The Hon Alan Griffin MP
Minister for Veterans Affairs
Sunday, 25 May 2008
The Minister for Veterans Affairs, Alan Griffin, will today join veterans of the 3rd Battalion,
The Royal Australian Regiment (3RAR), to pay tribute to its members who fought and lost
their lives 40 years ago during the Vietnam War.
The veterans and their families will attend the commemorative ceremony at the Australian
Vietnam Forces National Memorial in Canberra, marking the anniversary of the battalions
tour of duty in Vietnam in 1968.
3RAR took part in numerous operations during its tour of duty and saw combat during the
famous Tet Offensive in February 1968, Mr Griffin said.
The 3rd Battalion served with distinction during the Battle of Fire Support Bases Coral and
Balmoral, the most protracted and costly engagement of Australias involvement in the
Vietnam War.
This week marks the 40th anniversary of the assaults on Balmoral, where 3RAR and
Australian armoured and artillery units held off fierce attacks by North Vietnamese forces.
Today, we will honour the six soldiers of the 3rd Battalion killed in action during the attacks
on Coral and Balmoral, who are remembered alongside another 18 3RAR members who
lost their lives during the battalions 1968 tour of duty.
The 3RAR ceremony will be held at 11am at the Vietnam Memorial on Anzac Parade.
The ceremony is part of national commemorative activities during May for the 40th
anniversary of Coral and Balmoral.
The Australian Government provided $100,000 to the National Coral and Balmoral 40th
Anniversary Committee to support these events.
Media inquiries: Laura Ryan 0437 863 109
For more information about the Battle of Coral/Balmoral, visit