Gallipoli Road Works

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27th October 2008, 04:25pm - Views: 934

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Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Monday, 27 October 2008


Resurfacing of the Second Ridge Road started in late August.  The Turkish authorities

informed the Australian Government of this work, which was completed according to plan.

However, following that resurfacing work, further work on the roadside verge appears to have

caused some damage.

As soon as the Australian Government learned of this damage, we requested that work be

stopped, which the Turkish authorities immediately agreed to.

This matter is being investigated further.  Australian embassy officials in Turkey are in very

close contact with the Turkish authorities on this issue.

We have reiterated to the Turkish authorities the importance of conducting these works in a

sensitive and careful manner, which of course they understand and appreciate.

We understand that the further works on the road verge have uncovered human remains. 

We are awaiting further information from Turkish authorities regarding this.

The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin, said today that he is concerned that there is

again a problem with a road in the Gallipoli area following the problems with the Anzac Cove

road in 2005.

“I have questioned the process currently in place for notifying the Australian Government of

roadworks as I believe they may not be sufficient.  I will investigate if more formal protocols

are required,” said Mr Griffin.

The Second Ridge Road is located in the Gallipoli Historic National Park along no mans land

between Lone Pine and Quinn's Post.  The road runs off Anzac Cove Road and provides

access to the Lone Pine Cemetery, Turkish 57th Regiment Memorial, Chunuk Bair and

Ataturk memorials.

The Australian lines were on one side of the road and the Turkish lines were on the other.

Following the disastrous casualties suffered by the Turkish forces on 19 May, an armistice was

held on 24 May to bury the dead. Either after the Australians evacuated the peninsula or after

the war a track later upgraded to the present road was constructed. The road is clearly marked

on the 1919 era map in Charles Bean's Gallipoli Mission.

Media inquiries:  Laura Ryan 0437 863 109

The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a

week on 1800 011 046.

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