New Road Safety Strategy Travels Through Parliament

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19th March 2009, 03:35pm - Views: 799

Government Government Road Safety Council 1 image

Attention: News Editor/Chief of Staff                                                 

    March 19, 2009


Western Australia’s MP’s have today set a bold new direction for road safety for our state said Grant

Dorrington, Independent Chair of the Road Safety Council. 

“Parliament today formally received the Towards Zero strategy, setting a clear aspiration and direction

for WA road safety – that we do not accept death and serious injury as an inevitable by-product of our

road system,” Mr Dorrington said. 

“It challenges us to strive for zero deaths and serious injuries on our roads and our MP’s have today

taken the lead and have accepted that challenge. 

“This is a significant moment in road safety in this state – very few jurisdictions here in Australia and

around the world have escalated road safety to such a level where MP’s from all sides of politics have

united in a bold long-term aspiration for road safety.  

“Towards Zero gives us all the direction we need to move forward with initiatives that will save lives.

“Over the last three years over two hundred people per year were killed in crashes and around 3000

people per year were seriously injured.

“This is not good enough and as a community that cares we will not sit back and accept this trauma as a

by-product of using our roads.

“Today our MP’s have taken the lead and it is now up to all of us, each government agency, road

designers and engineers, business, corporations and each individual road user, to share the

responsibility, move beyond our current standards and practice to each do our bit to make our roads


“Towards Zero clearly defines the areas we need to focus on and most importantly through the safe

system approach to road safety it takes a holistic look at the entire road system, focussing on all the

areas of safe road users, safe roads and roadsides, safe vehicles and safe speed,” Mr Dorrington said.

The strategy recommendations, which if implemented fully would potentially save 11,000 people from

being killed or seriously injured on Western Australian roads over twelve years.


The recommendations focus on metropolitan, regional and remote Western Australia. 

“Importantly, Towards Zero recognises that while some people deliberately violate the road rules –and

we will continue to strongly target these people - there are many more who simply make mistakes and

they shouldn’t have to die or be seriously injured for it,” he said.

“We need to continually strive for a forgiving road system.

“A clear strength of Towards Zero is that it was developed with bipartisan involvement through the

Parliamentary Reference Group and included Australia’s largest ever community consultation on road

safety in metropolitan, regional and remote Western Australia.






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“We began with a community forum in Narrogin in 2006 and what followed was a monumental

consultation involving over 4,000 Western Australians.

“It involved MP’s from all sides, all the government agencies and important stakeholder groups right from

the initial development stages.

“This is a strategy based on sound evidence and created in partnership with the community. We are

more involved and united than ever before in our desire to take the next step forward in road safety. 

“Importantly, during this comprehensive and thorough process, vital road safety functions have been

continuing, including enforcement, infrastructure programs and behavioural campaigns.  We are also

continuing with community education, training in schools, policy development and research.

“New initiatives and developments that are currently progressing, such as the review of speed

enforcement, the promotion of safer vehicles, road improvement projects and changes to improve novice

driver safety, are consistent with the direction of the new road safety strategy for WA,” he said.

The Road Safety Council will continue to work alongside the community and government to share

knowledge about the options, evaluate road safety performance and monitor implementation.

“We can all look at our own road use and influence others. We can all take ownership of this powerful

strategy and make the measures happen. Community ownership, support and action are pivotal to the

success of Towards Zero. Our individual and shared actions will enable us to achieve exceptional

results,” Mr Dorrington said.

“We have united to develop a long-term plan to achieve dramatic results in road safety. Now is the time

to implement that plan – together, for the benefit of today’s communities and for those communities of


*** ENDS ***

Media contact – 

Rachel Edwards, 0417 939 743 or

Note - A copy of the recommended road safety strategy, Towards Zero, can be viewed on the Office of

Road Safety website This document is currently being finalised following today’s

Parliamentary statement and will be available on the website in due course.  

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