Australia Aid Budget Delivers For World's Poor

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12th May 2010, 12:04am - Views: 1214

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May 11, 2010


Australian aid budget delivers for world’s poor.

Caritas Australia welcomes the Government’s budget commitment to increase Australia’s Official

Development Assistance (ODA) for 2010/11 and strengthen its support for Australian aid and

development organisations.


Tonight the Rudd Government announced a 9 percent real increase ($530 million) to Australia’s aid

program keeping Australia on track to meet its commitment of 0.5 percent GNI by 2015. 

Caritas Australia’s CEO, Jack de Groot said, “We welcome the government’s continued commitment to

stand in solidarity with the most vulnerable members of our global community. In the 2010/11 financial

year the marginal communities supported by aid and development agencies, like Caritas Australia, will

benefit from $135 million set aside for Non-government Organisations.

“We’re particularly welcome this additional funding for Non Government Organisations as we have a

strong track record of targeting the poorest communities.

“This additional funding will enable organisations like Caritas Australia to broaden our development

initiatives around the world and strengthen our efforts to support and empower vulnerable and

marginalised communities”, said Mr de Groot.

“Caritas Australia also welcomes AusAID’s commitment to undertake a long overdue review of its

technical assistance funding over the following year. In addition,

moves to secure AusAID’s ongoing

independence are a positive step in delivering a more effective aid program.”

With an overarching focus on governance, education, health, infrastructure and the environmental

initiatives, the Australian Government tonight committed to expand its development assistance in

Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. 

“Caritas will be watching closely to ensure the Australian Government adheres to its international

development commitments and we will continue to mobilise our hundreds of thousands of supporters

across Australia to advocate for an increase in our aid program to 0.7% and a more effective, poverty

focused aid program.”

Media Contact: Erin Jardine 0408 869 833 or Tim O’Connor 0417 284 831

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