National Economic Development Awards For Innovative Ed Organisations

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8th October 2008, 06:58pm - Views: 869

Economic Development Australia Limited ABN 18 123 776 394

13 Tiranna Place, Oyster Bay  NSW  2225  Ph: 02 9528 7864 Fax: 02 9528 9965


Media Release – (STRICTLY EMBARGOED UNTIL 10 PM WED 8th OCT 2008)

National Economic Development Awards for innovative ED


Queensland played host to the national Economic Development Awards for Excellence last

night, with Brisbane showcasing the nation’s best and brightest working to shape the economic

future of Australia.

Local congratulations went to Logan City Council for its Berrinba Wetlands project, winner of

the Economic Development Australia (EDA) national award for Economic Environmental


Winning entries for the remaining categories were announced as:

Strategic National 

Wangaratta Rural City Council (Wangaratta Rural Skills)

Strategic Regional

Cities of Whittlesea and Hume (Plenty Foods Cluster)

Marketing Strategy

Greater Shepperton City Council (Shepparton Show Me)


Port Macquarie Hastings Council (Building a high performance business


Leadership –


Ian O’ Loan OAM (Regional Development South Australia)

Leadership – 


Jeff Bothe  (City of Greater Bendigo)

Indigenous Economic 


City of Onkaparinga (Aboriginal School Based Apprenticeships)

Including Logan’s winner, Queensland had finalists in 7 of the 8 award categories:

Tourism Queensland  (Strategic National)

Sunshine Coast Regional Council (Strategic Regional)

Gold Coast City Council (Marketing Strategy)

Logan City Council (Environmental Economic Innovation)

Ipswich City Council (Indigenous Economic Development)

Ipswich City Council – Mayor Paul Pisasale (Leadership – Elected Member)

Sunshine Coast Enterprises – Gerrie Carr-MacFie (Leadership – Employee)

In congratulating award winners, the Hon. Desley Boyle MP, Queensland Minister for Tourism,

Regional Development and Industry (DTRDI) said she was especially pleased to be sponsoring

an award this year after DTRDI won the 2007 national strategic award for excellence (in

partnership with the Local Government Association Queensland  (LGAQ) and Ergon Energy)

Economic Development Australia’s Chairman, David Keenan said

“This is the third year that we have run these awards and the judging gets more difficult every

year.  The strong quality of submissions highlights the diverse network and innovative nature of

those working across the profession”.

Economic Development Australia Limited ABN 18 123 776 394

13 Tiranna Place, Oyster Bay  NSW  2225  Ph: 02 9528 7864 Fax: 02 9528 9965

Email:  Web:


Cr Paul Bell AM, President of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) and Local

Government Association Queensland (LGAQ) joined the congratulations.  He added “Its great to

see such a strong representation from local government again in this year’s awards, particularly

in Queensland.  Despite the significant challenges of Queensland local government reform,

sustainable community growth remains high on our agenda. EDA continues to assist many of

our members to excel in this field.”

Addressing the conference, Minister Boyle spoke about the key Queensland regional

development initiatives; including the Sustainable Resource Communities Partnership - bringing

together State and Local Government with industry to develop sustainable liveable communities

and the Centres of Enterprise strategic industry development program.

Last year Queensland won the lion’s share of awards highlighting the strong commitment and

achievements of those working to advance and sustain communities across the State.

Economic Development Australia is the national professional body for economic development

practitioners employed in local government, regional development agencies, State Government

economic development departments, and private sector consultants and companies involved in

economic development.

Further details can be found on the EDA website


Economic Development Australia : Richard Walker,   Executive Director  Mob: 0419 617510


             Peter Dowling,     Deputy Chair           Mob: 0409 349375

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