National Centre Against Bulling Conference 2010: Navigating The Maze 1

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9th April 2010, 04:57pm - Views: 1249


Event: National Centre Against Bulling Conference 2010:
Navigating the Maze
When: Friday April 9

Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard announced today an intensive education campaign with schools to
ensure they all have detailed safe schools plans as part of the revised National Safe Schools

Ms Gillard made the announcement at the National Centre Against Bullying's national conference in
Melbourne this morning.

"This will build on the results of the $3 million National Pilot to Address Cyber Safety currently being
undertaken by The Alannah and Madeline Foundation," she said.

It would also build on the publication on the My School website of a parent satisfaction survey data
which will cover issues, including approaches to bullying and safety.

Ms Gillard told the conference she was shocked that around "70% of schools were unaware of the
current National Safe Schools Framework. I am announcing today that the revised framework will be
linked to an intensive education campaign with schools to ensure they all have detailed safe schools

She said the Rudd Government was taking the issue of bullying very seriously. "We've discovered
that while bullying in all its forms is a problem of significant dimensions, it's a problem that can be
effectively addressed,

"To do so we need to engage the whole community. It will require changes in school culture. This can
only occur when parents, students, teachers, the wider community, researchers, teacher educators
and education departments actively engage with each other to seek change."

Ms Gillard said the Government was determined to provide leadership to tackle bullying, but said the
whole community needed to come on board as well.

Ms Gillard said the conference was a hugely important initiative in fighting cyberbullying, as part of the
work of The Alannah and Madeline Foundation, as "one of Australia's great community organisations".

NCAB Chair The Hon. Alastair Nicholson, former Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia,
welcomed the announcement from the Deputy Prime Minister. He also called on the Federal
Government to boost education for Australian teachers to help them tackle cyber bullying.

For media enquiries please contact:
Robert Masters -- M: 0413 147 080 or Maria Vampatella M: 0421 112 216

Follow us on twitter for the latest breaking news from the conference at

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The National Centre Against Bullying is an initiative of The Alannah and Madeline Foundation. The Centre is a peak body working to advise and inform

the Australian community on childhood bullying and cybersafety, and the creation of safe schools and communities.

The Alannah and Madeline Foundation cares for children suffering the devastating impacts of violence, runs programs to prevent childhood violence and

advocates for the rights of children.

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