Fire Conditions Ease But Danger Remains For Northern Victoria

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21st January 2010, 04:01pm - Views: 1216

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CFA Media Contact: 5330 3124  

DSE Media Contact: 9412 4777

Joint Media statement

From the State Control Centre

Thursday, 21 January 2010



Residents and visitors in the Mallee and Northern Country weather districts are being advised that

Extreme rather than Code Red conditions are now forecast for tomorrow, fire services announced today.

State Controller Russell Rees said weather conditions across the state were being closely monitored as

many Victorians headed away for the Australia Day long weekend. 

Extreme conditions are also expected in the North East and North Central districts tomorrow.

“We are advising people in these districts to prepare early and remember that extreme is a very serious

Fire Danger Rating,” Mr Rees said.

“Communities and visitors need to be alert. Those living in bushfire prone areas need to activate their fire

plans and monitor the district Fire Danger Ratings and daily weather forecasts on the CFA website and

in the media.


“If you are in a high risk area and your plan is to leave, the safest option is to leave early in the day on a

day when the Fire Danger Rating is extreme in your district.

“Fires can spread quickly when winds are strong and you need to know in advance what you are going

to do if faced with a fire. It is too late to decide when you see smoke or flames.”

Yesterday’s forecasts had indicated that conditions in the Mallee and Northern Country might reach

Code Red tomorrow. However, conditions have now eased a little and the districts have been

downgraded to Extreme, though this remains a very dangerous category and people should not become


“Forecasts are based on the best available information at the time,” Mr Rees said. “Weather conditions

can change over time – that’s why it’s vital that people in bushfire prone areas continually monitor

weather conditions, listen to the radio, keep up to date with the latest forecasts and advice, and keep

themselves informed.”

DSE State Duty Officer Mark Woodman said those who are travelling or plan to travel in bushfire prone

areas should monitor the situation and be flexible with their travel plans. 

“People on holidays or away from home should closely monitor the weather and fire conditions in the

areas they are visiting,” he said. 

“Don’t tune out just because you are taking a break – you need to have a bushfire plan for wherever you


CFA Media Contact: 5330 3124  

DSE Media Contact: 9412 4777

“If you are camping in these areas, particularly along the Murray and Goulburn Rivers, take note of the

current restrictions. On days of total fire ban a campfire cannot be lit under any circumstances.”

Victorians should monitor the weather and conditions with updated bushfire information available from

the DSE and CFA websites, the Victorian Bushfire Information Line (1800 240 667), your emergency

broadcasters ABC radio, SKY news TV, and commercial radio stations.

Victorians are reminded that today is a Total Fire ban in the North West. 

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