Australia To Provide $5 Million Additional Humanitarian Assistance For Gaza

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27th January 2009, 02:12pm - Views: 828

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Stephen Smith MP

Minister for Foreign Affairs

M E D I A  R E L E A S E


27 January 2009



Australia will provide a further $5 million for urgently needed humanitarian assistance in Gaza.  

The additional assistance I am announcing today demonstrates Australia’s on going support for the

considerable efforts being made by Australian and international organisations to provide critical

humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. 

The additional $5 million includes up to $2 million for Australian NGOs to deliver immediate

emergency assistance in Gaza. 

Parliamentary Secretary for International Development Assistance, Bob McMullan, will meet with

Australian NGOs this week to finalise details of the proposed $2 million assistance package by

Australian NGOs. 

The remaining $3 million is for United Nations agencies to replenish food and emergency stores. 

This brings to $10 million the amount of emergency humanitarian assistance committed by Australia to

Gaza this year, and is in addition to the $45 million in development and humanitarian assistance

provided to the Palestinian people in 2008. 

Australian assistance announced earlier this month has provided financial support to families displaced

by the violence in Gaza and delivered urgently needed food aid and medical supplies to those affected.

This earlier assistance included $2 million cash assistance through United Nations Relief and Works

Agency (UNWRA) for displaced families, $1.5 millions for emergency food through the World Food

Program (WFP), and $1.5 million to the Red Cross. 

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