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24th February 2009, 09:02pm - Views: 794

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24 FEBRUARY 2009

National Welfare Rights

Network welcomes help

for unemployed people

The National Welfare Rights Network (NWRN) welcomes today’s

announcement by Prime Minister Rudd to allow retrenched workers

immediate access to increased employment services to help them to

find a new job.  Previously workers facing that difficult situation were

forced to wait 3 months for more intensive help and access to

Stream 2 assistance.  

“NWRN understands that new funding has been released for this

program and to fund additional training places to specifically target

those who become unemployed as a result of the current economic

downturn. We commend the Government’s commitment to provide

this additional assistance to newly unemployed people however we

urge the Government not to lose sight of the need for major reform

to both the rates and indexation arrangements for Newstart

Allowance,” commented Kate Beaumont, President of the National

Welfare Rights Network.

Currently the Newstart Allowance for a single unemployed person is

just under $225 per week. The Youth Allowance for a single

unemployed person less than 21 years of age is just under $185 per

week.  In certain circumstances Rent Assistance can be paid up to a

maximum of $56 per week but this reduces if people are sharing


“In the lead up to the Federal Budget in May, we urge the

Government to consider the following reforms to help people who

are unemployed:


Increase the Allowance payment rates by $30 per week and

index them in the same way as pensions.


Extend the Utilities Allowance of $500 per year to people who

are unemployed.


Make the recent reform to the Liquid Assets waiting period a

permanent change rather than time limited to 31 March 2011 and

further reform other waiting periods to exclude redundancy

payments from the calculation of Income Maintenance Periods. 


      For comment: Kate Beaumont on 0414 792 923 or 

                 Gerard Thomas, Policy and Media Officer: 0425 296 882.

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