Call For Registration - Anzac Day Dawn Service, Villers-bretonneux

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3rd April 2009, 04:40pm - Views: 880

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Government Government Department Of Veterans' Affairs 2 image

Friday 3 April 2009

Anzac Day Dawn Service, Western Front

Villers-Bretonneux, France


The Australian Government is organising a Dawn Service and supporting the traditional

community events to be held on 25 April 2009 to commemorate Anzac Day and

Australian service on the Western Front.  Media representatives wishing to cover the

Dawn Service at Villers-Bretonneux should register their interest by completing the

attached form.

Event details


Anzac Day Dawn Service


The Australian National Memorial, Villers-Bretonneux, France


Saturday 25 April 2009


3.30 am: site opens

5.15 am: public to be seated/standing

5.30 am: Dawn Service commences

Host broadcast

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) in association with the Australian

Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) is providing a Host or International feed of the

Villers-Bretonneux Dawn Service.  The Host Broadcast will be a clean feed, free of

narration, graphics, supers, titles and credits.  The Host Broadcast will be provided free

of charge to registered media who request it.  The ABC will accommodate requests for

full live feed, news packages or audio only splits for radio. 

Further details on accessing the feed will be provided closer to the event date.

There will be no ABC host broadcast of the community services following the Dawn


Site restrictions

Space at the event site is limited.  DVA encourages media to limit the bulky equipment

brought onsite by accessing the Host Broadcast feed.  Media must seek approval from

DVA to bring bulky equipment onsite.  Please indicate your request on the registration

form.  Media are encouraged to collaborate with other networks to share equipment.

Please note, there will be no access to electricity onsite. 

For the Dawn Service, the site will be locked down from 5 pm on Friday 24 April 2009

for security purposes, reopening to the public at 3.30 am on Saturday 25 April 2009.  If

Government Government Department Of Veterans' Affairs 3 image

you require access to the site earlier than 3.30 am, please indicate this on the

registration form.

Traffic arrangements

Management of traffic around the Australian National Memorial site will be the

responsibility of the French police. Special traffic arrangements will be in place. Final

details will be available at the media briefing on Friday 24 April 2009. 

DVA expects the D23 road from Villers-Bretonneux to Fouilloy will be made one-way

(direction Fouilloy to Villers-Bretonneux) with one lane dedicated to parking.  Drivers

should approach the Australian National Memorial site from Fouilloy and follow the

direction of the French police on the day. Private vehicles will be directed to the parking

area by French police.  It should be practical for drivers to drop passengers at the

entrance to the memorial site before parking the vehicle.

Media briefing

The Australian Department of Veterans’ Affairs will hold a media briefing on Friday 24

April 2008.  Venue and time to be advised.

Transport, travel and accommodation

Media representatives are responsible for organising their own travel, transport and


Further information:

For information on Anzac Day commemorations on the Western Front, including

community events at Villers-Bretonneux and Bullecourt following the Dawn Service:

For historical background and other media material see the Department of Veterans’

Affairs online media centre:

Media contact (in France from 21 April 2009)

Sasha Nimmo

Australian Department of Veterans’ Affairs

Tel: +61 (0)2 6289 6513

Fax: +61 (0)2 6289 6025


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Anzac Day Dawn Service 2009

Villers-Bretonneux, France


Journalist Details

Full Name:



Mobile phone:




Media Organisation Details 


Home country:






Photo Agency



News Agency

Other (please specify)

Crew Details

Number of crew members:

Detail any bulky equipment

to be brought onsite:

Do you require early access

to the Dawn Service site:




Are you attending

community events in Villers-

Bretonneux and Bullecourt

after the Dawn Service





Return this form to Department of Veterans’ Affairs by COB Thursday 09/04/09:

Fax: +61 (0)2 6289 6025, or

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