Irrigation Australia Meeting With Minister Burke On Murray Darling Basin Plan

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20th October 2010, 09:23pm - Views: 1200

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For further information please contact 

Mr Chris Bennett, CEO, (02) 9476 0142

Irrigation Australia Limited is a national member based organisation representing the whole irrigation

services chain.  IAL co-operatively develops and offers solutions to irrigation issues facing the sector.


Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Irrigation Australia Meeting with Minister Burke 

on the Murray Darling Basin Plan

Irrigation Australia Limited (IAL) welcomed last night’s meeting between Minister

Burke and irrigator groups at Parliament House.

Chris Bennett, IAL’s CEO, said “The meeting with irrigator groups was welcome

and positive.  A clear message was conveyed to the Minister that Government must

fully identify and properly consider the socio-economic impacts in finalising the Basin

Plan, and that Government’s response must address the wider implications of the Plan

for Basin communities”.

IAL also met separately with Minister Burke on 20 October 2010 to discuss key

challenges for implementation of a final Basin Plan.  Mr Bennett said “the Plan must

ensure the irrigation industry and associated communities remain viable in the

Basin. Whatever shape the Plan eventually takes, there will be a serious challenge

for both government and the irrigation sector to focus strongly on improved

irrigation water delivery and on-farm efficiency.”

While IAL supports the Commonwealth Government’s $5.8billion Sustainable

Rural Water Use and Infrastructure program, IAL is also calling for the funding

programs to be reviewed to ensure they deliver genuine efficiency gains and also

longer term legacies for irrigation communities including:

innovation and quantum change in irrigation practice, through maintaining or

improving productivity with less water, and not entrenching old technology and


increased availability, recognition and access to competent irrigation services and


increased irrigation training services available to the wider regional irrigation

communities; and 

ensuring funding supports the wider communities most affected by the Plan.

“This funding is a once in a life time opportunity to achieve efficiency gains that

will be required to help meet the challenges of the Murray Darling Basin Plan” Mr

Bennett said.

“IAL is willing and able to work with government to review these funding

arrangements to ensure they deliver genuine efficiency gains”.

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