Fire Agencies Warn Of Difficult Weather Conditions Ahead

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20th January 2010, 03:12pm - Views: 1382

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CFA Media Contact: 5330 3124  

DSE Media Contact: 9412 4777

Joint Media statement

From the State Control Centre

Wednesday 20 January 2010



Victoria’s fire agencies are warning of hot and dry weather with increasing fire danger over the coming

days in the northern parts of the state. 

Emergency services are preparing for extreme conditions in the Mallee and Wimmera districts tomorrow

with further extreme conditions also forecast for the North-East district on Friday, ahead of a cool change

over the weekend.

“Tomorrow is looking like a very difficult day in the Wimmera and Mallee. Our CFA and DSE firefighters

are prepared and ready to go. But we need the community to be prepared as well,” said Dale Russell,

Operations Manager, CFA Horsham. 

“Extreme is a very serious Fire Danger Rating and communities in these districts need to be alert.

People living in or visiting bushfire prone areas in these districts need to activate their fire plan now and

monitor the district Fire Danger Ratings and daily weather forecasts on the CFA website and in the

media,” Mr Russell said.

Severe fire danger ratings are forecast for the Western, North Central, Northern Country and North

Eastern districts tomorrow.

If you live in a high risk area and your plan is to leave, the safest option is to leave early in the day on a

day when the Fire Danger Rating is Severe or Extreme in your district. Only stay if your home is well

prepared and you can actively defend it.

“If you plan to travel in bushfire prone areas you should monitor the situation everyday,” said Geoff

Evans, Wimmera DSE District Manager.

“Prepare to change your travel plans, such as making arrangements to visit major regional cities instead

of parks or forests. People on holidays or away from home should closely monitor the weather and fire

conditions in the areas they are visiting.” 

People are advised to avoid travelling in parks and forests unless absolutely necessary if the fire danger

is extreme.  Visitors already in these areas are advised the safest option is to leave parks and forests

early in the day.

Victorians should monitor the weather and conditions with updated bushfire information available from

the DSE and CFA websites, the Victorian Bushfire Information Line (1800 240 667), the ABC and

commercial radio stations as well as SKY News TV. 

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