$865,000 To Improve Community Support For Veterans

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25th September 2008, 07:32am - Views: 932

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 1 image

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Thursday, 25 September 2008


Eighty-three community projects across Australia will receive on average, more than $10,000

each to improve veteran health and independence, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin,

announced today.

Mr Griffin said the total grant allocation of $865,163 would benefit more than 37,000 veterans,

and demonstrates the Rudd Government’s commitment to supporting organisations dedicated

to caring for veterans and their dependants.

“The Veteran & Community Grants program provides seed funding to local and community

organisations for projects that directly support local veteran communities,” Mr Griffin said.

“It is important that veterans have access to a range of programs that teach them skills to help

them remain independent and active, particularly for the elderly living by themselves.

“Today’s funding supports a range of projects to encourage veterans to learn new life skills

including Cooking for One or Two programs, healthy living and computer skills courses.

“Veteran & Community Grants also help fund local initiatives that improve access to community

care services and encourage social interaction through Day Clubs, Men’s Sheds and social

excursions,” the Minister said.

Mr Griffin said hundreds of local and community organisations had benefited from more than

$2.37 million in funding through grants programs since the Federal election last year. 

Mr Griffin encouraged local and community organisations interested in applying for funding to

visit www.dva.gov.au/health/grants or contact their nearest DVA office on 133 254 (for

metropolitan callers) or 1800 555 254 (for non-metropolitan callers).

Media inquiries: Laura Ryan 0437 863 109

Editors note: A list of grant recipients in each state is attached.

The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a week on

1800 011 046.

To receive the Minister’s media releases automatically by email subscribe at minister.dva.gov.au/subscribe.htm

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 2 image

Veteran & Community Grant NSW Recipients

The NSW Branch of the Vietnam Veterans’ Peacekeepers and Peacemakers Association of

Australia will receive $43,254 to help establish the Auburn-Regent’s Park Men’s Shed.

Cowra Men’s Shed will receive $7952 to help purchase tools and equipment for the Men’s


The Woolgoolga RSL Sub-branch will receive $6150 to help purchase safety equipment and

a dust extractor for the Woolgoolga Men’s Shed.

Zone 8 of the NSW RSL Bowls Section will receive $11,379 to help purchase computer

equipment and help fund transport for members attending representative bowling events.

The Garden Island Sub-section of the Naval Association of Australia will receive $4442 to

help purchase computer and printing equipment to produce a monthly newsletter for


The Wentworth and Coomealla Districts Sub-branch including the Ramon Deed Veterans’

Retreat of the Vietnam Veterans’ Peacekeepers’ and Peacemakers Association of Australia

NSW Branch, will receive $48,320 to help replace the roof at the clubrooms at the Ramon

Deed Veterans’ Retreat in Dareton, New South Wales.

Woodburn & Evans Head RSL Sub-branch will receive $9464 to help purchase a computer

and publishing equipment to produce a newsletter and train members in desktop publishing.

Hawkesbury Skills will receive $33,835 to help purchase tools and equipment to establish

the Hawkesbury Men’s Shed.

Forster Tuncurry RSL Sub-branch will receive $1800 to help conduct basic computer

courses for local members of the veteran community.

Wentworth District RSL Sub-branch will receive $1867 to help purchase a computer and

printer to produce a regular newsletter for members.

The Lions Club of Berrigan will receive $4994 to help provide basic computer training for

members and purchase a Mono Mouse magnifying tool for sight impaired members.

The St George Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Social and Welfare Club will receive

$10,570 to help provide social excursions for the local veteran community.

The NSW Branch of the War Widows’ Guild of Australia will receive $10,380 to help conduct

a Healthy Lifestyle expo during the War Widows’ Walk at the Kokoda Track Memorial

Walkway in Concord this October.

Yamba RSL Sub-branch will receive $3808 to help upgrade equipment for the Osprey RSL

Day Club.

The Sydney Legacy Appeals Fund will receive $5720 to help establish a craft and social

group for Legacy widows to socialise and learn new skills.

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 3 image

The NSW Branch of the Royal Australian Navy Corvettes Association will receive $2800 to

help purchase a computer and printing equipment to produce a quarterly newsletter for


Toronto RSL Sub-branch will receive $6627 to help purchase a photocopier to produce a

quarterly newsletter for members.

The NSW Branch of the National Servicemen’s Association Manning Valley Sub-branch, will

receive $1218 to help purchase a public address system for use during social functions held

at the sub-branch.

The New South Wales Branch of the RSL will receive $6274 to help produce a procedure

manual and provide training for day club volunteers throughout NSW.

Veteran & Community Grant Queensland Recipients

The Queensland RSL Branch will receive $51,946 to help renovate the emergency

accommodation facility in Auchenflower.

The Sunshine Coast Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Australia will

receive $18,112 to help fund a vehicle service for the Veteran’s Retreat at Alaric Station.

The Sunnybank RSL Sub-branch will receive $18,141 to help purchase furniture and

equipment to establish a drop-in centre at the RSL Hall.

The Queensland Section of the 9th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment Association will

receive $1999 to help construct a website for the association.

The Greenbank RSL Sub-branch will receive $9726 to help purchase computer equipment

to provide computer training to elderly members of the community.

The Sherwood Indooroopilly RSL Sub-branch will receive $9635 to help purchase a

photocopier to assist with the ongoing production of a newsletter for its members.

The Yarraman RSL Sub-branch will receive $2200 to help purchase two portable shade

shelters for members to encourage attendance at outdoor activities.

The Totally and Permanently Disabled Soldiers’ Association Brisbane North will receive

$2769 to help purchase equipment to continue to produce a newsletter for association


The Gold Coast District and Tweed Heads Centre Sub-branch of the Australian Federation

of Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Ex-servicemen and Women will receive $2480 to

help purchase equipment to produce a newsletter for members.

Darra & District RSL will receive $2937 to help purchase equipment to produce a newsletter

for members.

Incapacitated Servicemen & Women’s Association Sunshine Coast Branch will receive

$3200 to help fund a series of bus trips to reduce social isolation for its members.

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 4 image

The Beenleigh and District RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help fund a series of bus

trips for the local veteran community.

Currumbin Palm Beach RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help fund a series of bus trips

for the local veteran community.

The Cooloola Coast Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Australia will

receive $3506 to help fund a series of bus trips for the local veteran community.

Sandgate RSL Sub-branch will receive $3600 to help fund a series of bus trips for the local

veteran community.

The Sunshine Coast Sub-branch of the National Malaya and Borneo Veterans Association of

Australia will receive $3800 to help fund a series of bus trips for the local veteran


Veteran & Community Grant South Australian Recipients

Elizabeth RSL will receive $23,182 to help upgrade its kitchen and to purchase new


The South Australian Branch of the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam Association will

receive $2527 to help purchase a public address system and printer.

The Morgan RSL Sub-branch will receive $21,773 to help replace the ceiling and organise

repairs to the roof.

The Goolwa RSL Sub-branch will receive $20,000 to help purchase tables, chairs, floor

coverings and a projector television with sound system for use by members.

The Vietnam and War Veterans Rowing and Recreational Club will receive $15,847 to help

refurbish the clubs boat, purchase a rowing machine and help cover coaching and club fees.

The South Australian Mounted Rifles Association will receive $4540 to help purchase a

public address system.

Brighton RSL Sub-branch will receive $15,301 to help purchase tables and chairs and

construct a pergola for members.

Barmera RSL Sub-branch will receive $20,800 to help purchase and install an air

conditioning system, upgrade the electrical supply to the club rooms and purchase floor

coverings for the club.

Mannum RSL Sub-branch will receive $3677 to help purchase a computer, printer to

produce their newsletter and a portable public address system to support a range of social

activities for the members. 

Veteran & Community Grant Tasmanian Recipients

Westbury RSL Sub-branch will receive $30,104 to help upgrade the kitchen facilities at the

club and purchase new appliances.

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 5 image

Sheffield RSL Sub-branch will receive $1500 to help purchase a piano for use by members

at the club.

Northern Suburbs Legacy Widows Club will receive $3000 to help fund bus hire costs for

social outings for the local veteran community.

The Tasmanian RSL Bowls Association will receive $12,000 to help with staging for the 42nd

National RSL Lawn Bowls Carnival in Hobart between 27th December 2009 and the 7th of

January 2010. 

The St Helens Sub-branch of the War Widows Guild will receive $3000 to help fund bus hire

costs for social outings for the local veteran community.

The South Arm RSL Sub-branch will receive $11,000 to help replace the cool room

equipment at the club.

The Exeter RSL Sub-branch will receive $16,020 to help upgrade the kitchen facilities at the


Veteran & Community Grant Victorian Recipients

The Victorian Division of the Australian Nutrition Foundation will receive $56,266 to help

provide the Cooking for One or Two program to veterans in Melbourne and Geelong.

Macarthur RSL Sub-branch will receive $2660 to help construct an access ramp to the

entrance of the sub-branch.

Apollo Bay RSL Sub-branch will receive $10,044 to help install an all-access toilet facility at

the club.

The Shire of Melton will receive $13,909 to help establish a local Men’s Shed.

Timeball Day Club will receive $8885 to help purchase equipment to establish a day club


Graceburn Day Club will receive $7498 to help purchase equipment to establish a day club


Gippsland Gate Way Day Club will receive $12,294 to help purchase equipment to establish

a day club program.

Junction Day Club will receive $9404 to help purchase equipment to establish a day club


The Victorian Branch of the Partners of Veterans Association of Australia will receive $5500

to help purchase communication equipment to promote the association’s services and to

communicate with its members and the wider veteran community.

Mansfield RSL Sub-branch will receive $6000 to assist with the cost of re-roofing the clubs


Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 6 image

Ballan RSL Sub-branch will receive $4226 to help purchase chairs and a public address

system for use of members.

Anglesea RSL Sub-branch will receive $1200 to help purchase a television and DVD player

for use by members.

Red Cliffs Bowling Club will receive $12,631 to help upgrade the lighting on the bowling


The Mildura Branch of Carry On Victoria will receive $9330 to help build a fence around the

Carry On housing complex in Mildura.

Preston Reservoir Legacy Widows Club will receive $6820 to help fund bus hire costs to

provide social outings for members of the local veteran community.

Clocktower Day Club will receive $3190 to help fund bus hire costs to provide social outings

for members of the local veteran community.

The Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Social Club Western Suburbs will receive $2820

to help fund bus hire costs to provide social outings for members of the local veteran


Glenroy War Widows and Widowed Mothers Association will receive $1500 to help fund bus

hire costs to provide social outings for members of the local veteran community.

Bendigo Legacy will receive $7350 to help purchase a photocopier to produce a regular

newsletter for members.

Ballarat RSL Sub-branch and Social Club will receive $8700 to help purchase a photocopier

and computer to continue their quarterly newsletter for members.

Drysdale RSL Sub-branch will receive $1500 to help purchase a computer to produce a

regular newsletter for members.

The Association of Extremely Disabled Services Victoria will receive $7148 to help purchase

a photocopier to produce a regular newsletter for members.

The Ex-Prisoner of War and Relatives Association will receive $1860 to help purchase a

computer to produce a regular newsletter for members.

Veteran & Community Grant West Australian Recipients

The Western Australian Section of the Naval Association of Australia will receive $16,590 to

help purchase marquees to encourage member’s participation in social activities held

throughout the summer months. 

Bridgetown RSL Sub-branch will receive $4282 to help purchase a video system for use in

training programs and presentations to members.

The Rockingham City Sub-section of the Naval Association of Australia will receive $18,701

to help install a cool room and purchase a photocopier to produce a regular newsletter for


Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 7 image

Esperance RSL Sub-branch will receive $10,000 to help purchase furniture and install an air

conditioning system at the club.

The Australian Nutrition Foundation WA Division will receive $33,276 to help run a Healthy

Cooking/Healthy Living program for local veterans.

The Western Australian Branch of the HMAS Perth National Association will receive $2807

to help purchase a computer and printer to produce a regular newsletter for members.

The City of Bunbury will receive $4386 to help produce a Seniors Go-To Guide, informing

the Bunbury veteran community and senior citizens about services and support available in

the region. 

Dawesville RSL Sub-branch will receive $9000 to help purchase safer chairs for the club.

The Arctic Convoy Veterans Association will receive $210 to help purchase a printer to

produce a newsletter for members.

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