan's office)
0400 318 205

Louise Godwin
(Senator Stephens' office)
6277 3333

AusAID Public Affairs
0417 680 590


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