$507,000 To Honour Veterans

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25th March 2009, 08:02am - Views: 1279

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 1 image

Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Wednesday 25 March 2009


In the lead up to Anzac Day more than 170 organisations will receive a financial boost with the

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin, approving $507,619 in funding for projects that

honour Australia’s wartime heritage.

Mr Griffin said: “As we prepare to commemorate Anzac Day, I am pleased to announce funding

for a range of projects including wartime exhibitions, restoring and upgrading memorials and

cenotaphs and publishing previously untold unit histories.

“In particular, this funding will help regional and rural communities across Australia maintain

their memorials, as those memorials play a central role in honouring locals who have served the


“Commemorative activities in local communities play an important role in encouraging

Australians – especially younger Australians – to learn about our wartime experiences and

provide an opportunity for veterans to share their stories.”

“Australia has a proud service history that has been part of the lives of so many Australian

families.  The Government remains committed to honouring those who have served and

continue to serve, and ensuring their legacy is remembered for generations to come.”

The funding is part of the Government’s Saluting Their Service grant program to help

communities across the nation honour and commemorate Australia’s wartime history.

Mr Griffin encouraged local community and ex-service organisations interested in applying for

funding to visit www.dva.gov.au or contact their nearest DVA office on 133 254 (for metropolitan

callers) or 1800 555 254 (for non-metropolitan callers).

Editors note: A list of grant recipients from each state and the Northern Territory is attached.

Media inquiries: Laura Ryan 0437 863 109

The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a

week on 1800 011 046.

To receive the Minister’s media releases automatically by email subscribe at minister.dva.gov.au/subscribe.htm

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Saluting Their Service grants Tasmanian recipients

Hobart RSL Sub-branch will receive $2723 to help purchase banners commemorating

Tasmanian units that served in wars and conflicts to be used on days of remembrance.

Bridport RSL Sub-branch will receive $1000 to help replace three deteriorated flagpoles at

the club.

Sorell RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help construct a war memorial at Dodges Ferry

Primary School dedicated to those who served in all wars and conflicts.

The East-Coast Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Australia will receive

$4000 to help upgrade the Break O’Day Armed Services Memorial Wall to include all

conflicts from the Boer War to present day peace operations.

Mathinna Community Landcare Group will receive $2857 to help restore a 25 Pounder Gun

and display the gun at the Mathinna War Memorial.

Saluting Their Service grants Northern Territory recipients

The Darwin Branch of No 2 Control and Reporting Unit 50th Anniversary Committee will

receive $3179 to help install a plaque on the Esplanade in Darwin dedicated to the formation

of the unit, and hold a dedication service on 20 September 2009.

Saluting Their Service grants Western Australian recipients

Port Kennedy RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help install display cabinets at the club

to exhibit wartime memorabilia.

The Mandurah Branch of the Royal Australian Air Force Association will receive $740 to help

attach a plaque to the memorial wall at RAAFA Meadow Springs Estate dedicated to all men

and women who have served in the Royal Australian Air Force.

The City of Armadale History House Museum will receive $2046 to help restore the

Bedfordale First World War honour board at the museum.

Silver Chain Independent Living Units will receive $421 to help install a flagpole at the Silver

Vines Retirement Village for use by residents on days of commemoration.

The Shire of Ashburton will receive $4000 to help refurbish the RSL Memorial Park in Tom

Price by installing fencing and upgrading the immediate surrounds.

The Shire of Kondinin will receive $2125 to help publish a photograph book of servicemen

and women from the region who served in the First and Second World Wars.  The book will

be distributed to libraries and schools in the area.

The Bein Hoa Vietnam Reunion will receive $528 to help install an honour board at the

Bandiana Museum dedicated to the Ordnance Element 1 Australian Logistic Supply

Company which was deployed to Bein Hoa in 1965.

The 2/4th Machine Gun Battalion Ex-Service Association will receive $1250 to help hold a

final reunion in the Combined Services Mess in Adelaide on 27 March 2009.

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The 2/4th Machine Gun Battalion Ex-Members Association will receive $1010 to help install

a plaque at the Australian War Memorial dedicated to the Battalion’s 8th Division.

The Navy Club in Fremantle will receive $3000 to help restore wartime memorabilia for

display at the club.

Kalgoorlie-Boulder Vietnam Veterans Memorial Association will receive $4000 to help

construct a memorial in Centennial Park, Kalgoorlie, dedicated to all Vietnam veterans.

Mr Ian Gill will receive $3000 to help publish a unit history of the 10th Australian Light Horse

Regiment in the First World War.

Busselton Historical Society will receive $2150 to help install a display cabinet to exhibit

wartime memorabilia in the ex-RAAF Medical Hut.

The WA Division of the Royal Australian Air Force Association will receive $3000 to help

restore and preserve a commemorative lace panel titled Battle of Britain located in the foyer

of the association’s club in Bull Creek.

The Normandy Veterans Association will receive $750 to help hold a church service at

Anzac House in Perth in June to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the Normandy


Saluting Their Service grants South Australian recipients

Mallala and District Historical Committee will receive $3000 to help install a display cabinet

at the committee rooms to house First World War service records.

Clare RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help refurbish the war memorial located at the

club by cleaning the stonework and enhancing the marble plaques.

Auburn RSL Sub-branch will receive $1100 to help install a flagpole and lighting at the

Auburn War Memorial to improve safety and deter vandalism.

The 4th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment Association will receive $4000 to help

install a memorial at the Pathway of Honour in Adelaide dedicated to the Battalion and

$1750 to help hold a ceremony at the memorial once completed.

The Women’s Royal Australian Army Corps Association South Australia will receive $1150

to help hold a final reunion in February 2009 in Adelaide to commemorate the formation of

the WRAAC.

The Kadina Branch of the National Trust of South Australia will receive $2806 to help install

display cabinets at the Farm Shed Museum to house military uniforms from the First World

War to the Vietnam War.

Brighton RSL Sub-branch will receive $1372 to help modify and re-install display cabinets at

the club and $1265 to help refurbish the 1914-1919 roll of honour.

Keith RSL Sub-branch will receive $749 to help replace the memorial signs at the entrance

to the Soldiers Memorial Park in Keith.

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Kapunda RSL Sub-branch will receive $1376 to help install a flagpole at the club for use by

the community on days of commemoration.

Norwood Primary School will receive $4000 to help restore the First World War honour roll at

the school.

The Balaklava Area Committee will receive $3180 to help install a plaque on War Memorial

Drive dedicated to those from the district who served in the First and Second World Wars.

The South Australian Branch of the Totally and Permanently Disabled Soldiers Association

will receive $3000 to help install two display cabinets in the memorabilia room at TPI House

in Adelaide to showcase wartime memorabilia.

McLaren Vale and Districts RSL Sub-branch will receive $4600 to help replace a First World

War commemorative plaque which was stolen from the McLaren Vale Institute Hall and

restore the damaged wall.

The City of Campbelltown will receive $4000 to help create a memorial garden at the Gums

Reserve in Tranmere to commemorate veterans who served in all wars and conflicts in

which Australia was involved.

Kangaroo Island RSL Sub-branch will receive $1375 to help restore the Kangaroo Island

War Memorial at Kingscote by installing new slate tiles and steam cleaning the memorial.

Coromandel Valley Primary School will receive $1200 to help restore the Coromandel Valley

First World War roll of honour at the school.

Lenswood Primary School will receive $4000 to help construct a war memorial in the school

grounds dedicated to those from the district who served in the First World War.

Goolwa RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help improve access to the Goolwa War

Memorial and install commemorative plaques dedicated to those from the district who

served in post Second World War conflicts and peace operations.

The Anti-Aircraft and Air Defence Memorial will receive $4000 to help install a memorial in

the Woodside Army Barracks dedicated to all Anti-Aircraft Gunners who served in the

Second World War and subsequent conflicts.

The University of South Australia School of Communication will receive $3000 to help

publish war stories and experiences of members of the Tea Tree Gully RSL.

Port Broughton RSL Sub-branch will receive $375 to help replace the deteriorated flagpole

at the club for use on days of commemoration.

The South Australian Branch of the 8th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment will hold a

reunion in Glenelg in February 2010 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Battle of

Long Hai.

The South Australian RSL Branch will receive $29,653 to help fund the Cross of Sacrifice

Precinct enhancement project including upgrading the Cross of Sacrifice and the Eternal

Flame Memorial in the Women's War Memorial Garden on King William Road, Adelaide.

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Saluting Their Service grants Queensland recipients

The Bayside Branch of the National Servicemen’s Association of Australia will receive $4000

to help install a memorial plaque at Darling Point in Manly dedicated to four local servicemen

who lost their lives in Borneo and Vietnam.

Redbank RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help upgrade the Redbank First World War

honour board located in the School of Arts Building.

The Queensland Branch of the United Nations Police Association of Australia will receive

$2250 to help hold a reunion in Caloundra in September to commemorate the 45th

anniversary of United Nations Police Peacekeeping service.

Beerwah Peachester RSL Sub-branch will receive $1311 to help install bronze plaques at

the Beerwah Peachester War Memorial commemorating the three services.

Elliott Heads and District Ratepayers and Residents Association will receive $4000 to help

improve access to the Elliott Heads Submarine Lookout Memorial.

The Stanthorpe Sub-branch of the National Servicemen’s Association of Australia will

receive $4000 to help construct a memorial commemorating national servicemen from the

district who served between 1951–1972.

25th Battalion Association Toowoomba will receive $647 to help purchase a banner

dedicated to the Battalion for use on days of commemoration.

Blue Care Iona Nursing Centre will receive $3502 to help install a flagpole and

commemorative plaque in the memorial garden at Iona Nursing Home in Kenmore for use by

residents on days of commemoration.

Charleville RSL Sub-branch will receive $3500 to help purchase a photograph depicting the

11th Battalion Australian Imperial Force, part of the 1st Division that landed on the wrong

beach at Anzac Cove.

Springwood Tri Services RSL Sub-branch will receive six grants;


$3265 to help construct a memorial at the Shailer Park State School commemorating

all servicemen and women who have given their lives in service to Australia; 


$3820 to help construct a memorial at Chatswood Hills State School commemorating

Australia’s servicemen and women and install a plaque commemorating Indigenous



$2957 to help construct a memorial at the Slacks Creek State School commemorating

Australia’s servicemen and women and install a plaque commemorating Indigenous



$2727 to help construct a memorial at Woodridge North State School commemorating

Australia’s servicemen and women and install a plaque commemorating Indigenous



$2740 to help construct a memorial at Calvary College Carbrook Campus

commemorating all servicemen and women who have given their lives in service to

Australia; and


$2740 to help construct a memorial at Logan City Special School commemorating all

servicemen and women who have given their lives in service to Australia.

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Gympie RSL Sub-branch will receive $2398 to help upgrade the “Cost of War” memorial

plaque on Gympie Memorial Lane.

The Gold Coast Naval Foundation will receive $2250 for a church service and luncheon held

in October 2008 to commemorate the discovery of the HMAS Sydney wreck.

Moura RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help construct a new war memorial dedicated

to all wars and conflicts that Australians have served in.

The Queensland Branch of 7 Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment Association will

receive $3724 to help install an honour roll commemorating the Battalion.

Gaythorne RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help construct a memorial in Sid Loder

Park, Mitchelton, to commemorate all Australian involvement in wars, conflicts and peace


Centenary Suburbs RSL Sub-branch will receive $2228 to help install Royal Australian

Navy, Australian Army and Royal Australian Air Force service badges on the Centenary

Suburbs War Memorial Gardens Wall of Remembrance.

Saluting Their Service grants Victorian recipients

The Gull Force (2/21st Battalion) Association will receive $1380 to help install a plaque at

the Australian War Memorial dedicated to members of the Battalion who were prisoners of

war on the islands of Ambon in Indonesia and Hainan, an island off the south coast of China,

during the Second World War.

Caulfield Hospital will receive $3637 to help install a memorial at the hospital to

commemorate servicemen and women from the First World War.

The Bendigo Art Gallery, City of Greater Bendigo, will receive $3000 to help hold a touring

exhibition of photographs taken during the First World War. 

Kellock Lodge Alexandra will receive $1334 to help replace the deteriorated flagpole at the

Kellock Lodge aged care facility for use by residents on days of commemoration.

Stratford Primary School will receive $4000 to help install pavers at the school’s memorial

garden to commemorate veterans from the area who served in wars and conflicts.

Romsey Lancefield RSL Sub-branch will receive $1597 to help install a plaque to

commemorate veterans from the district who served in the Boer War.

Drouin Secondary College will receive $3000 to help put together a book after they return

from a tour of Gallipoli in April 2009 featuring 61 soldiers from the Drouin district who lost

their lives at Gallipoli.

Nathalia District Hospital will receive $2900 to help preserve and display soldier settler

memorabilia at the hospital.

Foster RSL Sub-branch will receive $1148 to help restore the First and Second World War

honour boards located at the Foster War Memorial Arts Centre.

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Ashley Terrace Aged Care Service Group will receive $1529 to help install a flagpole in the

grounds of the Reservoir facility for use by residents on days of commemoration.

Canadian Lead Primary in Ballarat will receive $2200 to help install an Anzac

Commemorative Garden at the school for use by students on days of commemoration.

Barwon Heads RSL Sub-branch will receive $3600 to help construct a memorial at the RSL

dedicated to those who lost their lives during the First and Second World Wars.

The Victorian RSL Branch will received $4000 to help construct a memorial in the Calivil

Recreation Reserve in Yarrawalla dedicated to those from the district who served in the

Second World War.

Wesley Gilgunya Village will receive $1425 to help install a flagpole in the aged care facility

for use by residents on days of commemoration.

Bellrise Aged Care Facility (Glengail) will receive $1485 to help install a flagpole in the

grounds of the aged care facility in Leopold for use by residents on days of commemoration.

The 2/1 North Australia Observer Unit Association will receive $595 to help install a plaque

at the Australian War Memorial dedicated to the Unit.

St Kilda Football Club Heritage Museum will receive $935 to help install an honour board in

the museum listing the names of former members who gave their lives in service to


21 City of Melbourne Squadron Association will receive $100 to help install a plaque at the

Australian War Memorial dedicated to the Squadron.

Seasons Lifestyle Village (Lifestyle Communities Developments) will receive $1529 to help

install a flagpole in the grounds of the lifestyle village in Tarneit for use by residents on days

of commemoration.

Cohuna-Leitchville RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help construct a memorial at the

club dedicated to those from the district who served in the Vietnam War.

The Mt Eliza Community School House Group will receive $2000 to help restore the school’s

roll of honour 1914-1919 for display in the recently restored old school house.

Baw Baw Shire Council, Warragul, will receive $2400 to help replace the deteriorated First

and Second World War honour boards located in Neerim East Memorial Hall.

Stratford RSL Sub-branch will receive $2214 to help install a display cabinet in the club to

house wartime memorabilia and frame photographs, certificates and personal items from the

First World War.

Warragul Lifestyle Village (Lifestyle Communities Developments) will receive $1645 to help

install a flagpole in the village for use by residents on days of commemoration.

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 8 image

Benalla RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help construct a memorial commemorating

Captain Hector Waller DSO and Bar, Royal Australian Navy, who was born in Benalla.  The

memorial will also honour all men and women lost at sea while on active service.

Mr John Lever will receive $3000 to help publish a history of the Royal Australian Air Force

No. 4 and 5 Army Co-operation Squadrons in the south west Pacific area in the Second

World War.

Erica and District Progress Association will receive $3135 to help replace the deteriorated

wooden flagpole at Erica Memorial Hall.

The Anglo Boer War Study Group will receive $3000 to help publish a unit history of the 3rd

and 4th Victorian Bushman Contingents that served in the Boer War.

Kerang and District RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help publish a book titled Air

Force Recollections which includes stories of individual Australian Flying Corps, Royal

Australian Air Force and Women’s Auxiliary Australian Air Force personnel.

The 57/60th Battalion Association will receive $2700 to help install a plaque in the Memorial

Garden at Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital dedicated to the Battalion.

Leongatha RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help restore the Wooreen avenue of

honour by thinning the trees forming the avenue and performing tree surgery where

necessary to ensure their survival.

Mildura RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help install a First World War honour wall

listing the names of more than 1300 local servicemen and women.

Birchip P-12 School will receive $3000 to help produce a booklet of service histories of

servicemen from the Birchip area who fought during the First World War.

The Chiltern Anthenaeum Museum Trust will receive $3000 to help install extra shelving to

house wartime photographic memorabilia at the museum.

The 86 Transport Vietnam Association will receive $3000 to hold a reunion in Geelong in

April 2010 including a commemorative service at the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne

to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the formation of the platoon.

Saluting Their Service grants New South Wales recipients

Pearl Beach Progress Association will receive $1091 to help refurbish the Second World

War and Korean War plaque on the Pearl Beach War Memorial.

Doyalson-Wyee RSL Sub-branch will receive $3167 to help install two display cabinets and

purchase four mannequins to display wartime memorabilia at the club.

4RAR/4RAR (Commando) Association NSW will receive $2766 to help purchase four unit

banners to include service in Afghanistan.

35th Battalion Descendant’s Association will receive $1010 to help install a plaque at the

Australian War Memorial dedicated to the Battalion.

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Burwood Council will receive $4000 to help restore the Burwood Park war memorial arch.

Concord Heritage Society will receive $3000 to help conserve, display and research wartime

memorabilia held at the society relating to members of the Savage family who served during

the First and Second World Wars.

Woonona Bulli RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help install a display cabinet at the

club to house wartime memorabilia.

The 32nd Australian Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery Association will receive $1132 to help install

a plaque at the Australian War Memorial dedicated to the unit.

Tweed Valley Murwillumbah Sub-branch of the National Servicemen’s Association of

Australia will receive $2000 to help install a plaque at the Murwillumbah Wall of

Remembrance dedicated to all national servicemen.

Maroubra RSL Sub-branch will receive $2154 to help install two plaques at the Maroubra

RSL war memorial commemorating the 90th anniversary of the end of the First World War

and honouring all those who served in the war.

Kyogle RSL Sub-branch will receive $1080 to help install three commemorative plaques at

the Kyogle War Memorial depicting badges of the Royal Australian Navy, Australian Army

and Royal Australian Air Force.

Toukley RSL Sub-branch will receive $3897 to help upgrade the RSL Cenotaph by installing

additional drainage to improve safety and accessibility in inclement weather.

Upper Hunter Shire Council will receive $3000 to help relocate the Gallipoli Lone Pine tree

and plaque to the new Administration Centre in Scone.

The City of Botany Bay will receive $3000 to help hold an exhibition and information

sessions at the George Hanna Memorial Museum to raise community awareness of the

contributions made by Australians in defence of our country.

Tarago and District Progress Association will receive $1800 to help replace a damaged

flagpole at the Tarago Community War Memorial and install a security system to deter


Wingham RSL Sub-branch will receive $3383 to help paint the entrance to the Wingham

Town Hall, which houses the community honour rolls, sign write the three Armed Forces

badges and install security lighting to deter vandalism.

Eumungerie Coboco RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help construct a cenotaph at the

Coboco Public Recreational Reserve dedicated to veterans from the district who served in

all wars and conflicts.

Kentucky Memorial Hall and Literary Institute will receive $2376 to help install a plaque at

the Noalimba Avenue Memorial to commemorate soldier settlers and servicemen and

women from the district.

Tingha RSL Sub-branch will receive $2300 to help install an honour board at the RSL hall

commemorating local servicemen and women who served in all wars and conflicts.

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Medowie RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help restore and upgrade the Medowie

Memorial by removing some of the surrounding trees, raising the memorial stone and

repairing broken pavement.

Darlington Point Coleambally RSL Sub-branch will receive $4250 to help install an honour

roll and display cabinet at the club to house wartime memorabilia.

The Clyde River and Batemans Bay Historical Society will receive $2250 to help install

display cabinets at the Clyde River and Batemans Bay Museum to exhibit wartime


Wilcannia War Memorial Fund will receive $2800 to help upgrade the Wilcannia War

Memorial by restoring the stone work and lettering.

73 Anti-Aircraft Searchlight Battery Association will receive $1500 to help install a paver in

the memorial walk at North Fort depicting the unit’s service in Papua New Guinea from


Gooloogong Historical Society will receive $4000 to help install a Walkway of Remembrance

at the Gooloogong Memorial Park dedicated to veterans from the district who gave the

ultimate sacrifice during war and conflict; and $3000 to help create an exhibition ‘Australian

Women’s Land Army in Gooloogong’ to be put on display in the memorial park.

Dungog Historical Society will receive $165 to help restore the Dungog Masonic Lodge First

World War honour board.

Tamworth Regional Council will receive $4000 to help replace the West Tamworth Memorial

clock mechanism.

Port Macquarie Gardens Nursing Centre will receive $765 to help install a plaque in the

centre dedicated to those who served in wars, conflicts and peace operations.

The Scots School Albury will receive $3000 to help install a display case at the school to

house wartime memorabilia from the 2/23rd Australian Infantry Battalion.

Narrabri Shire Council will receive $4000 to help restore the Boggabri War Memorial and

surrounds, and install safety fencing.

Great Lakes Historical Cooperative Society will receive $3000 to help frame 50 wartime

photographs for display at the Great Lakes Museum and purchase a mannequin to display

military uniforms.

Kenmore Hospital Museum will receive $638 to help preserve wartime memorabilia including

stretchers and an Australian Army Medical Women’s Service uniform.

The City of Campbelltown RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help install a

commemorative plaque in Campbelltown dedicated to HMAS Sydney and her crew.

Rose Bay RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help install four display cabinets and

shelving at the club to display wartime memorabilia.

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The Campbelltown Sub-section of the Naval Association of Australia will receive $2500 for

their assistance with the dedication ceremony for the HMAS Sydney Memorial in

Campbelltown held in November 2008.

Laurieton RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help restore and upgrade the First World

War and post First World War memorial wall at Laurieton.

The NSW Division of the Far East Strategic Reserve Naval Association of Australia will

receive $682 to help purchase an association banner to be used in marches and on days of


The Rotary Club of Illawarra Sunrise will receive $3000 to help restore an 1885 Nordenfelt

QD gun located at the Smiths Hill Fort Battery Park in Wollongong.

The Cessnock RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help install two granite memorials in

the Veterans Memorial Park in Aberdare commemorating veterans who served in the

Solomon Islands, East Timor, Afghanistan and Iraq.

Fairmile Association will receive $1760 to help install a plaque at the Shrine of

Remembrance in Melbourne dedicated to the Fairmile ships and their crews.

Fairfield City Council will receive $4000 to help improve access to the Cabravale Memorial

Bandstand and Vietnam War Memorial in Cabravale Memorial Park by upgrading the paved

areas surrounding the memorials and extending the paving adjoining the Vietnam War


Advantaged Care will receive $2828 to help install a flagpole at the Georges Manor facility

for use by residents on days of commemoration.

Coledale RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help replace the Coledale War Memorial

due to its age and deterioration caused by sea air and weather.

Kingscliff RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help restore, frame and display wartime

memorabilia at the club.

Upper Hunter Shire Council will receive $4000 to help relocate the Scone War Memorial,

which is located on a busy highway, to a more appropriate position in the community square.

The Ryde City and Districts Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Australia

will receive $2054 to help build a diorama depicting experiences of Vietnam veterans during

the war to help students understand the consequences of war.

The Rotary Club of Moruya will receive $4000 to help construct a wooden statue of a

Second World War airman in recognition of the role airmen played while stationed at the

Moruya airport.

Paul Martin’s Australian Military History will receive $3000 to help purchase a trailer to

transport military displays from the First and Second World Wars and Vietnam War to

schools and other venues.

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The 7th Australian Division Australian Imperial Force Association will receive $2284 to help

install a memorial in Bass Hill dedicated to the Division.

The Illawarra Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Australia will receive

$1750 to help hold a commemorative dinner in June 2009 for the 40th anniversary of the

Battle of Binh Ba.

Christ Church Cathedral Newcastle will receive $3000 to help publish a book dedicated to

the preserved and restored military treasures in the cathedral.

Stockton RSL Sub-branch will receive $3400 to help restore the Stockton War Memorial

which has recently been vandalised.

Ashcroft High School will receive $3000 to help develop education resources including a

two-part lecture on the First and Second Indochina Wars, and create a DVD of Vietnam

experiences shared by local veterans.

The National Council of the Vietnam Veterans’ Motorcycle Club Australia will receive $2741

to help hold a memorial service in Alice Springs in April to commemorate the 40th

anniversary of the Battle of Binh Ba.

Ku-ring-gai Council will receive $4000 to help restore the Turramurra War Memorial gates

and install a plaque dedicated to local servicemen and women who have given their lives in

service to Australia.

The Integrated Servicepeople’s Association of Australia will receive $2640 to help construct

a display cabinet at the association’s centre in Bethungra to house wartime memorabilia.

Rose Bay RSL Sub-branch will receive $2197 to help update the medal display boards to

house all the military medals held by the club.

Peak Hill RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help restore the First World War memorial

plaques at the Peak Hill Australian Imperial Force Memorial Hall.

Barrenjoey High School will receive $3000 to help purchase a display cabinet to house

military reference material and memorabilia held at the school.

Henty RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help construct a memorial wall to

commemorate those who have served in wars and conflicts.

Woolgoolga RSL Sub-branch will receive $2763 to help install a display cabinet at the club

to house an audio visual display of wartime memorabilia.

The Royal Freemason’s Benevolent Institution will receive $1270 to help install a flagpole at

the Armidale aged care facility for use by residents on days of commemoration.

Gundagai RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help construct a Vietnam Veterans

memorial at Anzac Grove, Gundagai.

Manly Life Saving Club will receive four grants:


$2000 to help restore and preserve the Manly Life Club Second World War memorial

surfboard at the club; 


$3419 to help restore a First World War commemorative plaque;

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 13 image


$1200 to help hold a commemorative ceremony in 2009 to re-dedicate a plaque and

memorial surfboard; and


$3000 to help install two showcases at the club to protect a commemorative plaque

and memorial surfboard.

The Shoalhaven Sub-branch of the National Servicemen’s Association of Australia will

receive $4000 to help upgrade the National Servicemen’s Memorial in Rotary Park in

Ulladulla by continuing the walkway and erecting signage.

The Royal Australian Artillery Historical Company will receive $3000 to help restore a

searchlight that was manned by men and women during the Second World War, for display

at the Royal Australian Artillery Historical Museum at North Fort.

Quandialla Soldiers Memorial Hall will receive $3435 to help correct errors and omissions on

the plaques on the Quandialla War Memorial Cenotaph.

North Curl Curl Surf Life Saving Club will receive $2635 to help upgrade the First World War

obelisk located at Curl Curl beach with the addition of three granite tablets listing the names

of local soldiers who have made the supreme sacrifice.

The Armidale and District Historical Society will receive $3000 to help hold a seminar for

local students which will include presentations from local veterans sharing their stories and

wartime experiences.

Narromine Shire Council will receive $4000 to help relocate the Narromine War Memorial,

which is situated on a busy highway.

The Manly Warringah War Memorial Park Remembrance Trust will receive $4000 to help

upgrade the Manly Warringah War Memorial to improve access to the memorial and install

security chains to deter vandalism.

Morundah Town Improvement Committee will receive $1260 to help install Royal Australian

Navy, Australian Army and Royal Australian Air Force service badges on the Morundah War

Memorial to represent the three services.

Ariah Park RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help restore and upgrade the Ariah Park

War Memorial by replacing the concrete border surrounding the memorial and replacing the


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