$73,000 For Projects To Honour Australia's Veterans In Qld

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29th July 2009, 11:22am - Views: 805

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Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Wednesday, 29 July 2009 


Thirty local organisations across Queensland received a financial boost today with the

announcement of $73,310 in funding approved by the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin,

for projects honouring Australia’s wartime heritage.

Mr Griffin said the funding is part of the Australian Government’s Saluting Their Service

Commemorative grants program to help communities across the nation honour and

commemorate our wartime history.

“The grants will fund local activities and initiatives that recognise the service and sacrifice of the

men and women who have served Australia in wars, conflicts and peace operations,” Mr Griffin


“Today, the Government is announcing funding for a range of projects including restoring and

displaying wartime memorabilia, upgrading community war memorials, purchasing association

banners and holding commemorative events.

“In particular, helping regional and rural communities across Australia maintain their places of

remembrance is an important function of this grants program as these memorials play a central

role in honouring local sons and daughters who have served the nation.

“Commemorative activities in local communities play a major role in encouraging Australians –

especially younger Australians – to learn about our wartime experiences and provide an

opportunity for veterans to share their stories.”

Mr Griffin said today’s funding is part of $379,000 to support 152 projects nationally.

“Australia has a proud wartime history that has been part of the lives of so many Australian

families.  The Government remains committed to honouring those who have served and

continue to serve, ensuring their legacy is remembered for generations to come.”

Mr Griffin encouraged local community and ex-service organisations interested in applying for

funding to visit www.dva.gov.au or contact their nearest DVA office on 133 254 (for metropolitan

callers) or 1800 555 254 (for non-metropolitan callers).

Editors note: A list of grant recipients from Queensland is attached.

Media inquiries: Belinda Cole 0437 863 109

The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a

week on 1800 011 046.

To receive the Minister’s media releases automatically by email subscribe at minister.dva.gov.au/subscribe.htm

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Saluting Their Service grants Queensland Recipients

The Queensland Branch of The Royal Australian Regiment Association will receive two

grants: $560 to help purchase 100 flags to use during a service to be held at the National

Memorial Walk in Enoggera in November to commemorate members of the 9th Battalion

The Royal Australian Regiment who died during service in Vietnam; and $3100 to help

construct a time capsule to be filled with wartime memorabilia and entombed in a small

memorial plinth at The Royal Australian Regiment National Memorial Walk, Enoggera and

construct a memorial dedicated to the 8th/9th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment.

The United Nations Association of Queensland will receive $616 to help restore the

weathered Peacekeepers Memorial located in Brisbane’s Anzac Square.

Queensland RSL Care War Veterans’ Homes will receive $3000 to help create a Gallipoli

Memorial Garden in the grounds of the Parkinson facility for residents to use as a place of

reflection on commemorative days.

The Bracken Ridge 5/7 Royal Australian Regiment Association will receive $2112 to help

create a website depicting the history on the Regiment for the use of members and the wider


Walkerston-Pleystowe RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help landscape the grounds of

the Walkerston-Pleystowe Memorial Gates located in Anzac Park where commemorative

services are held.

The New Guinea Volunteer Rifles and Papua New Guinea Volunteer Rifles Ex-members’

Association will receive $1020 to help conserve and frame wartime memorabilia held in the

New Guinea Volunteer Rifles and Papua New Guinea Volunteer Rifles Military Museum in

Wacol, Brisbane, including two silk escape maps, artworks depicting the Toll Massacre and

a Japanese 1000 stitches charm belt.

Oxford Crest in Eagleby will receive $4000 to help construct a memorial garden and erect a

flagpole for residents to use on days of commemoration.

Marburg and District Residents’ Association will receive $1700 to help erect an honour board

in the Marburg Community Centre commemorating locals who volunteered for service during

the First World War.

The Patriots Australia Gold Coast Chapter will receive $1417 to help hold a luncheon in

October to commemorate United Nations Day and Australia’s involvement in United Nations

peacekeeping missions.

The 2 Royal Australian Regiment (RAR) Association will receive $1025 to help install a

plaque in the Sculpture Garden at the Australian War Memorial dedicated to the Regiment.

Bribie Island Ex-Servicewoman’s Association will receive $1270 to help install an honour

board in the Anzac Room at the Bribie Island RSL Club dedicated to all servicewoman.

The Greenbank Sub-section of the Naval Association of Australia will receive $1750 to help

with the costs of a dinner held in May to mark the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the

Second World War and the Battle of the Coral Sea.

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The 11 Field Ambulance Association will receive $825 to help purchase a banner for the

Association to use at marches on days of commemoration.

The Toorbul War Memorial Restoration Committee will receive $4000 to help upgrade the

Toorbul and District War Memorial including thorough cleaning and replacing plastic name

plaques with stainless steel versions.

Bribie Island RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help restore a Royal Australian Navy

frigate anchor located in the memorial grounds of the Bribie Island RSL and Citizens

Memorial Club.

Yeppoon RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help upgrade and restore the Yeppoon

Memorial Cenotaph including replacing the damaged marble face.

Wide Bay and Burnett District RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help renovate the

memorial shelter in Cracow to house the Cracow Roll of Honour and wartime memorabilia

for public display.

Mapleton RSL Sub-branch will receive $565 to help attach a bronze plaque to the memorial

stone at RSL Mapleton Memorial Park commemorating locals who served in both World


The Gold Coast City Council will receive $3495 to help upgrade the grounds of the Robina

Community War Memorial including installing flowerbeds and planting poppies and rosemary

to honour local men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice.

Glasshouse Country RSL Sub-branch will receive $540 to help install a plaque in Anzac

Avenue at Beerburrum dedicated to local servicemen who lost their lives in the First World

War, and purchase three hand-held flagpoles for school children to use during

commemorative services.

Milne Bay Military Museum will receive $3000 to help purchase a display cabinet to house

medals dating from the Boer War to present conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Yarraman RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help upgrade the Yarraman War Memorial

with the addition of two bronze plaques dedicated to locals who served in all wars and


The Gold Coast Vietnam Veterans’ Social Golf Club will receive $3193 to help install a

memorial wall around the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial located at the Boomerang Farm Golf

Club in Mudgeeraba. The wall will feature plaques of past members who served in Vietnam,

Korea, Malaya and peace operations.

The Gold Coast Naval Foundation will receive $2350 to help hold a commemorative service

and luncheon in October for members and guests to commemorate the 65th anniversary of

the Battle of Leyte Gulf and honour the service of HMAS Australia II.

Cooroy-Pomona RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help purchase two display cabinets

to house wartime memorabilia including six secure compartments to house military


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Westmar State School will receive $4000 to help erect a war memorial dedicated to local

veterans who served in all wars and conflicts. Community members will help to create a

garden around the memorial.

Pittsworth RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help restore wartime photographs for

display at the Sub-branch. 

St George RSL Sub-branch will receive $3872 to help restore the deteriorating First World

War Honour Board located at St George Hospital.

The Southport and Districts Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Australia

will receive $900 to help hold a commemorative service at the National Memorial Walk in

August to commemorate the Battle of Long Tan; and install a plaque on the Cenotaph in

Anzac Park dedicated to those veterans who lost their lives in Vietnam. 

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