International Human Rights Day

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10th December 2009, 06:13pm - Views: 794
International Human Rights Day

Today, International Human Rights Day, is the anniversary of the adoption by the United Nations of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Australia was involved in drafting the Declaration and was one of 48 states who 61 years ago today voted in favour of the Declaration.

The Declaration gives global expression to the basic rights and freedoms to which all human beings are entitled and provides a standard to which all nations can be held to account.

The protection and promotion of human rights is vital to global efforts to achieve lasting peace, security, freedom and dignity for all.

For over 60 years Australia has been a leading proponent of the Declaration's consistent and comprehensive implementation.

To mark International Human Rights Day, Australia will contribute nearly $3 million through the Human Rights Small Grants Scheme to fund projects that promote and protect human rights across Asia, the Pacific, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean. In accordance with Australia's strong support for the vital work human rights organisations do around the world, funding this year for the scheme has been doubled.

The geographic scope of this year's scheme has been extended to include Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, reflecting Australia's strong commitment to engagement with the world and the universality of human rights.

Projects will advance good governance, gender equality, the rights of indigenous people, and people with disability.

Projects include:
* respecting land rights of internally displaced people returning to the north of Sri Lanka
* raising awareness among women and children in Indonesia of the dangers of human trafficking
* promoting children's rights in the Solomon Islands
* training civil society to help fight the spread of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria
* promoting women's rights in the Palestinian Territories
* promoting the rights of Jamaica's deaf community.

Australia will continue to work with governments and community-based organisations around the world to promote and protect human rights.

Mr Smith's Office:
Courtney Hoogen
02 6277 7500
or 0488 244901

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