Local Communities Receive $293,000 To Honour Australia's Veterans

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7th November 2008, 11:46am - Views: 976

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 1 image

Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Friday 7 November 2008  



Ahead of the 90th anniversary of Remembrance Day, more than 100 projects across the nation

honouring Australia’s wartime history have been awarded $293,056 in funding, the Minister for

Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin, announced today.

Mr Griffin said the funding demonstrated the Government’s commitment to helping local

communities honour Australia’s wartime heritage.

“Today we have funded more than 100 local projects and activities that recognise the

contribution of the men and women who have served our nation in the defence forces,” Mr

Griffin said.

“Local communities play an important role in encouraging Australians to learn about our nation’s

involvement in wars, conflicts and peace operations through local exhibitions and

commemorative activities such as Anzac Day and Remembrance Day.

“These grants will fund a range of projects across Australia to preserve and display wartime

memorabilia, upgrade and restore local war memorials, publish untold unit histories and support

school initiatives for younger Australians,” he said.

Mr Griffin said already this year more than 350 local and community organisations across the

country had benefited from over $1 million nationally through the Department of Veterans’

Affairs’ Saluting Their Service commemorations program. 

“Defence service has been part of the lives of many Australian families since the Boer War

more than a century ago.  This Government is committed to ensuring the legacy of those who

have served, and continue to serve, is honoured and remembered for generations to come,” Mr

Griffin said.

Mr Griffin encouraged local community and ex-service organisations interested in applying for

funding to visit www.dva.gov.au or contact their nearest DVA office on 133 254 (for metro

callers) or 1800 555 254 (for non-metro callers).

Media inquiries: Laura Ryan  0437 863 109

Editors note: A list of grant recipients from every state and territory is attached.

The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a

week on 1800 011 046.

To receive the Minister’s media releases automatically by email subscribe at minister.dva.gov.au/subscribe.htm

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 2 image

Saluting Their Service NSW Grant Recipients - $102,000

The Milton Ulladulla Ex-Servos Club will receive $4000 to erect a sandstone wall at the new

club premises to display commemorative plaques.


The Ramsgate RSL Sub-branch will receive $2250 to hold a dinner at the club to

commemorate the 90th anniversary of the end of World War I.

Earlwood Bardwell Park RSL Sub-branch will receive $1010 to help install a plaque

dedicated to the 14th Company Australian Army Service Corps at the Australian War

Memorial in Canberra.

The Hunter Region Botanic Gardens will receive $1905 to help install a plaque at the base of

a Lone Pine tree dedicated to all servicemen and women from the Hunter region.

The 11th Field Ambulance Association will receive $2750 to hold a reunion in Enoggera to

commemorate the 90th anniversary of the end of World War I and the 40th anniversary of

the Battles of Fire Support Bases Coral and Balmoral. 

The Illabo Public School Parents and Citizens Association will receive $4000 to help restore

the Illabo War Memorial and garden and replace a replica machine gun at the memorial.

The NSW Branch of 5 Airfield Construction Squadron Association will receive $1628 to help

replace the 50 year old 'Flying Shovels' banner due to age and deterioration.

Kearsley Public School will receive $2382 to help erect a fence and gate around a Lone Pine

tree in the school grounds and install a commemorative plaque at the base of the tree.


The Avalon Beach RSL Sub-branch will receive $1598 to help purchase a display cabinet to

house memorabilia commemorating the role Australian women played in wars and conflicts.

Seven Hills Toongabbie RSL Sub-branch will receive $1550 to hold a ceremony at the

Australian War Memorial in Canberra dedicated to the service of 1 Ordnance Field Park

Units, Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps Nui Dat, Vietnam.

The Rotary Club of Narrabri will receive $3190 to help restore two World War I

commemorative plaques at the Narrabri Memorial Clock Tower.

Katoomba RSL Sub-branch will receive $2800 to help restore the Bofors gun located at the


The Headquarters 1st Australian Task Force Vietnam Association will receive $3000 for a

national reunion in Mulwala to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Battles of Fire Support

Bases Coral and Balmoral.

The Albert Progress Association will receive $4000 to help build a memorial at the entrance

gates of Albert Park to honour 37 World War II veterans from the district.

North Sydney Council Stanton Library will receive $4000 to help restore the North Sydney

Tramways Honour Roll 'Our Comrades, with Colors, All Nations War, 1914-1920'.

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Knox Grammar School will receive $4000 to help restore the Old Boys War Memorial

located in the school grounds.

Kiama Municipal Council will receive $4000 to help construct a memorial arch at the

entrance of the Jamberoo Town Hall and install commemorative plaques dedicated to all

wars and conflicts.

The Illawarra Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Australia will receive

$4000 to help restore the Illawarra Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial in Wollongong.

The Newcastle and Hunter Valley Branch of the 7th Australian Division Australian Imperial

Force Association will receive $715 to help replace the Division’s banner.


The 30th Australian Infantry Battalion Australian Imperial Force (AIF) will receive $1244 to

help install a plaque at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra dedicated to the 5th

Division AIF.

Bungarby Rural Fire Service will receive $1350 to help install display cabinets at the fire

station to exhibit World War I and II honour rolls.

Fairfield City Council will receive $4000 to help upgrade the Fairfield War Memorial by

installing new pier caps and lighting.

The New South Wales Lancers Memorial Museum will receive $1590 to help purchase

equipment to preserve a range of wartime uniforms dating from the 1880s.

Tweed Heads and Coolangatta RSL Sub-branch will receive $2250 to help hold a luncheon

to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the end of World War I.

The City of Wollongong RSL Sub-branch will receive $1750 to help hold a luncheon to

commemorate the 90th anniversary of the end of World War I.

Penshurst RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help restore memorabilia cabinets at the


The Wallerawang War Memorial Restoration Committee will receive $3000 to help restore

the Wallerwang Avenue of Honour and plant new trees.

The Muswellbrook Memorial Grove Maintenance Committee, through the Muswellbrook RSL

Sub-branch, will receive $2430 to help replace 38 deteriorated Navy, Army and Air Force

unit signs at Memorial Grove which list veterans killed in Vietnam.

Wyrallah Hall Association will receive $853 to help install an honour roll at the Wyrallah

Public School commemorating past students who served in World War I.

Ourimbah Lisarow RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help improve access to the

Ourimbah Cenotaph.

Port Kembla RSL Sub-branch will receive $1950 to help hold a service and luncheon to

commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Armistice.

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The City of Albury RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help install a statue of an

Australian soldier at the memorial wall at the Albury Sailors, Soldiers and Airmens Club.

Ku-ring-gai Council will receive $4000 to help refurbish and preserve the Lindfield Soldiers

World War II Memorial Gates and Avenue to the Fallen.

Mendooran Merrygoen Memorial Club will receive $4000 to help restore the honour wall and

path at the club entrance.

Molong RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help publish a book to accompany a series of

wartime portraits unveiled at the club.

The Sydney Jewish Museum will receive $4000 to help refurbish the NSW Jewish War


The City of Orange RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help improve safety at Orange

Memorial Hall by installing security sensors.


Saluting Their Service Queensland Grant recipients - $36,000

The Holland Park and Mt Gravatt RSL Sub-branch will receive $2250 for a dedication

service and luncheon to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the end of World War I.

The National Servicemen's RSL Sub-branch will receive $850 for a member’s luncheon in

Morningside to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the end of World War I.

The Friends of St Deny will receive $1797 to help build a memorial garden in the grounds of

St Denys Anglican Church in Amiens for use by residents on days of commemorations.

Jennings Public School will receive $2442 to lay a paved area in the school’s

commemorative garden with the names of veterans in the district inscribed in the pavers and

install a seat in the garden. 

Holy Name Primary School in Toowoomba West will receive $4000 to help create an Anzac

Memorial Garden at the school.

The Gold Coast and District Branch of the Ex-Prisoner of War Association will receive $1592

to help install a plaque at the Burleigh Heads War Memorial dedicated to all doctors who

helped prisoners during their internment, and hold a morning tea. 

The Cooroy-Pomona RSL Sub-branch will receive $2079 to help install plaques at the RSL

Memorial Park in Cooroy commemorating Australia’s involvement in wars, conflicts and

peace operations.

The 105th Field Battery Royal Australian Artillery Association will receive $1050 to help hold

a reunion dinner to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Field Battery’s second

deployment to Vietnam.

Kedron Wavell RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help refurbish the Kedron Wavell war


Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 5 image

Yeppoon RSL Military Museum will receive $632 to help restore and preserve wartime

memorabilia donated to the museum.

The Emu Vale Memorial Hall Association will receive $3831 to help erect a new community

war memorial and garden.

Annandale State School will receive $2331 to help erect a new war memorial in the school

grounds for use by students on days of commemoration.

Hervey Bay RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help install a plaque at the club

commemorating the 60th anniversary of the formation of The Royal Australian Regiment.

The Queensland Naval Brigade Company, Southport Volunteer, will receive $3000 to help

establish a military heritage museum at Southport.

Beerwah State Primary School will receive $2875 to help install a flagpole at the school’s

war memorial and a path to improve safety at the memorial.

Saluting Their Service South Australian Grants - $67,000

The McLaren Vale and Districts RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help erect a memorial

in McLaren Vale commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Battles of Fire Support Bases

Coral and Balmoral.

The RSL Aged Care Villas in Angle Park will receive $750 to help install a commemorative

plaque at the base of a Lone Pine tree located at the villa’s Memorial Park.

The South Australian RSL Branch Anzac Remembrance Appeal will receive $3000 to help

hold a concert at the Torrens Parade Ground in Adelaide to commemorate the 90th

anniversary of the end of World War I.

Nuriootpa RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help install display cabinets at the club to

display wartime memorabilia.

Lameroo Regional Community School will receive $1681 to help year 7 and 9 students

interview and record the histories of local veterans.

Cowell RSL Sub-branch will receive $1100 for a commemorative event to mark the 90th

anniversary of the two battles that occurred at Villers-Bretonneux during World War I. 

The Rotary Club of Millicent will receive $1995 to help erect a war memorial commemorating

the crew of RAAF Anson AW849 which crashed at Tantanoola on 14 October 1942.

The Yacka Community Development Board will receive $4000 to help upgrade access and

safety features at the Yacka War Memorial.

The Barossa Council Nuriootpa Soldiers Memorial Hall Committee will receive $3000 to help

restore the World War II Roll of Honour housed at the Nuriootpa Soldiers' Memorial Hall.

The Lock Area School will receive $900 to help erect a memorial cairn in the grounds of the

school dedicated to all Australian servicemen and women. 

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 6 image

Echunga RSL Sub-branch will receive $1720 to help install a flagpole and plaque at the

Echunga Garden of Remembrance commemorating the 90th anniversary of the end of

World War I.

The Dublin Institute Committee District will receive $230 to help restore and reframe a

certificate held by the committee from the Returned Sailors and Soldiers Imperial League of


The Christian Brothers College Junior School Adelaide will receive $2250 to help hold a

ceremony on Remembrance Day at the Australian Imperial Force Cemetery in West Terrace

to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the end of World War I.

Willunga High School will receive $3000 to help build a war memorial at the school for use

by students on days of commemoration.

One Tree Hill Progress Association will receive $2075 to help install a flagpole outside the

memorial hall for use by residents on days of commemoration.

The South Australian RSL Branch will receive $1836 to help replace a stolen plaque at the

2/27th Infantry Battalion Memorial at the Pathway of Honour in Adelaide.

Ardrossan RSL Sub-branch and Auxiliary will receive $3000 to help install a display cabinet

at the club to exhibit wartime memorabilia.

Loxton RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help install 11 commemorative plaques at the

Cross of Sacrifice in Loxton dedicated to all wars and conflicts.

Port Broughton RSL Sub-branch will receive $930 to help replace the damaged flagpole at

the club for use on days of commemoration.

St Francis of Assissi School in Newton will receive $4000 to help create a Peace Platform of

Remembrance at the school to commemorate the service and sacrifice of Australian

servicemen and women.

Brighton RSL Sub-branch will receive $1500 to help install a display cabinet at the club to

exhibit wartime memorabilia.

Coonawarra-Penola RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help resurface the concrete

paths leading to the Penola Soldiers War Memorial to improve safety.

Lameroo Regional Community School will receive $742 to help replace 110 crosses at the

school which represent servicemen and women who lost their lives in World War I and II.

Thorndon Park Primary School will receive $3000 to help develop an Anzac

Commemorative Garden at the school for use by students on days of commemoration.

Port Elliot RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help install plaques at the base of the Port

Elliot War Memorial to commemorate wars and conflicts Australia has been involved in since

World War II.

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 7 image

The Parndana Campus of Kangaroo Island Community Education will receive $2400 to help

students conduct a research project of veterans who reside on Kangaroo Island.

The Yorke Peninsula Veteran’s and Community Centre will receive $3000 to help restore

and display a 1943 Willys Jeep.

The Anglican Parish of Woodville will receive $2970 to help restore the Lych Gate at St

Margaret of Scotland Anglican Church.  The gate commemorates parishoners who served in

World War I.

Saluting Their Service Victorian Grant Recipients - $61,000

Daylesford RSL Sub-branch will receive $1639 to install a flagpole at the club for use on

days of commemoration.

Cheltenham/Moorabbin RSL Sub-branch will receive $3043 to help replace the damaged

Yard Arm flagpole at the club for use on days of commemoration. 

The Australian Army Band Corps Association will receive $4000 to help install a memorial at

Simpson Barracks dedicated to Australian Army musicians who died on active service.

Hastings RSL Sub-branch will receive $1746 to help restore the Tyabb War Memorial.

Neighbourhood Watch will receive $2010 to help restore and install lighting to the Woods

Point World War I Memorial.

Mr Colin Heggen will receive $2500 to help publish a book titled “Kerang Soldiers of the

Queen: Citizen Soldiery of Kerang Shire, Boer War & Before”, sharing the stories of veterans

from the Kerang Shire who served in the Boer War.

Cooramook Hall Committee will receive $500 to help install a plaque dedicated to soldier

settlers at Maes-Y-Porth, Grassmere.

The Domain Aged Care Facility will receive $3000 to help erect a memorial wall at the facility

and re-locate a flagpole to commemorate veterans from the district who served in wars and


The 2/24 Australian Infantry Battalion Association will receive $1241 to help install a plaque

at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra dedicated to the battalion.

The 21 City of Melbourne Squadron Association will receive $1000 to help install a plaque at

the Australian War Memorial in Canberra dedicated to the squadron.

Cheltenham Moorabbin RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help install lights, bollards

and a chain barrier around the Local Story Memorial.

The Diamond Valley Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Australia will

receive $3000 to help install a display cabinet at the Greensborough RSL Sub-branch to

exhibit Vietnam wartime memorabilia.

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 8 image

Eltham Villa Aged Care will receive $1567 to help install a flagpole at the facility for use by

residents on days of commemoration.

The Ballarat Community Development Cooperative Centre will receive $2930 to help restore

and upgrade the World War II memorial at Green Point Primary School by installing a plaque

to honour past students who served in World War I and building a memorial garden.

Linton and District Historical Society will receive $3153 to help install a plaque at the Linton

Avenue of Honour to commemorate World War I veterans from the district and the 90th

anniversary of the Armistice.

Moliagul Reserves Committee of Management will receive $2950 to help restore the

damaged World War I Honour Roll at the Moliagul school, and preserve photographs from

World War I and II.

Anglican Aged Care Services Group, Benetas Hurlingham Nursing Home, will receive $1485

to help install a flagpole at the nursing home for use by residents on days of


Bright RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help restore and display wartime memoriabilia

at the club.

Numurkah RSL Sub-branch will receive $2990 to help restore the Numurkah War Memorial

and surrounding areas.

Latrobe Valley Sappers will receive $1750 to help hold a ball in November to commemorate

the 90th anniversary of the end of World War I.

Army Museum Bandiana Foundation will receive $3000 to help install a display cabinet at

the museum to exhibit wartime memorabilia.

Inglewood Bridgewater RSL Sub-branch will receive $1925 to help replace two flagpoles at

the Inglewood War Memorial.

The Merchant Navy War Service League of Australia will receive $3000 to help install a

display cabinet at the Western Port Oberon Class Submarine Association Museum at Crib

Point to exhibit merchant navy wartime memorabilia.

Box Hill Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia will receive $1950 to

help hold a dinner to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Battles of Fire Support

Bases Coral and Balmoral.

The Australian Army Apprentices Association will receive $4000 to help construct a

memorial at Memorial Park, South Bandiana, dedicated to all Australian Army Apprentices

who served in Australia and overseas.

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Saluting Their Service Western Australian Grant Recipients - $16,000

The National Trust of Australia (WA) will receive $1350 to help purchase a ceremonial bugle

and portable flagpole to be used at commemorative events.

The Western Australian Division of the Royal Australia Air Force (RAAF) Association will

receive $995 to help install a commemorative stained glass window in St Michael's Chapel,

RAAFA Estate, Meadow Springs, dedicated to RAAF Transport Command.

Geraldton City RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help install lighting at the Geraldton

Cenotaph to deter vandalism.

The City of Geraldton-Greenough will receive $3390 to help restore the vandalised HMAS

Sydney II War Memorial at Geraldton.

The City of Fremantle will receive $3000 to help hold a service at St Patrick’s Basilica on

Remembrance Day to commemorate the sinking of the HMAS Sydney.

Peaceful Bay RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help construct a new war memorial

dedicated to all wars and conflicts.

Saluting Their Service Tasmanian Grant Recipients - $9000

The Break O'Day Council St Helens/St Mary's RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help

build a memorial wall of honour to commemorate all veterans from the St Helens district who

served in World War I.

Korea Veterans’ Tasmania will receive $1645 to help install a plaque at the Korea War

Memorial and Park in South Hobart dedicated to veterans from the district who served in


Sheffield RSL Sub-branch will receive $1540 to help replace a marble urn at the Sheffield

Cenotaph after it was vandalised.

The Campania War Memorial Committee will receive $1754 to help restore the Campania

War Memorial and flagpole.

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