Australia Provides Humanitarian Assistance To Ethiopia And Sudan

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23rd December 2008, 05:47pm - Views: 818

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  Mr Smith’s Office: Courtney Hoogen 02 6277 7500 or 0488 244 901

Departmental : (02) 6261 1555


Stephen Smith MP

Minister for Foreign Affairs

M E D I A  R E L E A S E

AA 08 77                                                                                   23 December 2008



Australia will provide $4 million in humanitarian assistance for the escalating food crisis in

Ethiopia and Sudan.  

The United Nations reports that more than 17 million people in the Horn of Africa may be at

risk of famine due to drought and high food and fuel prices.  Ethiopia is the hardest-hit, with

more than 12 million people depending on emergency food relief.  

Australia will provide $1.5 million to support the work of Australian non-government

organisations in Ethiopia. 

This funding will provide emergency relief in the areas of agriculture and livestock and provide

short-term relief whilst building up communities’ longer-term food security. 

Sudan remains one of the largest humanitarian emergencies in the world. The Darfur region is

particularly affected, with ongoing conflict, poverty and displacement further exacerbated by

rising food and fuel prices. 

Australia will provide $2.5 million for the World Food Programme’s operations in Sudan. 

The World Food Programme’s Sudan operation is its largest in the world and has a track record

in delivering emergency assistance in this complex environment. 

Australia’s funding will help the World Food Programme provide food and other food safety

net interventions to millions of Sudanese.  

Australia remains deeply concerned about the food crisis in the Horn of Africa and Sudan and

will closely monitor the situation over coming months. 

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