Availability Of Objections To Western Australian Federal Electoral Redistribution Proposal

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1st September 2008, 01:16pm - Views: 828


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1 September 2008

Availability of Objections to Western Australian 

Federal Electoral Redistribution Proposal 

The Australian Electoral Officer for Western Australia, Mr Colin Nagle, announced

today that written objections to the proposed redistribution of Western Australia’s

federal electoral boundaries were now publicly available.

The objections are available for public inspection at the Australian Electoral

Commission’s (AEC) State Office in Perth and on the AEC’s website at

Mr Nagle said that individuals and organisations were welcome to lodge comments

on the objections received in response to the proposed redistribution.  Comments

need to be lodged before 6.00pm (WST) on Friday 12 September 2008.

Comments on the objections may be lodged in one of the following ways:

in person to the Redistribution Secretariat for Western Australia, 

Level 3, 111 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000;

by mail to PO Box 9867, Perth, WA 6848; 

by facsimile to (08) 6363 8019; or 

by email to wa.redistribution@aec.gov.au. 

"The redrawing of the State’s federal electoral boundaries is a consultative process

to ensure that each of Western Australia’s electoral divisions has, as near as

possible, the same number of electors," Mr Nagle said.

For more information about the redistribution process visit the AEC website at

www.aec.gov.au or call the AEC’s Perth office on (08) 6363 8042.

Media contacts:

Colin Nagle

Western Australian State Manager

AEC Western Australia

Ph: (08) 6363 8020

Phil Diak

Director Media

AEC National Office

Ph: (02) 6271 4415      

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