$132,000 For Projects To Honour Australia's Veterans In Nsw

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29th July 2009, 11:25am - Views: 840

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Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Wednesday, 29 July 2009 


Fifty-five local organisations across New South Wales received a financial boost today with the

announcement of $132,949 in funding approved by the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan

Griffin, for projects honouring Australia’s wartime heritage.

Mr Griffin said the funding is part of the Australian Government’s Saluting Their Service

Commemorative grants program to help communities across the nation honour and

commemorate our wartime history.

“The grants will fund local activities and initiatives that recognise the service and sacrifice of the

men and women who have served Australia in wars, conflicts and peace operations,” Mr Griffin


“Today, the Government is announcing funding for a range of projects including restoring and

displaying wartime memorabilia, upgrading community war memorials, purchasing association

banners and holding commemorative events.

“In particular, helping regional and rural communities across Australia maintain their places of

remembrance is an important function of this grants program as these memorials play a central

role in honouring local sons and daughters who have served the nation.

“Commemorative activities in local communities play a major role in encouraging Australians –

especially younger Australians – to learn about our wartime experiences and provide an

opportunity for veterans to share their stories.”

Mr Griffin said today’s funding is part of $379,000 to support 152 projects nationally.

“Australia has a proud wartime history that has been part of the lives of so many Australian

families.  The Government remains committed to honouring those who have served and

continue to serve, ensuring their legacy is remembered for generations to come.”

Mr Griffin encouraged local community and ex-service organisations interested in applying for

funding to visit www.dva.gov.au or contact their nearest DVA office on 133 254 (for metropolitan

callers) or 1800 555 254 (for non-metropolitan callers).

Editors note: A list of grant recipients from New South Wales is attached.

Media inquiries: Belinda Cole 0437 863 109

The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a

week on 1800 011 046.

To receive the Minister’s media releases automatically by email subscribe at minister.dva.gov.au/subscribe.htm

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Saluting Their Service grants New South Wales Recipients

Ramsgate RSL Sub-branch will receive $1100 to help hold a luncheon in July for members

and guests at the Ramsgate RSL Memorial Club to honour veterans of recent conflicts

including Rwanda, Iraq, the Solomon Islands and East Timor.

Scots Church Sydney will receive $3890 to help refurbish a First World War honour board at

the Church.

Mortdale RSL Sub-branch will receive $930 to help install a plaque at the Mortdale Memorial

Park to commemorate the contribution of the 45th Battalion during the First World War.

Sans Souci Public School will receive $3128 to help restore the School’s First World War

Honour Board in time for its 125th anniversary commemorations to be held in 2010.

The 3rd Cavalry Regiment (Vietnam) Association will receive two grants: $1224 to help

install a plaque in the Western Garden at the Australian War Memorial dedicated to all who

served in the 3rd Cavalry Regiment, Royal Australian Armoured Corps, in Vietnam 1965-

1972; and $3000 to help hold a final reunion dinner in November for members representing

Cavalry units that served in Vietnam. A service will be held at the Vietnam War Memorial on

Anzac Parade in Canberra after which the plaque will be unveiled at the Australian War


Brighton Le Sands Sub-branch will receive $96 to help purchase an Australian White Ensign

to be displayed at the Sub-branch on commemorative occasions.

Merriwa RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help install a display cabinet at the Sub-

branch to exhibit wartime memorabilia from the Boer war to current deployments.

Newcastle City Council will receive $4000 to help restore the Vietnam Veteran’s War

Memorial located in Civic Park including cleaning and replacing deteriorated materials.

Cooma Monaro RSL Sub-branch will receive $2498 to help install a memorial in the

Monaghan-Heyes Memorial area in Cooma dedicated to locals who have served in the

Australian Defence Force since 1975.

The HMAS Culgoa Association will receive $1250 to help hold a final reunion in September

for members and guests at the Swansea RSL Sub-branch for Culgoa crew members who

served in the Korean War.

Greta RSL Sub-branch will receive $850 to help hold a commemorative event to mark the

70th anniversary of the start of the Second World War.

The Entrance/Long Jetty RSL Sub-branch will receive $1210 to help purchase database

software to record more than 15,000 articles of wartime memorabilia dating from the Boer

War, which are displayed at the Military Museum at the Sub-branch.

Maitland Vietnam Veterans and Services Legion will receive $3000 to help hold a dedication

ceremony and luncheon in September for members and guests at the new memorial in

Maitland dedicated to those who died in the Vietnam War.

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The Lions Club of Tathra will receive $4000 to help upgrade the Tathra War Memorial

including replacing cracked paving and building steps leading to the memorial to improve


Burringbar RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help restore the Burringbar First World

War Cenotaph Honour Roll which was unveiled more than 90 years ago and includes the

names on 123 local diggers – 33 of whom made the ultimate sacrifice.

Corrimal RSL Sub-branch will receive $933 to help restore the Corrimal Honour Roll located

in Anzac Grove.

The NSW 4 RAR/4 RAR (Commando) Association will receive $734 to help purchase two

banners for the Association to use on days of commemoration.

Chamberlain Gardens aged care facility will receive $1639 to help install a flagpole to fly the

Australian Flag on days of commemoration. 

The 7th Australian Division Australian Imperial Force Association will receive $3800 to help

upgrade the Bass Hill Memorial located on Remembrance Drive with the addition of a

memorial wall to accommodate plaques dedicated to the Division.

Eden Park Residential Aged Care will receive two grants: $1650 to help install a flagpole to

fly the Australian Flag on days of commemoration; and $670 to help install an honour board

at the facility listing all resident veterans and war widows.

The Royal New South Wales Lancers’ Memorial Museum will receive $1551 to help restore

and preserve the Boer War diary of Major General Lee who commanded the NSW Lancers

Squadron during the Boer War. The diary will also be digitally copied for preservation and

display purposes.

Thirroul RSL Sub-branch will receive $2695 to help restore a Bofors gun located at

Woodwood Park, Thirroul, which was on board the HMAS Anzac during the Korean War,

and attach a plaque outlining the history of the gun.

Wangi Wangi RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help install four display cabinets in the

main lounge of the Sub-branch to exhibit a large amount of memorabilia held by the Sub-

branch including pieces from the Boer War through to present operations.

Blaxland-Glenbrook RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help construct a memorial at the

site of the Glenbrook Chemical Warfare facility commemorating all RAAF personnel who

worked there during the Second World War.

The Evans Head Memorial Aerodrome Committee will receive $1750 to help hold a dinner at

the Evans Head RSL Sub-branch to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the involvement

of the RAAF with the Evans Head community.

The Evans Head Living Museum and Community Technology Centre will receive $4000 to

help install a memorial and garden at the Evans Head Memorial Aerodrome to

commemorate the 70th anniversary of the formation of the Empire Air Training Scheme and

the involvement of the RAAF in the Evans Head Community.

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The Fairmile Association will receive $360 towards morning tea provided at a dedication

ceremony held recently at the Shrine of Remembrance commemorating the Fairmile ships

and their crews. 

The HMAS Vampire Association will receive $200 to help present a plaque to the Australian

National Maritime Museum commemorating the 50th anniversary of the commissioning of

HMAS Vampire and all her crew.

Coolah District Development Group will receive $3000 to help collect, restore, preserve and

interpret photographs and wartime memorabilia relating to locals who served in the Second

World War.

The 3 RAR Museum will receive $2927 to help restore and frame wartime memorabilia

including photographs, flags, papers and maps held by the Museum in Holsworthy before

they relocate to Townsville in 2010.

Coonabarabran RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help restore and record wartime

memorabilia and purchase lockable display cabinets to house memorabilia including medals,

publications and personal mementos.

Taree RSL Sub-branch will receive $1900 to help restore the memorial located in the foyer

of the Sub-branch which is the main focus for community services.

Dungog RSL Sub-branch will receive $1900 to help hold a function in October to

commemorate the 90th anniversary of the end of the First World War.

30 Squadron RAAF Beaufighters Association will receive $2000 to help install 52 walkway

pavers at the 30 Squadron RAAF Memorial at the North Fort Walk Artillery Museum in


The Bowral Vietnam Memorial Walk Trust will receive $4000 to help complete the Bowral

Vietnam Memorial Cherry Tree Walk with the addition of a commemorative column and nine

mature cherry trees dedicated to the nine battalions of The Royal Australian Regiment that

served in the Vietnam War.

The Royal Australian Engineers (RAE) Vietnam Memorial will receive $3837 to help

construct a memorial at the School of Military Engineering at Moorebank dedicated to those

who served in the Indonesian Confrontation in Sabah 1964-1966, and hold a plaque

dedication service and dinner in September for members and guests.

The 78 Squadron Association will receive $2970 to help install a plaque at the Camden War

Cemetery dedicated to No 78 Kittyhawk Fighter Squadron, which was formed and trained in

Camden during the Second World War. 

Killara High School will receive $1655 to help erect an honour roll commemorating former

students who served in both World Wars and subsequent conflicts.

Goulburn Mulwaree Council will receive $4000 to help refurbish the Boer War Memorial

located in Belmore Park, Goulburn, which was built in 1902.

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Coffs Harbour RSL Sub-branch will receive $4000 to help replace concrete surrounding the

Coffs Harbour Memorial Wall with turf to improve visitor safety at commemorative services.

Holsworthy High School will receive $3000 to help create a memorial garden with a flagpole

and memorial stone in its grounds for use on days of commemoration.

Great Lakes Council will receive $2050 to help purchase a display cabinet and restore

wartime memorabilia for displays at the Booral Soldiers Memorial Hall including a Light

Maxim MGO8/15 gun.

The Albury Wodonga Sub-branch of the National Servicemen’s Association of Australia will

receive $4000 to help install a memorial in parkland adjacent to the Harold Mair Bridge in

Albury dedicated to national servicemen who served Australia in wars, conflicts and peace


The NSW Ex-Women’s Royal Australian Navy Association will receive $1000 to help

preserve and catalogue wartime memorabilia held in the Association archives in Grose Wold

including uniforms, letters, photographs and insignia donated by members.

Gloucester RSL Sub-branch will receive $2750 to help hold a reunion in August to

commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Battle of Binh Ba.

The 5 RAR Association will receive $3000 to help hold a reunion and dinner in March 2010

to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the formation of the 5th Battalion, The Royal

Australian Regiment, dedicated to those members who were killed in action or wounded.

The 9th Australian Division Council will receive $3000 to help purchase a unit banner

bearing colours for the 9th Australian Division to be used in marches on days of


The Molong Museum and Historical Society will receive $3000 to help restore and preserve

wartime memorabilia for display including photographs, uniforms, military handbooks and

Japanese souvenirs.

The Great Lakes Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans’ Federation will receive $2790 to help

construct a memorial with two plaques next to the Lone Pine tree at the John Wright Park in

Tuncurry to commemorate the Anzacs and as a tribute to all those who served Australia and

wars, conflicts and peace operations.

The Tinonee Memorial School of Arts will receive $242 to help upgrade the Tinonee Honour

Roll with the addition of ten veterans whose names were originally omitted.

Kandos RSL Sub-branch will receive $3420 to help install eight commemorative plaques at

the Kandos Town Square commemorating all those who served Australia in wars, conflicts

and peace operations.

The RAAF Vietnam RAAF Transport Flight/35 Squadron Council will receive $2350 to help

hold a reunion in August to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the deployment of the first

RAAF unit to Vietnam.

The 78 Squadron Association will receive $3000 to help publish the first unit history of No 78

Squadron RAAF. 

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