$1.3m For Veteran Health And Wellbeing Projects

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15th February 2010, 12:31pm - Views: 779

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 1 image

Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Monday 15 February 2010 


Encouraging veterans, war widows, widowers and their families to become involved in local

health and wellbeing activities, the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Alan Griffin, today announced

more than $1.3 million in funding to support 98 initiatives across Australia.

“I am pleased to announce that more than $1.3 million has been allocated in this round of the

Veteran & Community Grants program,” Mr Griffin said.

“The funding will benefit some 41,000 veterans, war widows and widowers and their families by

supporting a range of initiatives including health, nutrition and exercise sessions.”

Mr Griffin said the grants demonstrate the Australian Government’s commitment to

organisations that care for the veteran community, and encourage veterans, war widows and

widowers and their families to become involved in local health and wellbeing activities.

“Veteran & Community Grants help fund local initiatives that improve access to community care

services and encourage social interaction through Day Clubs, Men’s Sheds and social

excursions,” Mr Griffin said.

“It is important that the veteran community has access to a range of programs where they can

learn skills to help them remain independent and active, particularly for the elderly living by


Veteran & Community Grants are available to ex-service and community organisations, veteran

representative groups and private organisations that contribute to the health and welfare of the

veteran community.  

Local and community organisations interested in applying for funding are encouraged to visit

www.dva.gov.au/grants or contact their nearest DVA office on 133 254 (for metropolitan callers)

or 1800 555 254 (for non-metropolitan callers).

Media inquiries: Sasha Nimmo  0437 863 109

Editor’s note: A list of grant recipients is attached.

The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a week on

1800 011 046.

To receive the Minister’s media releases automatically by email subscribe at minister.dva.gov.au/subscribe.htm

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 2 image

Veteran and Community Grants West Australian recipients$75,346 benefiting

more than 1500 veterans

North Beach RSL Sub-branch will receive $9391 to help purchase equipment

including kayaks to enhance physical activity programs at the club.

The Legacy Club of Fremantle will receive $19,646 to fund a series of bus trips to

help reduce social isolation among members.

Mandurah RSL Sub-branch will receive $41,949 to help install heating and air-

conditioning at the club.

The Partners of Veterans Association of Western Australia will receive $4360 to

help purchase audio-visual equipment to deliver health information sessions to


Veteran and Community Grants Victorian recipients$437,519 benefiting more

than 12,500 veterans

Melbourne Legacy will receive $7000 to establish a 1800 Legacy Welfare Helpline

to provide information on issues relating to housing, medical services and welfare

to its clients.

The Gippsland Chapter of the Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Club Australia will

receive $10,465 to help purchase insulation and air-conditioning for the club.

Hume Veterans Information Centre will receive $31,738 to help upgrade bathroom

facilities at the centre.

Morwell RSL Sub-branch will receive three grants: $11,700 to help purchase a

photocopier to assist with the production of a newsletter; $3091 to fund a series of

bus trips for its members to help reduce social isolation; and $4313 to fund a series

of bus trips on behalf of the Powerhouse Day Club.

The Cohuna-Leitchville RSL Sub-branch Building Account will receive $9280 to

repair flooring, install air-conditioning and upgrade kitchen facilities at the club.

Crib Point RSL Sub-branch will receive $72,067 to help upgrade kitchen facilities,

replace floor coverings and install skylights and a sunshade.

Broadford RSL Sub-branch will receive $100,836 to help rebuild the club after it

was destroyed in a fire in January 2008. The funding will help install air-

conditioning, insulation, kitchen facilities, disabled bathroom facilities, floor

coverings and purchase tables and kitchenware.

Koo Wee Rup Men’s Shed will receive $2915 to help install disabled access to the


Mornington Peninsula Legacy Club will receive $7190 to help purchase and install

an air-conditioner at the club.

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Hopetoun RSL Sub-branch will receive $9080 to help upgrade bathroom facilities

at the club.

The Time Ball Day Club will receive $1512 to fund a series of bus trips to help

reduce social isolation among members.

Moe RSL Sub-branch will receive two grants: $2285 to help purchase a public

address system for use at club activities; and $19,504 to help purchase musical

instruments for the Moe RSL Brass Band.

Phillip Island RSL Sub-branch will receive two grants: $24,250 to help purchase

tools and machinery to establish a Men’s Shed at Phillip Island; and $3300 to help

fund first aid training for club volunteers.

Trafalgar Thorpdale RSL Sub-branch will receive $8578 to help upgrade kitchen

facilities and install air-conditioning at the club.

The Outer Eastern Melbourne Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans’ Association of

Australia will receive $9064 to help purchase a BBQ trailer for use by members at

club activities.

The Swan Hill District Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Australia

will receive $9500 to fund a series of bus trips to help reduce social isolation

among members.

Creswick/Smearton RSL Sub-branch will receive $1497 to help upgrade club

facilities including the hot water service.

Inverleigh RSL Sub-branch will receive $7480 to restump the foundations

underneath the floor to ensure safety for club members.

Sorrento Portsea RSL Sub-branch will receive $4338 to help purchase a public

address system for use at club activities.

Foster Bowls Club will receive $10,000 to help purchase shade structures and

seating for use by members at club activities.

The Bentleigh RSL Sub-branch, Welfare Patriotic Fund, will receive three grants:

$3300 to fund a series of bus trips for war widows to help reduce social isolation;

$2284 to help purchase a television and DVD player for use by members at club

activities; and $3300 to help run a series of social excursions for the Women’s

Auxiliary members.

The South Gippsland Group of Melbourne Legacy will receive $4136 to fund a

series of bus trips to help reduce social isolation among members.

Coburg RSL Sub-branch will receive $4177 to help purchase a television and DVD

player for use by members at club activities.

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Wodonga Men’s Shed will receive $3312 to help purchase tools and equipment for

the shed.

The Geelong Section of the Extremely Disabled War Veterans Association of

Victoria will receive $2387 to fund a series of bus trips to help reduce social

isolation among members.

Queenscliff Point Lonsdale RSL Sub-branch will receive $2725 to help purchase a

refrigerator and freezer, and replace worn seating at the club.

Warragul RSL Sub-branch will receive $5800 to help purchase a digital projector

and screen for use by members at club activities.

The Leongatha RSL Sub-branch Patriotic Fund will receive $24,000 to help

upgrade the club including furniture, computers and equipment to set up an

Internet Café at the Sub-branch.

Brighton Bowling and Sporting Club will receive $7206 to help purchase and install

a sun shade at the club.

Seagull Day Club will receive $2083 to help purchase a public address system,

microphone, games and a food trolley for use by members at club activities.

The Oakleigh-Carnegie War Widows and Widowed Mothers Association will

receive $1826 to fund a series of bus trips to help reduce social isolation among


Veteran and Community Grants Tasmanian recipients$104,947 benefiting

more than 1600 veterans

Lenah Valley RSL Sub-branch will receive $55,457 to help install air-conditioning

and fix the club’s roof.

Claremont RSL Sub-branch will receive $12,528 to help purchase and install a

reverse cycle air-conditioner at the club.

Devonport RSL Sub-branch will receive $9548 to help replace worn carpet at the


The Rosebery District RSL and Ex-service Club will receive $27,414 to help

upgrade kitchen and bathroom facilities at the club.

Veteran and Community Grants South Australian recipients$362,533

benefiting more than 3700 veterans

Gawler RSL Sub-branch will receive $95,107 to help upgrade bathroom and

kitchen facilities and install disabled access to the club.

Magill RSL Sub-branch will receive $84,260 to help upgrade bathroom facilities at

the club and install disabled access to both the bathrooms and club.

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 5 image

The Ex Military Rehabilitation Centre in Edinburgh Parks will receive $48,254 to

help purchase a bus suitable for disabled passengers, for use by members on club

activities and excursions.

Echunga RSL Sub-branch will receive $3054 to help purchase security grills and

air-conditioning for the club.

Seaton RSL Sub-branch will receive $16,345 to help purchase dining chairs and

tables for use at club activities.

The Corporation of the City of Port Augusta will receive $8928 to help purchase

tools and equipment to support activities at the Port Augusta Men’s Shed.

Cummins Yeelanna RSL Sub-branch will receive $52,398 to help upgrade club

facilities including the kitchen, carpeting and heating.

The Active Eight Social Club will receive $7896 to help purchase a computer,

photocopier and software to produce the club newsletter.

Loxton RSL Sub-branch will receive $8309 to help purchase a public address

system, BBQ, table tennis table and other sporting equipment to support club

activities. The Sub-branch will also receive help to purchase a computer, general

software and digital camera to produce a newsletter.

The Barossa and Light Legacy Widows Club will receive $12,690 to help purchase

audio-visual equipment to support club activities.

The South Australian Division of the Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps

Association will receive $1199 to help purchase a computer to produce the

association’s newsletter.

Laura RSL Sub-branch will receive $10,000 to help upgrade club kitchen facilities.

Strathalbyn and District Legacy Widows Club will receive $3855 to help purchase a

public address system for use by members at club activities.

The Northern Districts Gem and Mineral Club will receive $10,238 to help purchase

gem faceting machines and provide training to local veteran  members and the

wider community.

Veteran and Community Grants Queensland recipients$153,585 benefiting

more than 9500 veterans

Toowoomba RSL Sub-branch will receive $36,640 to purchase a bus to help assist

elderly members of the RSL.

Palm Beach Currumbin Legacy Laurel Club will receive $3320 to fund a series of

bus trips to help reduce social isolation among members.

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The Bell RSL Sub-branch will receive $8183 to help install disabled access to the


Sherwood Indooroopilly RSL Sub-branch will receive $13,906 to help purchase

tables and chairs for the club’s dining room, and fund a series of bus trips to help

reduce social isolation among members.

Oakey RSL Sub-branch will receive $3718 to fund a series of bus trips to help

reduce social isolation among members.

Currumbin Happy Group will receive $8170 to fund a series of eleven bus trips to

help reduce social isolation among members.

The Naval Association of Australia will receive $7700 to help purchase audio-visual

equipment for use by members at club activities.

The Queensland Branch of the Australian Federation of Totally and Permanently

Incapacitated Ex-servicemen and Women will receive $2034 to help purchase a

computer, printer and shredder to produce the association newsletter.

Kedron-Wavell RSL Sub-branch will receive $8467 to help purchase craft tools,

materials and general equipment for the Voyager Centre to enable Sub-branch

members to enjoy organised activities.

The Legacy Club of Fraser Coast and Country Burnett will receive $13,075 to help

purchase a colour laser printer and office furniture to produce the club newsletter.

The Legacy Club of Brisbane will receive $3999 to help purchase a sewing

machine for use by members at craft activities.

Bowen Laurel Club will receive $817 to fund a series of bus trips for war widows to

help reduce social isolation among members.

Ordnance Field Park Vietnam Association will receive $2852 to help purchase a

laptop, software, a surge protector and a printer to produce the association


The Maroochy Waters Sub-section of the Naval Association of Australia will receive

$2293 to help purchase a trailer, a gazebo and an icebox to enhance outdoor

activities at the association.

Glass House Country RSL Sub-branch will receive $18,040 to help purchase new

tables and chairs for the club dining room.

The Stanthorpe Branch of the National Servicemen’s Association of Australia will

receive $3475 to fund a series of bus trips to help reduce social isolation among


Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 7 image

Centenary Suburbs RSL Sub-branch will receive $1077 to help purchase a

lawnmower, whipper snipper and blower to assist in maintaining the gardens of


Shed West will receive $8139 to help purchase tools and equipment for the Shed

West Men’s Shed.

The Bribie Island and District Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans Association of

Australia will receive $7680 to help conduct water aerobics classes to encourage

veteran health and wellbeing.

Veteran and Community Grants New South Wales recipients$246,702

benefiting more than 13,000 veterans

Grafton RSL Sub-branch will receive $4730 to help purchase a portable public

address system, projector, notebook computer, camera and six stackable chairs for

the Big River RSL Day Club.

Alzheimers Australia will receive $24,343 to help develop and conduct a series of

veteran education sessions about dementia.

Newcastle Legacy Fund will receive $65,916 to replace an ageing community bus

to support members.

Tweed Valley Murwillumbah National Servicemen’s Sub-branch will receive

$14,000 to fund a series of bus trips to help reduce social isolation among


The New South Wales Branch of the National Servicemen’s Association of

Australia will receive two grants: $9751 to fund a series of bus trips to help reduce

social isolation among members; and $3985 to help produce and distribute the

association newsletter.

Widows and Veterans Entitlements Services will receive $12,840 to fund a series

of bus trips to help reduce social isolation among members.

St Georges Basin Veteran’s Golf Club will receive $5605 to fund a series of bus

trips to help reduce social isolation among members.

The Gosford City Sub-branch of the National Servicemen’s Association of Australia

will receive $6000 to help fund a bus trip to the Australian War Memorial in


Gosford RSL Sub-branch will receive $1146 to help purchase equipment including

a cupboard, camera and shredder for the Broadwater RSL Day Club.

The Milton Ulladulla RSL Sub-branch will receive $3789 to help purchase a public

address system for use during club activities.

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Glen Innes Men’s Shed will receive $9806 to help purchase tools and equipment

for the Shed.

The Shoalhaven Sub-branch of the National Servicemen’s Association of Australia

will receive two grants: $7722 to help produce the Association’s newsletter; and

$8250 to fund a series of bus trips to help reduce social isolation among members.

Seven Hills Toongabbie RSL Sub-branch will receive $3520 to fund a series of bus

trips to help reduce social isolation among members.

Branxton RSL Sub-branch will receive $27,145 to help upgrade disabled access to

the RSL Hall.

The National Service and Combined Forces Association of Australia will receive

$16,675 to fund a series of bus trips to help reduce social isolation among


The NSW Branch of the Vietnam Veterans Peacekeepers and Peacemakers

Association of Australia will receive $18,039 to help purchase air-conditioning for

the club.

The NSW Branch of the Partners of Veterans Association of Australia will receive

$3440 to help fund a 12-week exercise program for members.

Veteran and Community Grants ACT recipients$7046 benefiting more than

115 veterans

The ACT Branch of the Vietnam Veterans Federation will receive $7046 to help

purchase tools and equipment for the club’s metal workshop.

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