Funding For Social Security Information Hits The Spot

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9th February 2010, 07:31pm - Views: 693

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Welfare Rights Centre is a member of the National Association of Community Legal Centres™

Media Release 

9 February 2010

Government funding for independent information

about Social Security hits the spot

The Welfare Rights Centre has welcomed today’s announcement by Jenny

Macklin, the Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous

Affairs, of a grant of $65,000 to hep the Centre  to publish a vital resource  for

pensioners, unemployed people and families with  Social Security questions or


“There is growing, unmet need for the provision of an independent source of

practical advice and information about Social Security and Family Assistance

Legislation. By providing this support to the Online Independent Social Security

Handbook, the Government is helping to address the gap”, said Maree

O’Halloran, Director of the Welfare Rights Centre.

“Over six and a half million Australians receive some type of assistance from

Centrelink.  Unfortunately, too many people experience difficulties in

understanding complex Social Security rules. When problems arise they can have

major consequences for individuals and families.  Such consequences can include

eviction, bankruptcy or even homelessness.  

“The Online Independent Social Security Handbook is now established as a major

resource for community, welfare and Legal Aid workers in Australia.  Recent

reports from community organisations about how their client’s are doing it tough

as a result of the global financial crisis. This Federal Government assistance will

help ensure the continued viability of the Online Handbook and help to build

community capacity. This partnership with the Welfare Rights Centre is a

welcome and positive development.”

The Welfare Rights Centre is part of the National Welfare Rights Network.  

For information about the Handbook go to:

For comment:  Maree O’Halloran, Director, Welfare Rights Centre: 0417 672 104

or Gerard Thomas, Policy and Media Officer: 0425 296 882.

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