Afa Urges "fence Post" Mps Not To Infringe Rights Of Adopted Children

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18th November 2009, 09:01am - Views: 791

People Feature Australian Family Association (NSW) 2 image

    The Australian Family Association (NSW)


Embargoed until 18th Nov 2009



The Australian Family Association (AFA) today calls on the NSW Government to confirm its

commitment to protecting the state’s children, by acknowledging that it is a child’s fundamental

human right to be raised by both a mother and a father.

The AFA applauds the efforts of the growing cohort of NSW MP’s who are properly representing

the people of NSW by upholding the right of adopted children in NSW to be raised by a mother and

a father.


Amid pressure from some community groups to remove this right from NSW legislation by allowing

adoption of children by same-sex couples, the AFA urges all NSW MPs to guarantee that they will

not permit children to be denied the fundamental human right to a mother and a father.

Mrs Mary-Louise Fowler, NSW President of the AFA said “While it is understandable that many

same-sex couples may wish to adopt children, this desire does not give anyone the right to deny a

child the opportunity of being raised by both a mother and a father.” 

Mr Alex Fernandez, a member of the AFA (NSW) agreed saying “Adoption policy is concerned with

meeting the needs of children. It is not in any way concerned with appeasing a couple’s desire to

have a child. Such appeasement can only be an incidental factor in any adoption. The rights and

interests of the child must always be the first, last and sole concern of adoption policy.

Mr Tim Cannon, research office for the AFA and author of the AFA submission to the 2008 NSW

Government inquiry into Adoption by Same Sex Couples, stated "Section 7(a) of the Adoption Act

2000 (NSW) emphasises that ‘the best interests of the child concerned, both in childhood and later

life, must be the paramount consideration in adoption law and practice’.”

“Furthermore”, Mr Cannon explained, “section 8(c) states, ‘…no adult has a right to adopt the

child’. Although unfortunate circumstances may deprive some children of the opportunity of being

raised by both a mother and a father, no adult has the right to intentionally take this right away from

a child.

“What’s more, research shows that having a mother and father is in a child’s best interests. Sex-

differentiated parenting has been linked with the reduction of psychological, academic and social

problems in children and young adults, as well as reducing the propensity for criminal behaviour.¹

The AFA insists that it is the government’s responsibility to ensure that the law protects children,

and asks all MP’s to declare their hand now on the issue of same-sex adoption. 

“The people of NSW must be confident that their elected representatives will guarantee the

protection of children’s fundamental human rights.” concluded Mrs Fowler.


Tim Cannon  0401 659 748

Alex Fernandez  0401 682 796



Wilcox, W B (2001) “Reconcilable Differences: What Social Sciences Show About the

Complementarity of the Sexes & Parenting”, Touchstone (18) 9.

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