Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602
Telephone 02 6277 7820 Facsimile 02 6273 4140
The Hon Alan Griffin MP
Minister for Veterans Affairs
18 December 2008
Today more than 325,000 members of the veteran community receive $407 million in payments
from the Rudd Government. The Minister for Veterans Affairs, Alan Griffin said the payments
were being made as part of the $10.4 billion Economic Security Strategy (ESS).
The Rudd Government is committed to ensuring a brighter outlook for pensioners in 2009 by
strengthening and stimulating our economy with payments worth more than $407 million to the
veteran community, Mr Griffin said.
These payments build on existing support, provide financial assistance for veterans in the week
before Christmas, and act as a down payment on comprehensive reform of the pension
Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) beneficiaries receive the lump sum payment if they were
eligible for particular payments or concession cards through DVA or Centrelink on 14 October
This includes service pensioners, those receiving income support supplement or age pension
paid by DVA under social security law. These pensioners and those who hold a Commonwealth
Seniors Health Card or are Veterans Gold Card holders eligible for Seniors Concession
Allowance, will receive a one-off lump sum payment of $1,400 for singles and $1,050 each for
eligible member of a couple.
There are other ways members of the veteran community can receive a payment under the
Economic Security Strategy. For example, a veteran whose child receives a benefit under the
Veterans Children Education Scheme will also receive an additional $1000 per child. Those
caring for a veteran and receiving the Carers Allowance from Centrelink, will also receive
$1000 for each eligible person they care for.
Payments are non taxable and will not be included for income testing purposes.
For more information about the ESS and payments to veterans, visit
For payment enquiries: 133 254.
Media inquiries only: Laura Ryan 0437 863 109
The VVCS Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a
week on 1800 011 046.
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