Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602
Telephone 02 6277 7820 Facsimile 02 6273 4140
The Hon Alan Griffin MP
Minister for Veterans’ Affairs
Friday 11 July 2008
Letter to the Editor
Dear Editor,
This Government went to the last election promising to give veterans and ex-service personnel a greater
voice at the highest levels of government.
As part of that commitment I am meeting with veterans to discuss the structure and role of the new Prime
Ministerial Advisory Council on Ex-service Matters.
The Advisory Council will provide a forum for the veteran and defence community to speak directly with
the Government and raise issues of importance.
I will be in Brisbane on Friday 18 July. I invite all members of the local veteran and defence community
interested in the Advisory Council to share their thoughts directly with me at that meeting.
An effective Advisory Council will help ensure we continue to respond to the needs of our current and
former servicemen and women.
Further details of the meetings and copies of submissions are available at
Alan Griffin MP
Minister for Veterans’ Affairs
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