Lottery Guarantee For Newsagents May Extend To At Least 5 Years

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24th August 2009, 02:25pm - Views: 794
Lottery Guarantee for Newsagents may Extend to at Least 5 Years

The NSW Opposition will seek better protection for newsagents when Parliament debates the proposed privatisation of NSW Lotteries.

A summit meeting between ANF CEO Anthony Matis and Shadow Gaming and Racing Minister George Souris was held last Friday.

The Australian Newsagents' Federation (ANF) has been told the Coalition intends to seek extensions to the Government's six point protection plan for newsagents, taking the time they can continue to have some exclusivity on lottery sales out to five years.

George Souris indicated the State Opposition believes the three year guarantee announced by Treasurer Eric Roozendaal is not long enough.

"In discussions I have had in the meeting with Shadow Gaming Minister George Souris, it was made clear that the NSW Liberal/Nationals will be considering the Government's amended legislation, but that the government's six point plan to protect newsagents hasn't gone far enough," Mr Matis said.

"Mr Souris reiterated the Coalition's support in principle for the sale of NSW Lotteries, providing there were adequate protections in place for small business."

The NSW Government's proposed protection package, and the Coalition's stand on the issue was the subject of a meeting on Friday between Mr Matis and the Shadow Minister for Hospitality, Gaming and Racing the Hon George Souris.

During that meeting, Mr Souris indicated his intentions to seek better protection for NSW Community Newsagents in the legislation currently before Parliament.

"Newsagents have been faced with the fact that both sides of politics were stating their intention to sell NSW Lotteries."

"It has been the ANF's intention to proactively ensure the role of newsagents in the community is understood by State politicians on both sides. We are doing all we can to ensure community newsagents are provided with the protections they need to enable them to keep meeting the expectations of their communities and customers after any privatisation process."

"I was encouraged by Mr Souris' views that it is vital to get the sale of NSW Lotteries right and I welcome the Coalition's on going support for newsagents."

The ANF will continue to strongly represent the interests of community newsagents through the impending sale process.

For Further information contact
Anthony Matis at ANF on
0407 278 142

SOURCE: Australian Newsagents' Federation

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