Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602
Telephone 02 6277 7820 Facsimile 02 6273 4140
The Hon Alan Griffin MP
Minister for Veterans Affairs
Monday, 25 May 2009
Encouraging veterans, war widows, widowers and their families to become involved in local
health and wellbeing activities, the Minister for Veterans Affairs, Alan Griffin, today announced
more than $1.5 million in funding to support 103 initiatives across Australia.
Mr Griffin said the total funding allocation of $1,518,040 would benefit some 46,000 veterans,
war widows and widowers as well as their families and demonstrates the Australian
Governments support to organisations dedicated to caring for the veteran community.
Veteran & Community Grants provide funding to local and community organisations to support
their role in ensuring the veteran community have access to social and healthy activities, Mr
Griffin said.
Todays funding will help support a range of initiatives including health, nutrition and exercise
Veteran & Community Grants also help fund local initiatives that improve access to community
care services and encourage social interaction through Day Clubs, Mens Sheds and social
It is important that the veteran community have access to a range of programs that teach them
skills to help them remain independent and active, particularly for the elderly living by
Mr Griffin said hundreds of local and community organisations benefit from Australian
Government funding each year.
Mr Griffin encouraged local and community organisations interested in applying for funding to
metropolitan callers) or 1800 555 254 (for non-metropolitan callers).
Media inquiries: Sasha Nimmo 0437 863 109
Editors note: A list of grant recipients is attached.
The VVCS Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a week on
1800 011 046.
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Veteran and Community Grants Tasmanian recipients$97,777
Benefiting more than 3100 veterans
The Tasmanian Division of the Royal Australian Air Force Association will receive
$62,181 to help replace a leaking roof at the associations centre in Hobart.
The Glenorchy RSL Sub-branch will receive $19,697 to help repair the ceiling and
flooring at the sub-branch.
The Tasmanian Branch of the National Servicemens Association of Australia will
receive $3080 to help fund a series of bus trips for veterans to help reduce social
The Scottsdale RSL Sub-branch will receive $3360 to help purchase a computer
and printer to produce a newsletter, and a public address system for use at sub-
branch functions.
Launceston RSL Womens Auxiliary will receive $2520 to purchase hip chairs to
help with the comfort and safety of members.
Lilydale RSL Sub-branch will receive $1760 to help purchase a portable public
address system for use at sub-branch functions.
The Tasmanian Division of the Fleet Air Arm Association will receive $2066 to help
purchase a computer, printer, camera, internet connection and computer software
to produce the divisions newsletter.
The Midlands Sub-branch of the National Malaya and Borneo Veterans Association
of Australia will receive $3113 to help purchase a computer, printer and camera to
produce the sub-branch newsletter.
Veteran and Community Grants Victorian recipients$710,031
Benefiting more than 9600 veterans
Colac Legacy will receive $30,000 to help purchase a bus for social and healthy
lifestyle activities for members.
The Springvale Remembrance and Community Vegetable Garden Committee will
receive $88,118 to help establish a community garden in Springvale.
Frankston RSL Sub-branch will receive $20,289 to help purchase computer
equipment and internet connection for the use of its members.
Hastings RSL Sub-branch will receive $53,803 to help upgrade the clubroom
kitchen, purchase an audio visual system and public address system.
Mildura Bowls Club will receive $49,827 to help install overhead lighting at the
bowling greens.
Terang RSL Sub-branch will receive $38,376 to help replace floor coverings at the
club, purchase air conditioning systems and two refrigerators.
Bendigo District RSL Sub-branch will receive $22,868 to help purchase tools and
equipment for the Recreation, Skills and Leisure Centre (Mens Shed).
Drumcondra Bowling Club will receive $10,000 to help purchase a shade structure
for sun protection for players.
The Royal Australian Air Force Engineers Officers Association will receive $8994
to help purchase computer equipment to produce the association newsletter, and
develop a website.
Heywood and District Memorial Hospital will receive $34,709 to help purchase a
community bus for a range of community activities for veterans.
The Ex-Womens Royal Australian Navy Association will receive $1400 to help
fund a series of bus trips for members; and $2000 to help purchase a computer
and printer to produce the association newsletter.
The Sale RSL and Community Sub-branch will receive $1250 to help purchase a
computer to produce the sub-branch newsletter.
Traralgon RSL Sub-branch will receive $37,670 to help purchase tables and chairs
to support social and healthy lifestyle activities at the sub-branch.
Sandringham Bowls Club will receive $8130 to help purchase a barbeque, shade
shelter, porch and furniture to support healthy lifestyle activities for veterans and
their families.
Montmorency RSL Sub-branch will receive $4670 to help purchase a computer and
camera to produce the sub-branch newsletter.
The Box Hill Legacy War Widows Club will receive $1657 to fund a series of bus
trips to help reduce social isolation for members.
The Ringwood Branch of the War Widows and Widowed Mothers Association will
receive $7560 to help fund a series of bus trips to expand the associations social
and healthy lifestyle activities.
West Gippsland Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia will
receive $4367 to help purchase tools, building and safety equipment to expand
maintenance services to veterans.
Golden Begonia Day Club will receive $4852 to help purchase computer equipment
and a camera to produce the club newsletter, and fund a series of bus trips for
Mirboo North Bowling Club will receive $50,000 to help upgrade the kitchen
facilities at the club.
Castlemaine RSL Sub-branch will receive $11,641 to help upgrade the clubrooms
with new floor coverings and curtains and install hand basins and automatic taps.
Coburg War Widows and Widowed Mothers Association will receive $1910 to fund
a series of bus trips to help reduce social isolation for members.
Meeniyan Bowling Club will receive $17,432 to help purchase a dishwasher and
install a shade area.
The Victorian Division of the Australian Water Transport Association, Australian
Imperial Force, will receive $1361 to help purchase a computer and printer to
produce the association newsletter.
Croydon Legacy Widows Club will receive $6746 to fund a series of bus trips to
help reduce social isolation for members.
Korumburra RSL Sub-branch will receive $15,800 to help replace the clubroom
Woodend RSL Sub-branch will receive $23,204 to help upgrade the kitchen
facilities at the club.
Bentleigh RSL Sub-branch will receive $15,043 to help purchase four computers,
internet connection and a printer to establish an internet café for members.
Leongatha RSL Sub-branch will receive $8010 to help purchase library shelves to
expand lifestyle activities for members.
The Mildura and District Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Social and Welfare
Club will receive $3630 to fund a series of bus trips to help reduce social isolation
for members.
Fish Creek Bowls Club will receive $40,000 to help purchase and install a synthetic
bowling green.
Wedderburn-Korong Vale RSL Sub-branch will receive $36,982 to help upgrade
the clubroom, install disabled access, repair roofing and flooring.
Poppet Head Day Club will receive $3179 to fund a series of bus trips to help
reduce social isolation for members.
Mirboo North RSL Sub-branch will receive $20,482 to help upgrade kitchen
facilities and install an air conditioning system.
Rokewood and District RSL Sub-branch will receive $21,970 to help replace the
roof of the clubrooms and purchase portable amenities.
Epping RSL Sub-branch will receive $2101 to help purchase a computer, printer
and camera to produce the sub-branch newsletter.
Veteran and Community Grants West Australian recipients$20,414
Benefiting some 1000 veterans
The West Australian Division of the Australian Flying Corp and Royal Australian Air
Force Association will receive $7808 to help purchase a wood lathe for the
associations Cambrai Village Hobby Workshop.
Kwinana RSL Sub-branch will receive $2417 to help purchase tables and chairs for
the sub-branch.
The Australian Ex-Services Atomic Survivors Association will receive $3740 to help
purchase a computer and printer to produce the associations newsletter.
The City of Rockingham RSL Sub-branch will receive $6449 to help purchase and
install a dishwasher at the sub-branch.
Veteran and Community Grants South Australian recipients$227,493
Benefiting more than 6700 veterans
The South Australian RSL Branch will receive $8993 to help purchase a computer,
projector and projection screen for presentations at the club.
The Legacy Club of Adelaide will receive $52,800 to help fund a series of bus trips
for Legacy clubs throughout South Australia to help reduce social isolation for older
The South Australian Branch of the Royal Australian Regiment Association will
receive $36,891 to help upgrade the kitchen facilities at the association including
electrical work, plumbing and purchase of whitegoods.
The South Australian Division of the Royal Australian Air Force Association will
receive $12,686 to help purchase kitchen appliances, crockery and audio visual
equipment for the Combined Mess at the Drill Hall at Torrens Parade Ground.
Edithburgh RSL and Bowling Club will receive $42,939 to help upgrade the kitchen
facilities and replace floor coverings at the clubhouse.
Brighton RSL Sub-branch will receive $5005 to help purchase folding tables for the
sub-branch meals program.
The South Australian Mounted Rifles Association will receive $6103 to help update
the audio visual system for the Associations social and healthy lifestyle activities.
The South Australian Branch of the Vietnam Veterans Federation will receive
$8934 to provide a series of bus trips to help reduce social isolation for members.
Willunga and District RSL Sub-branch will receive $26,369 to help upgrade outdoor
facilities at the club including installing a pergola, barbeque and better access to
disabled amenities.
Two Wells RSL Sub-branch will receive $9898 to help purchase kitchen appliances
and an entertainment system for the sub-branch.
Barker Day Club will receive $3070 to fund a series of bus trips to help reduce
social isolation for members.
Tailem Bend RSL Sub-branch will receive $6149 to help purchase a projector,
projection screen and public address system for use at sub-branch functions.
The RSL and Combined Services Club will receive $7656 to help repair the kitchen
ceiling and replace carpet at the Jamestown RSL.
Veteran and Community Grants Queensland recipients$101,479
Benefiting more than 8300 veterans
Hervey Bay RSL Sub-branch will receive $4112 to help purchase a photocopier to
produce the sub-branch newsletter.
Toowoomba RSL Sub-branch will receive $13,920 to help fund an activity co-
ordinator to implement new activities for members; and $9248 to purchase a digital
photocopier to produce the sub-branch newsletter.
Maleny RSL Sub-branch will receive $3540 to fund a series of bus trips to help
reduce social isolation for members.
Kawana Waters Royal Australian Air Force Association will receive $2000 to fund a
series of bus trips to help reduce social isolation for members.
The Queensland RSL Bowls Association, Downs/Granite Belt Zone, will receive
$7733 to fund a series of bus trips to help reduce social isolation for members.
Caboolture Business Enterprise Centre Association will receive $37,620 to help
fund a series of bus trips to help reduce social isolation for local veterans.
The Sunshine Coast Branch of the Naval Association of Australia will receive
$2090 to help purchase a photocopier to produce the branch newsletter.
The Western District RSL Branch will receive $11,009 to help purchase a
photocopier to produce the branch newsletter.
The Sunshine Coast Centre of the Totally and Permanently Incapacitated Ex-
Servicemen and Women Association will receive $2144 to help purchase a
computer and printer to produce a newsletter.
The Veterans Health and Recreation Club of the Gold Coast will receive $2718 to
help hire a bus for a ten-day trip to Rockhampton.
The Edge Hill Cairns West RSL Sub-branch will receive $3365 to help purchase a
public address system for use at sub-branch functions.
Herbert River Laurel Club will receive $1980 to fund a series of bus trips to help
reduce social isolation for members.
Veteran and Community Grants New South Wales recipients$360,846
Benefiting more than 17,400 veterans
Toronto RSL Sub-branch will receive $44,778 to help establish a social, welfare
and education centre at the sub-branch.
Laurieton RSL Sub-branch will receive $13,288 to fund a series of bus trips to
encourage social interaction amongst members.
The 53rd Composite AA Regimental Association will receive $6128 to help
purchase a computer and audio visual equipment to produce an association
magazine and enhance presentations at functions and meetings.
Cardiff RSL Sub-branch will receive $5828 to help purchase a computer, camera
and office desk to produce the sub-branch newsletter.
The Queanbeyan and Canberra Sub-branch of the National Servicemens
Association of Australia will receive $1280 to help purchase a computer to produce
the association newsletter.
The Sydney Chapter of the Vietnam Veterans Motor Cycle Club will receive
$19,194 to help purchase tools and equipment, and receive training in mechanics
and occupational health and safety, to enhance club programs.
Healthy Balance in Revesby will receive $13,829 to help prepare a series of
seminars on nutrition and physical activity for local veterans.
The Legacy Club of Armidale will receive $4628 to help purchase an entertainment
system to provide movie screenings for members.
City of Albury RSL Sub-branch will receive $8800 to help construct an outdoor
barbeque area, expanding the sub-branchs social and healthy lifestyle activities.
Parkes Mens Shed will receive $24,554 to help install a rainwater tank and
amenities, purchase tools and equipment and fund a series of day trips to other
Mens Sheds in the region.
The Ryde City and Districts Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans Association of
Australia National Council will receive $6575 to help purchase a portable marquee
and public address system to enhance sub-branch activities.
The South West Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans Peacekeepers and
Peacemakers Association of Australia will receive $7425 to help fund a series of
bus trips to military museums for members; and $4775 to purchase portable
equipment for the sub-branchs social and healthy lifestyle activities.
Sussex Inlet Mens Shed will receive $11,064 to help purchase workshop
machinery, tools, computer equipment and a whiteboard.
Leeton Shire Council will receive $35,075 to help purchase tools and safety
equipment to enhance the Leeton Shire Mens Shed.
Snowy River RSL Sub-branch will receive $1124 to help purchase a public address
system to enhance sub-branch activities.
South Grafton RSL Sub-branch will receive $4524 to help purchase a computer
and printer to produce a monthly newsletter.
Deniliquin Mens Shed will receive $8974 to help purchase workshop machinery
and tools to enhance the Sheds activities.
The HMAS Shoalhaven Association will receive $2493 to help purchase a
computer and printer to produce the association newsletter.
The Macular Degeneration Foundation will receive $41,008 to help enhance
information sessions on macular degeneration in the veteran community.
The Integrated Service Peoples Association of Australia will receive $1133 to help
purchase a refrigerator, air-conditioner and kettle for the craft room; and $2788 to
purchase and install a rainwater tank at the Associations clubhouse.
The South Coast Writers Centre will receive $19,700 to help fund a series of
creative writing workshops for Vietnam veterans and their families.
The South West Slopes Sub-branch of the National Servicemens Association of
Australia will receive $4412 to help purchase a computer, printer to produce the
sub-branch newsletter, and a public address system for use at functions.
Lake Cargelligo and District Mens Shed will receive $17,963 to help purchase
tools and equipment to expand the Mens Shed program.
Malua Bay Bowling and Recreation Club will receive $10,916 to help purchase a
bain marie and coffee machine to support the clubs health and well-being activities
for members.
The NSW Branch of the Vietnam Veterans Peacekeepers and Peacemakers
Association of Australia will receive $10,500 to help purchase sound equipment to
enhance activities in the veteran community.
Sydney Legacy, on behalf of Blue Mountains Legacy, will receive $28,090 to help
purchase and install a new kitchen, appliances and entertainment system to
enhance lifestyle activities for the local veteran community.