$43,000 For Projects To Honour Australia's Veterans In Vic

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26th November 2009, 03:19pm - Views: 801

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Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Thursday, 26 November 2009


Seventeen local organisations across Victoria received a financial boost today with the

announcement of $43,489 in funding approved by the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin,

for projects honouring Australia’s wartime heritage.

Mr Griffin said the funding is part of the Australian Government’s Saluting Their Service

Commemorative grants program to help communities across the nation honour and

commemorate our wartime history.

“The grants will fund local activities and initiatives that recognise the service and sacrifice of

Australians who have served in wars, conflicts and peace operations,” Mr Griffin said.

“Today, the Government is announcing funding for a range of projects including restoring and

displaying wartime memorabilia, upgrading community war memorials, purchasing association

banners and holding commemorative events.

“In particular, helping regional and rural communities across Australia maintain their places of

remembrance is an important function of this grants program as these memorials play a central

role in honouring local sons and daughters who have served the nation.

“Commemorative activities in local communities play a major role in encouraging Australians –

especially younger Australians – to learn about our wartime experiences and provide an

opportunity for veterans to share their stories.

“Australia has a proud wartime history that has been part of the lives of so many Australian

families.  The Government remains committed to honouring those who have served and

continue to serve, ensuring their legacy is remembered for generations to come.”

Mr Griffin encouraged local community and ex-service organisations interested in applying for

funding to visit www.dva.gov.au/grants or contact their nearest DVA office on 133 254 (for

metropolitan callers) or 1800 555 254 (for non-metropolitan callers).

Editors note: A list of grant recipients from Victoria is attached.

Media inquiries: Belinda Cole 0437 863 109

The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a

week on 1800 011 046.

To receive the Minister’s media releases automatically by email subscribe at minister.dva.gov.au/subscribe.htm

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Saluting Their Service grants Victorian recipients

Ballan RSL Sub-branch will receive $2384 to help install a flagpole and lighting at the soldier

settlers commemoration area in Ballan to improve safety and help deter vandalism.

Thomas Carr College will receive $4000 to help relocate the Malay/Borneo Veterans

Memorial closer to the Information Centre in Tarneit to improve visitor access.

Australian National Reserve Diving Team Six will receive $2250 towards a commemorative

dinner held in November at the Melbourne Naval Centre to mark the 50th anniversary of the

formation of the diving team.

The 2/14th Battalion Association will receive $2557 to help install a plaque dedicated to the

battalion in the Sculpture Garden at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra.

Maribyrnong Maidstone RSL Sub-branch will receive $788 to help install a plaque at the

Maribyrnong memorial dedicated to locals who served in the Vietnam War.

Fifth Linstock Nominees will receive $1595 to help install a flagpole at the Newmans Manor

aged care facility in Templestowe for use on days of commemoration.

Echuca Regional Veterans Support Centre will receive $1535 to help install a flagpole at the

centre to fly the Australian flag.

Christ Church Grammar School will receive $340 to help purchase a replica banner of the

2/14th Australian Field Regiment to be used by students on days of commemoration.

Bairnsdale Secondary College will receive $3000 to help construct a memorial in the school

grounds for use on days of commemoration.

The 1st Armoured Regiment Association will receive $1250 towards an event held in July at

the School of Armour in Puckapunyal to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Battle of

Binh Ba.

Tobruk Street Primary School, Morwell, will receive $3000 to help produce a banner

featuring student-based research about the Battle of Tobruk.

Wycheproof RSL Sub-branch will receive $3390 to help restore the Wycheproof RSL War

Memorial in Centenary Park and install a plaque at the memorial dedicated to those who

served in the Vietnam War.

The Merchant Navy War Service League will receive $3000 to help install a glass cabinet in

the Western Port Oberon Submarine Association at Crib Point to display wartime


Cohuna/Leitchville RSL Sub-branch will receive $500 to help install an honour board in the

Cohuna Memorial Hall dedicated to Australian men and women who have served in wars

and conflicts.

The Lighthorse and Field Artillery Museum will receive three grants: $4000 to help restore

two bronze honour boards dedicated to members of the Commercial Travellers Club who

served during the First World War; $2800 to help install a display cabinet at the museum to

house HMAS Yarra memorabilia; and $4000 to help restore an honour board dedicated to

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employees at the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works who served during the First

World War.

Knox Remembrance Day Committee will receive $1350 to help restore the vandalised First

World War Memorial located in the Tim Neville Arboretum in Ferntree Gully.

The C Coy 2 RAR/NZ November 2009 Reunion Committee will receive $1750 towards a

reunion held in early November to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the company’s tour

of duty in South Vietnam.

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