New Veterans Council Holds First Meeting At Parliament House

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10th October 2008, 06:31pm - Views: 992


Prime Ministerial Advisory Council on Ex-Service



New veterans council holds first meeting at Parliament House

The fourteen members of the newly established Prime Ministerial Advisory

Council on Ex-Service Matters have met for the first time.

During the meeting, conducted on October 9 and 10 in Canberra, the Council

have confirmed its terms of reference, investigated some of the current

consultative arrangements for the veterans community and began considering

some of the major issues facing the portfolio.

The Council also met with the Prime Minister, who said that the establishment

of the advisory body was an important achievement for the Government and

that he looked forward to receiving its advice. 

The Chair of the Council, Dr Allan Hawke, said he was pleased by the

progress of the first meeting.

“We have decided how the Council will work and report to the Government.  

“We have also begun to discuss key topics such as mental health in the

veteran community and how we plan to address other priority areas,” he said.

“It was encouraging to have the Prime Minister join our first meeting and hear

his views on the importance of the Council,” said Dr Hawke.  

The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin, also attended the Council

meeting.  Dr Hawke said the Council would work closely with the Minister in

providing advice to the Government. 

Mr Griffin said he expected the Council to provide advice and

recommendations and identify priority issues facing the ex-service and

defence communities.

“I am pleased that the Council has now been established, as we promised

prior to the election.  Based on the outcomes of the first meeting, I believe the

Council is well placed to fulfil its role of providing a collective voice for the

veteran community,” he said.

Prior to the next formal meeting of the Council in March 2009, it will have

informal, out of session meetings.

The Council’s Terms of Reference and names of the Council Members are


Media inquiries:  Phil Pyke  0439 445 831

Friday 10 October 2008

Government Government Prime Ministerial Advisory Council On Ex-Service Matters 1 image

Members of Prime Ministerial Advisory Council on Ex-Service Matters

Dr Allan Hawke – Chair, ACT

Mr Frank Benfield, Queensland

Group Captain Dr Robert Black AM RFD, South Australia

Hon Graham Edwards, Western Australia

Mrs June Healy OAM, ACT

Commodore Nick Helyer MBE RANR, NSW

Warrant Officer Peter Hind OAM, Queensland

Mr Kenneth Kipping AM, ACT

Ms Gail MacDonell, NSW

Ms Anne Pahl, Victoria

Mr Phil Pyke, Tasmania

Ms Donna Reggett, Queensland

Brigadier Keith V Rossi (Rtd) AM OBE RFD ED, Victoria

Brigadier Neil Weekes (Rtd) AM MC, Queensland

Terms of Reference - Prime Ministerial Advisory Council on Ex-Service


The Prime Ministerial Advisory Council on Ex-Service Matters is a body

established to consider and advise the Prime Minister and Government on

strategic and complex matters.  Its aim is to: 

provide advice on major issues affecting the ex-service and defence

communities with a view to facilitating a better future for members of

these communities; 

review proposed legislation and its impact on the ex-service and

defence communities; 

advise on ex-service matters which impact directly on the

responsibilities of other government departments; and

consider and assist the prioritising of issues raised or referred by the

Prime Minister and/or the Minister.

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