$1.2m For Veteran Health And Wellbeing Projects

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4th September 2009, 10:15am - Views: 798

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 1 image

Parliament House Canberra ACT 2602 

Telephone 02 6277 7820  Facsimile 02 6273 4140

The Hon Alan Griffin MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs


Friday 4 September 2009 


Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Alan Griffin today announced more than $1.2 million in funding to

support 78 health and wellbeing initiatives for veterans and their families across Australia. 

“I am pleased to announce that more than $1.2 million has been allocated in this round of the

Veteran & Community Grants program,” Mr Griffin said.

“The funding will benefit some 26,000 veterans, war widows and widowers and their families by

supporting a range of initiatives including health, nutrition and exercise sessions.”

Mr Griffin said the grants demonstrate the Australian Government’s commitment to

organisations that care for the veteran community, and encourage veterans, war widows and

widowers and their families to become involved in local health and wellbeing activities.

“Veteran & Community Grants help fund local initiatives that improve access to community care

services and encourage social interaction through Day Clubs, Men’s Sheds and social

excursions,” Mr Griffin said.

“It is important that the veteran community has access to a range of programs where they can

learn skills to help them remain independent and active, particularly for the elderly living by


Veteran & Community Grants are available to ex-service and community organisations, veteran

representative groups and private organisations that contribute to the health and welfare of the

veteran community.  

Local and community organisations interested in applying for funding are encouraged to visit

www.dva.gov.au/grants or contact their nearest DVA office on 133 254 (for metropolitan callers)

or 1800 555 254 (for non-metropolitan callers).

Media inquiries: Belinda Cole  0437 863 109

Editor’s note: A list of grant recipients is attached.

The VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a week on

1800 011 046.

To receive the Minister’s media releases automatically by email subscribe at minister.dva.gov.au/subscribe.htm

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 2 image

Veteran and Community Grants Tasmanian recipients$33,700 benefiting

more than 420 veterans

Meander Valley Legacy Widows Club will receive $3000 to fund a series of bus

trips to help reduce social isolation in the local veteran community.

Railton Sunshine Club will receive $3000 to fund a series of bus trips to help

reduce social isolation in the local veteran community.

Brighton Green Ponds RSL Sub-branch will receive $3000 to help purchase a

refrigerator for the club to support veteran social activities.

The Tasmanian Branch of the Totally and Permanently Disabled Soldiers

Association of Australia will receive $3500 to fund a series of bus trips to help

reduce social isolation in the local veteran community.

Clarence Legacy Widows Club will receive $3000 to fund a series of bus trips to

help reduce social isolation in the local veteran community.

Glenorchy RSL Bowls Club will receive $18,200 to help build an access ramp at

the entrance of the club and disability access to bathroom facilities.

Veteran and Community Grants South Australian recipients $286,969

benefiting more than 2700 veterans

Unley RSL Sub-branch will receive $65,234 to help upgrade the facilities at the

club including installing disability access.

The Port Adelaide Sub-section of the Naval Association of Australia will receive

$51,425 to help repair the roof and install air conditioning at the club.

The Beachvale Sub-section of the Naval Association of Australia will receive

$14,700 to help install an air conditioning system.

West Croydon and Kilkenny RSL Sub-branch will receive $46,112 to help install a

reverse cycle air conditioning system.

Stirling RSL Sub-branch will receive $54,000 to help install an air conditioning


Barmera RSL Sub-branch will receive $33,686 to help upgrade facilities at the club

including purchasing tables and chairs, kitchen equipment and window coverings.

Port Elliot RSL Sub-branch will receive $6443 to help upgrade the kitchen at the

club to enhance members’ activities.

The Mt Gambier and District Sub-section of the Naval Association of Australia will

receive $10,690 to help repair a water damaged ceiling, install an air conditioning

system and purchase a new stove for the club kitchen.

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 3 image

The 4th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment Association, South Australia, will

receive $4679 to help purchase a computer, printer, camera, computer software

and internet connection to produce the association newsletter.

Veteran and Community Grants Northern Territory recipients $81,339

benefiting more than 720 veterans

Darwin North RSL Sub-branch will receive $53,367 to help upgrade the kitchen at

the club to enhance member services and programs.

The Northern Territory Rural Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans’ Association of

Australia will receive $22,486 to upgrade the doors and windows to help improve

security at the club.

Tennant Creek RSL Sub-branch will receive $5486 to help purchase outdoor

furniture, a chair trolley and outdoor heaters to enhance programs for members

during the winter months.

Veteran and Community Grants Victorian recipients $380,836 benefiting

more than 8100 veterans

Lyndoch Warrnambool will receive $19,780 to help conduct a foot care awareness

program in south west Victoria for veterans, carers and health care workers.

Merbein Bowling Club will receive $40,226 to help install a synthetic lawn bowling


Warrnambool RSL Sub-branch will receive $10,184 to help purchase a photocopier

to produce the club newsletter.

Sorrento Portsea RSL Sub-branch will receive $57,501 to help upgrade the club

premises including installing non-slip vinyl in the kitchen, climate control blinds in

the hall and constructing a sheltered area with disabled access.

Manangatang RSL Sub-branch will receive $8980 to help install bathroom facilities

at the clubrooms.

Cobden District Health Services will receive $5561 to help purchase an air

conditioning system and roof materials for the Cobden’s Men’s Shed.

Casterton RSL Sub-branch will receive $12,563 to help install bathroom facilities at

the clubrooms.

Swan Hill RSL Sub-branch will receive $9974 to help purchase equipment for the

club including a computer, camera, public address system and bowls mats to

enhance activities for a Day Club.

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 4 image

The West Gippsland Sub-branch of the Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Australia

will receive $3715 to help members undertake first aid training and purchase a first

aid kit for the club.

Warrnambool RSL Sub-branch will receive $2200 to help purchase a song mixing

machine for the Warrnambool and Veteran Charity Dance Group.

Hastings 1066 Day Club will receive $4537 to help fund a series of bus trips for

members and their partners to help reduce social isolation.

Golden Wattle Day Club will receive $2480 to fund a series of bus trips to help

reduce social isolation in the local veteran community.

Bluestone Day Club will receive $2255 to fund a series of bus trips to help reduce

social isolation in the local veteran community.

Toora RSL Sub-branch will receive $35,515 to help purchase an air conditioning

system and install bathroom facilities including an access ramp for members with a


Hamilton RSL Sub-branch will receive $3975 to help purchase a computer,

computer software and printer to produce the club newsletter.

Sunshine RSL Sub-branch will receive $39,247 to help purchase kitchen facilities

including a dishwasher, steamer oven and coffee machine to enhance programs at

the club.

The Warrnambool Sub-section of the Naval Association of Australia will receive

$1599 to help purchase a data projector for presentations to members.

Merbein RSL Sub-branch will receive $40,865 to help replace flooring at the club,

which was unsafe.

The Bass Coast Adult Education Centre will receive $30,861 to help purchase

equipment and plants to establish a community garden at the centre.

Anglesea RSL Sub-branch will receive $9700 to help restump the clubrooms to

ensure the building remains a safe and viable meeting place.

Montmorency RSL Sub-branch will receive $9900 to help replace carpet tiles and

install an air conditioning system at the club.

Traralgon RSL Sub-branch will receive $2297 to help purchase a public address

system for use at club functions.

Wildflower Day Club Watsonia will receive $7152 to fund a series of bus trips to

help reduce social isolation in the local veteran community.

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 5 image

Lyrebirds Day Club in Warburton will receive $4001 to help purchase equipment to

support the club including a data projector, laptop, speakers and portable screen.

Pakenham RSL Sub-branch will receive $3500 to help purchase an audio visual

system to enhance services to members.

The Totally and Permanently Disabled Soldiers Association of Victoria will receive

$2228 to help purchase a television and DVD player to improve presentations and

entertainment available to members.

Ben’s Shed Yarra Junction will receive $10,040 to help purchase a dust extractor

and gas heater for the Men’s Shed.

Veteran and Community Grants Queensland recipients$121,805 benefiting

more than 5200 veterans

The Queensland RSL Branch will receive $40,968 to help refurbish the Angus

House kitchen and dining room including installing new appliances and purchasing

tables and chairs.

The Warwick Branch of the Veterans’ Support and Advocacy Service Australia will

receive $9500 to help purchase a multifunction printer to produce the association


Bauple and District Recreation Ground Association will receive $5685 to help

purchase a computer, computer software and equipment to produce the

association newsletter.

The Sunshine Coast Zone of the Queensland RSL Bowls Association will receive

$2120 to help purchase a computer, multifunction printer and office furniture to

produce the association newsletter.

Cooroy Pomona RSL Sub-branch will receive $50,965 to help purchase a 12-

seater bus to transport members to social events and activities.

The Warwick Branch of the National Servicemen’s Association of Australia will

receive $3652 to fund a series of bus trips to help reduce social isolation in the

local veteran community.

Surfers Paradise RSL Womens Auxiliary will receive $2670 to fund a series of bus

trips to help reduce social isolation in the local veteran community.

Townsville TPI Ladies Auxiliary will receive $3795 to fund a series of bus trips to

help reduce social isolation in the local veteran community.

The Sunshine Coast Branch of the Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Australia will

receive $2450 to help fund a veterans’ golf day, highlighting the health and social

benefits of keeping active.

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 6 image

Veteran and Community Grants West Australian recipients$47,287 benefiting

more than 160 veterans

The Western Australia Division of the Fleet Air Arm Association of Australia will

receive $2538 to help purchase a computer, computer software, printer and

external hard drive to produce the association newsletter.

Healthy Veterans Group will receive $1565 to help purchase exercise clothing for

veterans involved in the Healthy Veterans’ Fitness Program.

The Beverley RSL Sub-branch will receive $18,836 to help upgrade the club’s

catering equipment to support activities for members.

The Shire of Bruce Rock will receive $24,348 to help purchase wood and metal

work machinery and safety equipment to establish the Bruce Rock Men’s Shed.

Veteran and Community Grants New South Wales recipients$275,074

benefiting more than 8800 veterans

The Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre will receive $5024 to help fund a series of

technology learning workshops and social movie sessions for veterans.

The Coolah District Development Group will receive $19,502 to help purchase

tools, machinery and safety equipment for the Coolah Men’s Shed and to fund a

series of bus day-trips to other Men’s Sheds in the local shire.

Seven Hills Toongabbie RSL Sub-branch will receive $9653 to help purchase

kitchen equipment, furniture and a public address system to enhance activities at

the Hills Day Club.

Uniting Care Ageing, Western Region, will receive $14,366 to help purchase tools

and equipment to enhance and expand activities at the Tahmoor Men’s Shed.

Tweed Heads Coolangatta RSL Sub-branch will receive $2400 to help purchase a

photocopier to assist with the production of the club’s newsletter.

Mudgee Men’s Shed will receive $8649 to help install an air conditioning and

heating system, purchase tools, audio visual equipment and a computer to

enhance activities at the Men’s Shed.

The City of Lismore RSL Sub-branch will receive $16,758 to help purchase tools

and equipment to enhance local Men’s Shed activities.

The Macular Degeneration Foundation will receive $69,841 to help provide a series

of information sessions on macular degeneration to the veteran community.

Widows and Veterans Entitlements Services will receive $2174 to help purchase a

computer to produce a newsletter and information sheets.

Government Government Minister For Veterans' Affairs 7 image

The Ballina Sub-section of the Naval Association of Australia will receive $11,629

to fund a series of bus trips to help reduce social isolation in the local veteran


Coonabarabran RSL Sub-branch will receive three grants, $1919 to help purchase

equipment to produce the club newsletter; $11,612 to help purchase and install

new kitchen appliances to enhance programs at the club; and $17,580 to help

purchase tables and chairs to expand activities at the Day Club.

Newcastle and District RSL Life Members Association will receive $5440 to fund a

series of bus trips to help reduce social isolation in the local veteran community.

The Uniting Church in Australia, NSW Property Trust, will receive $12,000 to help

purchase tools and equipment to enhance and expand activities at the Narrandera

Men’s Shed.

The Southern District Council of RSL Sub-branches will receive $2280 to help

purchase a computer to prepare information sheets for members.

Wingham Rotary Club will receive $14,100 to help purchase tools and equipment

to expand activities at the Wingham Men’s Shed.

Harden Murrumburrah Arts Council will receive $1410 to help conduct mosaic

workshops for members of the veteran community.

Corrimal Uniting Church will receive $16,305 to help purchase tools and equipment

to expand activities at the local Community Men’s Shed.

Bay and Basin Community Resources in Nowra will receive $32,432 to help

upgrade and refurbish the Bay and Basin Men’s Shed, expanding activities

available to members.

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