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The Hon Alan Griffin MP
Minister for Veterans’ Affairs
Monday 30 March 2009
The 40th anniversary of one of the most significant Australian battles of the Vietnam War will be
commemorated this year with the assistance of a $50,000 grant from the Australian
Government, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Alan Griffin announced today.
Mr Griffin said the Battle of Binh Ba, which occurred 6-8 June 1969, involved more than 330
Australians in close quarter fighting, yet miraculously only one Australian was killed in action
and 11 wounded.
“It is a battle not widely known outside military and historical circles, yet it is a testament to the
superb fighting qualities of Australian forces,” Mr Griffin said.
On 6 June the 1st Australian Task Force Ready Reaction Force assaulted Binh Ba from the
west and heavy fighting followed as they encountered fierce North Vietnamese opposition. The
fighting was of an intensity rarely matched in any other period of Australia’s involvement in the
Vietnam War.
“Like the Battles of Long Tan and Coral/Balmoral, the Battle of Binh Ba resulted in Battle
Honours being awarded to Australian units involved in the action,” Mr Griffin said.
“I am pleased the Government can assist these veterans in commemorating this important
milestone and help draw attention to the story of the Battle of Binh Ba.”
The Battle of Binh Ba Commemorative Planning Committee, established by representatives of
the units involved, are planning a number of activities during June this year including a
commemorative service and a combined Association dinner.
For more information on Anniversary activities, contact the Planning Committee Chairman
Roger Wainwright on 0409 588 935 or or Committee Secretariat Jan
Properjohn on 0410 488 729 or
Media inquiries only: Laura Ryan 0437 863 109
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