Ipaa Queensland Opens Statewide Excellence Awards For First Time

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28th July 2009, 02:16pm - Views: 882

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Released: 28 July 2009


MEDIA CONTACT    Melanie Mead

IPAA Queensland Executive Manager - External Relations 

     Ph: (07) 3228 2825

Mobile: 0438 188 186

                 Email: melanie.m@qld.ipaa.org.au  



For the first time, individuals within the public sector will be recognised for their achievements as the

Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) Queensland opened nominations for the inaugural Public

Sector Excellence Awards.

Open to all individuals and teams across all local, state and federal government agencies and

organisations, the IPAA Queensland Public Sector Excellence Awards will recognise best practice and

excellence in the public sector for the benefit of Queenslanders.  

IPAA Queensland CEO Peter Rumph said the Awards offer a refreshing and innovative initiative for the

public sector and will promote cross-government relations between the three tiers of government.

“These statewide Awards are the first of their kind to recognise all public sector employees across local,

state and federal government agencies.

“We were looking for a way to promote both individual and team excellence and also wanted to recognise

the integral role they play in contributing to a flexible and sustainable public sector in Queensland.

“It is what government employees regionally and locally have been wanting - an Awards program which not

only recognises teams, but individuals and their achievements too,” he said.

The IPAA Queensland Public Sector Excellence Awards provide a perfect opportunity to recognise and

support those who have made outstanding contributions to their government agency, local government, the

public sector in Queensland and the wider community. 

Nominations opened Monday 13 July 2009 and close 5pm Friday 4 September 2009

The Awards will complement the B150 and Q150 celebrations across the state, culminating in a gala night

on Wednesday 7 October themed ‘reflecting on the future: celebrating 150 years of public service to


“To get everyone started and to assist nominees from regional Queensland we have launched an

“There is an Awards category suitable for everyone and I encourage all public sector professionals to

nominate,” Mr Rumph said.

IPAA Queensland is the peak professional body for the public sector in Queensland and represents the

interests of more than 270,000 public professionals across all tiers of government. 

To find out more about the IPAA Queensland Public Sector Excellence Awards visit

www.qld.ipaa.org.au or email the Awards team at awards@qld.ipaa.org.au




Mr Peter Rumph, CEO IPAA Queensland

Ph: 0413 339 841

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