Cosgrove Joins Call For More Families For Vietnam Study

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28th December 2008, 11:02am - Views: 875

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Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


28 December 2008 


General Peter Cosgrove has joined the campaign to encourage Vietnam-era service families to

register for a study to research the long-term effects of war service on families and children.

General Cosgrove, one of Australia’s most respected soldiers and a Vietnam veteran, is supporting

the Vietnam Veterans’ Family Study which is currently recruiting participants.

“Invitations to participate in the study were sent to randomly selected Vietnam-era army personnel –

10,000 each of those who served in Vietnam and those who didn’t,” Minister for Veterans’ Affairs

Alan Griffin said.

“General Cosgrove was one of those Vietnam veterans who was randomly selected to participate in

the study, and I was pleased to hear that he, his wife and his family have signed up.

“The nation is grateful for the contribution of Australian servicemen and women during the Vietnam

war.  But we are asking for help once again, especially from those Army personnel who served at

the time, but not in Vietnam, as they provide a very important comparison to those who did serve in

Vietnam,” Mr Griffin said.

A letter from General Cosgrove has been sent to all participants who have not yet responded to

their original invitation, encouraging his former colleagues to register for the study.

General Cosgrove wrote, “I am asking for you and your family to participate in the program. Your

contribution will help shape approaches and policies which will not only aid those in need from that

era but many thousands of young men and women in uniform and their families in the future.”

The preferred recruitment target is around 5000 each of the randomly selected Vietnam veterans

and Vietnam-era service personnel, and 5000 of each group’s children.  This will allow the study to

provide many comparisons, including more rare medical conditions. 

To date 2200 Vietnam veterans have responded, but only 1200 of those who didn’t serve in


“If you served in the Army during the Vietnam war, even if you didn’t go to Vietnam, you can help. 

Talk to your mates and encourage those invited to participate, and encourage their families to

participate as well,” General Cosgrove said.

completed registration form. Copies are available on-line, photocopies are acceptable.

Media inquiries: Laura Ryan 0437 863 109

The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a

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