$241,000 To Improve Community Support For Nsw Veterans

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23rd December 2008, 01:25pm - Views: 890

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 1 image

Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Tuesday 23 December 2008 


Christmas celebrations may be a little louder for twenty-two community groups across New

South Wales who will share in more than $241,000 in grants announced today by the Minister

for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin.  Groups will receive on average more than $10,000 each to

improve veteran health and independence.

Mr Griffin said the total grant allocation of $241,004 would benefit more than 6500 local

veterans, and demonstrates the Rudd Government’s commitment to supporting organisations

dedicated to caring for veterans and their dependants.

“The Veteran & Community Grants program provides funding to local and community

organisations for projects that are directly supporting local veteran communities,” Mr Griffin said.

“It is important that veterans have access to a range of programs that teach them skills to help

them remain independent and active, particularly for the elderly living by themselves.

“Today’s funding supports a range of projects to encourage veterans to learn new life skills

including Cooking for One or Two programs, healthy living and computer skills courses.

“Veteran & Community Grants also help fund local initiatives that improve access to community

care services and encourage social interaction through Day Clubs, Men’s Sheds and social

excursions,” the Minister said.

Mr Griffin said during 2008 hundreds of local and community organisations had benefited from

more than $3.9 million in funding distributed through the grants program.

Mr Griffin encouraged local and community organisations interested in applying for 2009

funding to visit www.dva.gov.au/health/grants or contact their nearest Department of Veterans’

Affairs office on 133 254 (for metropolitan callers) or 1800 555 254 (for non-metropolitan


Media inquiries: Laura Ryan 0437 863 109

Editor/producers note: A list of grant recipients is attached, and the Minister is available for



The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a

week on 1800 011 046.

To receive the Minister’s media releases automatically by email subscribe at minister.dva.gov.au/subscribe.htm 

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 2 image

Veteran and Community Grants New South Wales recipients

The Greater Southern Area Health Service, on behalf of the Crookwell Activity Centre, will

receive $15,277 to help replace a community bus to assist the veteran community in

attending the Activity Centre’s Weekday program.

The 823 Veterans’ Social Club will receive $11,280 to help purchase a camping trailer,

generator, portable fridge and chairs to enhance and expand an existing program of

camping trips for the local veteran community.

The Australian National Servicemen’s Association will receive $2479 to help purchase a

computer, camera, computer equipment and a multi-function printer to produce the

association’s monthly newsletter.

Gloucester RSL Sub-branch will receive $13,286 to help conduct four bus trips to Canberra,

Newcastle, Toronto and Dubbo for 170 local veterans.

The Griffith Men’s Shed will receive $46,455 to help purchase new tools and equipment,

install a dust extraction system and upgrade the electrical supply in the shed.

Forster Tuncurry Community College will receive $6559 to help design a course for carers in

the veteran community. 

The South West Slopes Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans Peacekeepers and

Peacemakers Association of Australia will receive $3943 to help purchase an air

conditioning unit and barbeque.

The Old Bar Beach RSL Sub-branch will receive $4100 to help purchase a computer, printer

and computer software to help produce the club’s newsletter.

Medowie RSL Sub-branch will receive $8245 to help purchase a trailer with barbeque and

kitchen facilities for use by members.

Kids of Veterans NSW will receive $3514 to help purchase a computer, printer and projector

to produce a quarterly newsletter . 

Nambucca Valley Sub-section of the Naval Association of Australia will receive $2399 to

help purchase a portable gazebo and generator for use by members.

The South Western Sydney Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Welfare and Social Club

will receive $5000 to help conduct a series of bus trips for members to help reduce social


The Riverina Sub-section of the Vietnam Veterans Peacekeepers and Peacemakers

Association of Australia will receive $19,970 to help purchase a barbeque trailer and cooking

utensils for use by members during social outings.

Toronto RSL Sub-branch will receive $8942 to help purchase exercise equipment and hire

instructors to conduct an exercise program for members.

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The Australian Flying Corps and Royal Australian Air Force Association National Council will

receive $5200 to help purchase a computer and computer software to produce their

quarterly Wings Magazine.

Uniting Care NSW and ACT will receive $20,224 to help purchase wood working machinery,

equipment and materials for the Knowles Men’s Shed.

Coolamon Men’s Shed will receive $16,437 to help purchase tools and materials including a

welder, drill and a wood planer and thickener.

The New South Wales Branch of the Partners of Veterans Association of Australia will

receive $5760 to help purchase equipment for an exercise program including mats and

water bottles.

Baptist Church Wellington will receive $23,654 to help purchase materials and equipment to

establish a men’s shed and conduct a series of bus trips.

Macleay Valley Community Projects will receive $9213 to help purchase wood working

machinery and tools for a local Men’s Shed.

Clarence Valley Vietnam Veterans Project will receive $5000 to help provide computer

training for members.

Nambucca Heads RSL Sub-branch will receive $4067 to help purchase equipment including

a public address system, camera, vacuum cleaner and an indoor bowls set.

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