Low-income Savings Program To Expand Nationally Through Federal Fu

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16th October 2009, 03:43pm - Views: 845


Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited  ABN 11 005 357 522

For Release: 16 October 2009

Low-income savings program to expand

nationally through $13.5 million Federal funding

The Benevolent Society and ANZ, along with community partners The Brotherhood of St

Laurence, Berry Street and The Smith Family, welcomed today’s announcement by the Prime

Minister, Kevin Rudd, to provide $33 million in Federal funding for innovative projects that build

financial resilience. 

The funding, from the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous

Affairs includes $13.5 million to expand the Saver Plus program. Saver Plus is a matched savings

and financial literacy program for people on low incomes, which is currently delivered from 20

locations across Australia. The funding will more than double the program’s reach by making it

available from more than 50 sites, assisting an additional 7,600 people by 2011. 

The Benevolent Society Chief Executive Officer, Richard Spencer said: “Saver Plus is a program

with proven effectiveness because it builds people’s budgeting and financial skills that will help

them manage their money in the long term, and avoid the stresses of making ends meet.”

“We’re pleased that this program is set to expand as it’s an effective and practical way of helping

low-income families who are battling financially, and we know there are many more people and

communities who could benefit from it,”  Mr Spencer said. 

ANZ Chief Executive Officer, Mike Smith, said: “This is an exciting development to assist people

on low incomes by encouraging them to save and build a better life.  

“Working with our community partners, including The Benevolent Society in New South Wales, has

allowed us to bring the Saver Plus program to thousands of Australians.  It’s great to see the value

of their work and the positive impact it has had on so many individuals and families recognised

through this important Government initiative.

"Saver Plus is part of our Corporate Responsibility strategy to create pathways to individual

prosperity for disadvantaged communities, and together with our community partners I’m very

pleased to see Government participation in the program.” Mr Smith said. 

Recent RMIT research¹ found that Saver Plus is highly effective at building financial literacy skills

and establishing a savings habit with people on low-incomes. RMIT also found the education

experiences of participants and their families improved because they spend their matched savings

on educational items, with the most commonly purchased items including computers, school

uniforms, textbooks, music and sport.

Saver Plus has already assisted more than 5,000 people to save more than $4 million, with

matched savings provided by ANZ of $4 million.



Russell, R, Harlim, J and Brooks, R. Saver Plus 2008 follow-up survey results - Saving behaviour of past

Saver Plus participants, RMIT University, Melbourne, May 2008.

People Feature The Benevolent Society & ANZ 2 image

For media enquiries contact:

Cherelle Murphy

Senior Manager Media Relations

Tel: +61-3-9273 6190

Email: cherelle.murphy@anz.com

Erin Schrieber

Media Relations Officer, The Benevolent Society

Tel: +61-2-9339 9325 

Email : erins@bensoc.org.au 

Notes to editors – about Saver Plus

Saver Plus directly targets people traditionally excluded from mainstream banking including low-

income women and sole parents.

Participants set an education-related savings goal and receive financial education and personal

coaching to assist them to reach their goal over 10 months.  As an incentive to save, ANZ matches

participants’ savings dollar for dollar.

Saver Plus was launched in response to ANZ research into financial exclusion that showed six per

cent of Australians, and particularly those on low incomes, were fully or partially excluded from

appropriate, low cost, fair and safe financial products and services.


Independent research conducted by RMIT shows that Saver Plus is highly effective at assisting

people to build their financial literacy skills and establish a long term savings habit. The most

recent research² indicates that:

96 per cent of participants have successfully met or exceeded their savings goal 

More than 70 per cent have continued saving at the same rate or more, long after

completing the program

More than 48 per cent of participants who met or exceeded their saving goal,

decreased their level of debt during the program.

Saver Plus was developed by ANZ and the Brotherhood of St Laurence. Other community

organisations involved in the partnership include The Smith Family, Berry Street and The

Benevolent Society.  The program is also delivered by Jewish Care Victoria, Loddon Mallee

Housing Services, Bethany Community Support and Ballarat Group Training. 



Russell, R, Harlim, J and Brooks, R. Saver Plus 2008 follow-up survey results - Saving behaviour of past

Saver Plus participants, RMIT University, Melbourne, May 2008.

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