Human Rights Report A Roadmap To A Fairer Australia

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8th October 2009, 05:56pm - Views: 777

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Human rights report a roadmap to a fairer Australia: PILCH


            Thursday, 8 October 2009

The Public Interest Law Clearing House (PILCH) has welcomed the report of the National Human Rights

Consultation and says it provides the Rudd Government with a roadmap to a fairer, more tolerant and more

humane Australia. 

Lucy McKernan, Co-Manager of PILCH’s Public Interest Law Scheme, said that the Committee’s report highlights

a number of key areas where Australia’s laws, policies and culture have failed to adequately protect and promote

the human rights of vulnerable people. 

‘Clients routinely walk through our door with stories of violations of their basic human rights – people experiencing

homelessness, asylum seekers, people with a disability and racial and religious minorities are just some of the

clients that our present laws fail to adequately protect,’ said Ms McKernan.

‘For these reasons, the Committee has rightly concluded that the protection and promotion of human rights is a

matter of national importance and recommended that the Government take a number of important steps to better

protect and promote human rights.’

‘PILCH is thrilled that many of the substantive recommendations made in its submission to the Consultation have

been adopted, including: enacting a federal Human Rights Act; prioritising human rights education for the

Australian community; embedding a culture of human rights accountability in government and improving access to

justice for everyday Australians,’ said Ms McKernan.

Simone Cusack, Public Interest Lawyer and the principal author of PILCH’s submission, said that in

recommending the enactment of a Human Rights Act, the Committee has heeded the words of around 29,000

Australians and has challenged the Rudd Government to do likewise.

‘The Australian people have told the Government loudly and clearly that their basic rights deserve better protection

and the Rudd Government should be commended on facilitating such a robust and democratic process throughout

the Consultation,’ said Ms Cusack.

‘Given the gravity of many human rights violations that are allowed to occur in Australia, the challenge now for the

Government is to act quickly and decisively in implementing the Committee’s recommendations,’ said Ms Cusack.


Lucy McKernan 

Co-Manager, Public Interest Scheme 

(03) 8636 4414

Simone Cusack

Public Interest Lawyer

(03) 8636 4415


PILCH is an independent, not-for-profit organisation which is committed to furthering the public interest, improving

access to justice and protecting human rights. PILCH does this by facilitating pro bono legal services to Victorian

individuals and organisations in need, and by undertaking law reform, policy work and legal education

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