Australia Provides $8 Million Emergency Aid For The People Of Zimbabwe

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25th November 2008, 12:03pm - Views: 798

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  Mr Smith’s Office:

Adam Siddique 02 6277 7500 or 0407 473 630

AusAID Public Affairs: 0417 680 590


Stephen Smith MP

Minister for Foreign Affairs

M E D I A  R E L E A S E

AA 08 69

25 November 2008



Australia will provide a further $8 million of urgent food and other assistance to the people of

Zimbabwe in response to the escalating humanitarian crisis. 

The situation in Zimbabwe has become extremely grave, with critical shortages of food and clean


Currently in Zimbabwe, 28 per cent of children under five are chronically malnourished and a cholera

outbreak has spread to all of the nation’s eight provinces, killing around 300 people.

The World Food Programme (WFP) estimates that over five million people – nearly half Zimbabwe’s

population – will require food aid by early next year.  

Australia will contribute:

$6 million to the World Food Programme; and 

$2 million to NGOs in partnership with the UK’s Department for International Development


This assistance brings Australia’s support for Zimbabweans to nearly $20 million in 2008-09.

Australia’s contribution will assist those most vulnerable to hunger, in particular orphans, those

affected by HIV/AIDS and people displaced by politically motivated violence or the policies of the

Mugabe regime. It will also assist with protecting livelihoods and improving access to clean water,

sanitation and hygiene. 

The Australian Government remains gravely concerned by the ongoing political crisis in Zimbabwe,

where people continue to be denied a democratic and representative government.

The Government is providing desperately needed humanitarian assistance to the people of Zimbabwe

but will maintain targeted sanctions against the brutal Mugabe regime which has caused so much of the


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