Further Australian Assistance For Fiji Floods

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16th January 2009, 06:07pm - Views: 802

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Stephen Smith MP

Minister for Foreign Affairs

M E D I A  R E L E A S E


16 January 2009


Today I announce Australian Government assistance of $3 million to respond to the floods in Fiji. 

This includes $1 million for emergency flood assistance and $2 million for longer term recovery and


The Fiji Interim Government made a request for international assistance on 15 January. Given the scale

of the crisis it is appropriate that Australia offers what assistance we can to help the people of Fiji.

The $1 million in emergency relief includes the initial $150,000 for the Fiji Red Cross Society that I

announced on 13 January. This funding has enabled the Red Cross to restock and distribute their

emergency supplies such as tarpaulins, water containers, clothing, blankets and emergency kits.

In addition, relief support will be directed towards the health sector to help to minimise the sanitation

risks posed by the flooding through providing water purification tablets, rehydration salts and

antibiotics. It will also support broader recovery needs, including support for recovery of the

agriculture sector. 

We remain very concerned for the welfare of all those affected by the floods in Fiji. Latest reports from

the Fiji National Disaster Management Office are that eleven people have died and over 10,500 people

have been evacuated to over 150 emergency centres as a result of the floods.

I therefore commit an initial $2 million for longer term recovery and reconstruction.  

Australian officials will continue to work with Fijian authorities to determine how this broader

assistance will be best used, based on more detailed assessments of longer term needs.

That will also include assessments by Australian officials as to whether a further recovery and

reconstruction contribution from Australia in the future is required.

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