Health Reform In The Spotlight At Bega, Nsw

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14th January 2010, 03:00pm - Views: 729

National priorities and options for health reform were on the agenda today when the Minister for Rural and Regional Health, Warren Snowdon, met with local health professionals in Bega, New South Wales.

Mr Snowdon toured Bega Hospital with Member for Eden-Monaro Dr Mike Kelly.

The hospital recently benefited from a $390,000 grant provided under the Rudd Government's Elective Surgery Waiting List Reduction Plan. This has allowed the hospital to purchase additional surgical equipment to reduce the waiting times for elective surgery.

Following the tour, Mr Snowdon gave a presentation outlining the findings of the final report of the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission (NHHRC), A Healthier Future for All Australians.

It's the 86th health reform consultation held across Australia since the release of the NHHRC report last year. The report has made wide-ranging recommendations for system-wide changes to Australian health care.

At today's consultation, Mr Snowdon outlined the recommendations to local health professionals and discussed their suggestions and priorities for improving the delivery of health services in both the local area and nationally.

"Health matters to all Australians and it is vital that we consult thoroughly on what will be the biggest reform to our health system since Medicare," Mr Snowdon said.

He said all Australians can contribute their views on the future of our health, hospitals and aged care systems at

Mr Snowdon said the Rudd Government is continuing to invest in the region under the National Rural and Remote Health Infrastructure Program (NRRHIP).

"The Bega Valley Private Hospital has begun purchasing and installing medical equipment as part of a $242,000 upgrade funded through the NRRHIP."

"In addition, through NRRHIP we've contributed $303,000 towards an extension of the Bega Medical Practice on Carp Street. This is due to be completed early this year," Dr Kelly said.

Media contact:
Nick Cox (Snowdon)
0439 475 885

Ashely Ubrihien (Mike Kelly)
0447 694 201

SOURCE: Minister for Rural and Regional Health Warren Snowdon

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