Wewak And Brunei Sail For Tonga

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7th October 2009, 05:27pm - Views: 802

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Issued by Ministerial Support and Public Affairs, Department of Defence, Canberra, ACT

Phone: 02 6127 1999, Fax: 02 6265 1545

MSPA 331/09

Wednesday, 07 October 2009 



HMA Ships Brunei and Wewak will load building supplies and stores,

before joining the Australian Government’s humanitarian relief effort

for victims of the tsunami devastated island nation of Tonga.

Brunei’s Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Commander Andrew Staker

and Wewak’s Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Rob Smilie will make a

short statement to the media.


Media should assemble at the main gate to HMAS Cairns,

no later

than 08:50am Thursday, 8 October 2009.  Photo identification must be

carried by all persons entering the base.


HMAS Cairns Draper Street, Cairns.

The Australian Defence Force is continuing to support the Australian Government’s

humanitarian aid and disaster relief operation in the regions affected by the

earthquake and tsunami that hit the South West Pacific last week.

The Australian disaster relief effort is in response to a request for support from the

Governments of Samoa and Tonga.

The two Heavy Landing Craft, both capable and versatile vessels, will load building

supplies and stores to assist the relief effort. 

Once on station it is anticipated the vessels will be utilised to transport relief stores

and equipment between the Tongan islands.  Their shallow draft allows these ships to

deliver personnel and equipment to areas otherwise unreachable by larger ships. 

Media Contacts:

Mark Tanzer– Defence Public Affairs NQLD

0407 467 235

Defence Media Liaison

02 6127 199/ 0408 498 664

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