Australia Provides Support To Ngos For Humanitarian Relief In Gaza

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30th January 2009, 11:59am - Views: 832

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AA 09 02

30 January 2009

Australia provides support to NGOs for humanitarian relief in Gaza

I am pleased to announce the Australian Government is providing $2 million for

Australian NGOs to deliver immediate emergency assistance to Gaza. 

This funding is part of the $5 million package of assistance announced by the Minister

for Foreign Affairs, Stephen Smith on 27 January. The remaining $3 million is for United

Nations agencies to replenish food and emergency stores.

Details of the support and funding:

Australian Red Cross ($300,000):

In partnership with the Palestine Red Crescent

Society, the Australian Red Cross will focus on improving access to safe water for up to

50,000 families through the provision of hygiene kits, water purification supplies and the

deployment of water treatment units and jerry cans.

CARE Australia ($425,000) will provide basic medical assistance, non-food items such

as building materials, cooking equipment, blankets, winter clothes and hygiene kits, and

increased access to safe water supplies by deploying water trucks and repairing water

pumping stations. Their activities will focus on assisting conflict affected families in the

north of Gaza. 

Oxfam Australia ($425,000) will distribute family emergency hygiene kits, baby

hygiene kits and cleaning kits to 5,000 conflict-affected households across Gaza. They

will also improve the water and sanitation conditions in target communities,

kindergartens and primary schools by repairing damaged community infrastructure and

deploying 10 mobile water tanks.

Save the Children Australia ($425,000) will focus their emergency response on

improving the health of mothers, newborns and children in hospitals, health care centres

and shelters in the north and south of Gaza, as well as Gaza City. This will involve

advising mothers on the care of their newborns, establishing community support

networks and providing supplementary food and micronutrients.

World Vision Australia ($425,000) will meet the immediate food and hygiene needs of

2,150 vulnerable families that have been affected by the recent conflict in Gaza. These

families are located in both the north and south of Gaza. 

Contacts: Sabina Curatolo (Mr McMullan’s Office) 0400318205, AusAID 0417680590

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