Government Moves To Review Military Compensation

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8th April 2009, 06:30pm - Views: 907

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 1 image

Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Wednesday, 8 February 2009


The Rudd Government is acting on another of its election commitments by commencing its

promised review of military compensation arrangements.

The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin, emphasised the importance of the review in

ensuring the Government is providing appropriate support and compensation to Australia’s

veterans and ex-service personnel.

“This review is a significant step by the Government towards addressing long standing issues with

military compensation, including disparities and perceived inequities between systems and

difficulties encountered by those transitioning out of the services or making claims,” Mr Griffin said.

“The Government has already moved to address some of these issues, but this review is critical

in identifying solutions for wider problems relating to military compensation and support.”

The review will examine the operation of the current military compensation schemes, with

specific reference to the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004.  

“The review is especially timely as the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004

intended to incorporate the best elements of the two earlier systems has not been examined

since its creation in 2004. 

“This work is in response to numerous concerns expressed by the veteran and ex-service

community about the operation of, and support provided by, the current military compensation


The Minister today released the Terms of Reference for the review and called for interested

members of the public and organisations to make submissions.

The review will be undertaken by a Steering Committee of senior Commonwealth Government

officials and members of the community with appropriate expertise, and chaired by the Chair of

the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission. The Committee will report directly to

the Minister.  

“The review will make recommendations around any legislative and administrative changes that

may be needed, as well as compensation available for members of the Australian Federal

Police who have deployed overseas,” Mr Griffin said. 

“We want to make sure that the arrangements we have for rehabilitation, compensation and

support are appropriate for the nature of modern service.” 

Submissions close 30 June 2009. 

Details of the terms of reference and review are available online at

The Review Secretariat can be contacted via phone (02) 6289 6095 or email

Media inquiries: Laura Ryan 0437 863 109

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