Australian War Memorial Appoints Official Artist

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1st October 2009, 10:42am - Views: 879

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs, Alan Griffin 1 image

Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Thursday 1 October 2009


The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin, today announced the appointment by the

Australian War Memorial of Shaun Gladwell as the latest Official Artist to cover the war in


“With Australian forces committed operationally overseas, it is important that their experiences

are captured by leading artists and photographers.”

“Over the years, the Australian War Memorial has commissioned works by many official artists

and these give an insight into the Australian experience of war,” Mr Griffin said.

“Shaun Gladwell’s work will add to the Memorial’s collection, continuing the tradition of official

artists since the First World War. 

“The Australian War Memorial has a large and diverse collection which continues to grow with

Australia’s involvement in recent peacekeeping operations and the conflicts in Iraq and

Afghanistan,” Mr Griffin said.

Travelling during October, Shaun Gladwell will be accompanied by Nick Fletcher, a curator with

the Memorial, who will look for significant items that may be added to the Memorial’s broader


Mr Gladwell has been commissioned to create a body of work that includes video and

photography which will become part of the national collection once completed.

A critically acclaimed artist, Mr Gladwell’s work explores personal history, memory and

contemporary cultural phenomena through photography, performance, painting and sculpture.

He is currently representing Australia in the 2009 Venice Biennale.


The visit is part of the Memorial’s ongoing collecting and official art programs, and was arranged

with the assistance of the Australian Defence Force.

Further information:

Minister Griffin’s Office:   Sasha Nimmo 


Australian War Memorial: 

(02) 6243 4575

0409 600 038 

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