Docs Helps After Boggabilla Storm

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1st January 2009, 12:17pm - Views: 858

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NSW Department of Community Services 4-6 Cavill Avenue, Ashfield, NSW 2131

MEDIA INQUIRIES PHONE 9716 2804 FAX 9716 2677

DoCS helps after Boggabilla storm

1 January 2009

After Monday’s fierce storm in Boggabillla, the NSW Department of Community Services

(DoCS) was on the ground helping residents pick up the pieces after the devastation.  

DoCS State Disaster Recovery Centre Manager Wendy Graham said that once the winds

subside, the most important thing is to get information to people quickly to help them recover.

“Over the last two days, DoCS disaster recovery specialists have surveyed the area, visiting

around 20 homes and giving families tips on the best ways to clean up after a storm,” Ms 

Graham said.

“Yesterday the State Disaster Recovery Line responded to a call for assistance and DoCS

placed a family in emergency accommodation.”

Ms Graham reminded residents who need assistance to call DoCS State Disaster Recovery

Centre on 1800 018 444.

“By phoning the hotline, residents can find out if they qualify for financial assistance for

essential household items and structural repairs – available to those who are most affected

and with limited financial resources,” Ms Graham said.

During disasters, DoCS and partner agencies Red Cross, Anglicare, ADRA, St Vincent de

Paul and the Salvation Army are on hand to help people get their lives back in order by

providing food, clothing, general advice and financial and personal support.

For further information on assistance call DoCS State Disaster Recovery Centre on 

Media enquiries (02) 9716 2804 or 24-hour pager (02) 9214 0653


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