$98,000 For Veteran Health And Wellbeing Projects In Tas

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25th May 2009, 03:10pm - Views: 831

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Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Monday, 25 May 2009


Encouraging veterans, war widows, widowers and their families to become involved in local

health and wellbeing activities, the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin, today announced

$97,777 in funding to support eight initiatives in Tasmania.

Mr Griffin said the funding would benefit some 3100 Tasmanian veterans, war widows and

widowers as well as their families and demonstrates the Australian Government’s support to

organisations dedicated to caring for the veteran community.

“Veteran & Community Grants provide funding to local and community organisations to support

their role in ensuring the veteran community have access to social and healthy activities,” Mr

Griffin said.

“Today’s funding will help support a range of initiatives including health, nutrition and exercise


“Veteran & Community Grants also help fund local initiatives that improve access to community

care services and encourage social interaction through Day Clubs, Men’s Sheds and social


“It is important that the veteran community have access to a range of programs that teach them

skills to help them remain independent and active, particularly for the elderly living by


Mr Griffin said hundreds of local and community organisations benefit from Australian

Government funding each year. 

Mr Griffin encouraged local and community organisations interested in applying for funding to

visit www.dva.gov.au/health/grants or contact their nearest DVA office on 133 254 (for

metropolitan callers) or 1800 555 254 (for non-metropolitan callers).

Media inquiries: Sasha Nimmo 0437 863 109

Editor’s note: A list of grant recipients is attached.

The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a week on

1800 011 046.

To receive the Minister’s media releases automatically by email subscribe at minister.dva.gov.au/subscribe.htm

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Veteran and Community Grants Tasmanian recipients$97,777

Benefiting more than 3100 veterans

The Tasmanian Division of the Royal Australian Air Force Association will receive

$62,181 to help replace a leaking roof at the association’s centre in Hobart.

The Glenorchy RSL Sub-branch will receive $19,697 to help repair the ceiling and

flooring at the sub-branch.

The Tasmanian Branch of the National Servicemen’s Association of Australia will

receive $3080 to help fund a series of bus trips for veterans to help reduce social


The Scottsdale RSL Sub-branch will receive $3360 to help purchase a computer

and printer to produce a newsletter, and a public address system for use at sub-

branch functions.

Launceston RSL Women’s Auxiliary will receive $2520 to purchase hip chairs to

help with the comfort and safety of members.

Lilydale RSL Sub-branch will receive $1760 to help purchase a portable public

address system for use at sub-branch functions.

The Tasmanian Division of the Fleet Air Arm Association will receive $2066 to help

purchase a computer, printer, camera, internet connection and computer software

to produce the division’s newsletter.

The Midlands Sub-branch of the National Malaya and Borneo Veterans Association

of Australia will receive $3113 to help purchase a computer, printer and camera to

produce the sub-branch newsletter.

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