Dig Deep For Legacy Week

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30th August 2009, 06:00pm - Views: 852

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Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Sunday, 30 September 2009 


Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Alan Griffin encouraged Australians to give generously during

Legacy Week, 30 August – 5 September 2009.

Minister Griffin said the annual nation-wide fundraising week was an opportunity for Australians

to support a worthy cause that has been helping Australian Defence Force families to cope with

life after the loss of a loved one in service since 1923.

“I encourage Australians to buy a badge during Legacy Week and support an organisation

providing invaluable support to the families of Australian Defence Force personnel who have

made the ultimate sacrifice for their country,” Mr Griffin said.

Legacy Week will be launched in Sydney tomorrow with a Remembrance Ceremony attended

by the Governor-General, Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC, the Chief of the Defence

Force, Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston AC, representatives of Legacy, widows and their


Legacy is a non-profit organisation established by the ex-service community in 1923 to support

and care for the families of those lost in war.

“Legacy supports more than 115,000 war widows from both World Wars, Korea and Vietnam as

well as the families of those who have lost a parent or partner in more recent deployments,” Mr

Griffin said.

Legacy provides support in many forms including assistance to individuals tailored to their

needs such as welfare services, advocacy, medical and education support.

“Legacy representatives are often among the first people to approach grieving families after the

loss of a loved one and their support and guidance are vital during these difficult times,” Mr

Griffin said.

“I am proud to support the annual appeal – Legacy and my Department share the same goals of

providing the best care possible for the veteran community. By supporting Legacy and the work

of its volunteers this Legacy Week, you will help this valuable work continue.”

Media inquiries: Belinda Cole 0437 863 109

The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a

week on 1800 011 046. To receive the Minister’s media releases automatically by email subscribe at


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