Western Australia Maritime Industry Schools Pathway Program

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18th November 2008, 03:27pm - Views: 798

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Minister for Defence

Tuesday, 18 November 2008




The Minister for Defence, the Hon Joel Fitzgibbon MP, and the Federal Member for

Brand, the Hon Gary Gray MP, today announced further details of the Government’s $61

million defence industry skills package.

Of particular interest for West Australia is the Maritime Industry Schools Pathway

Program. This $2.4 million initiative will provide high school students in West Australia

with greater awareness of careers in the local maritime industry in the defence sector,

and how to shape their studies to pursue such a career.

This will be achieved by developing and delivering a school curriculum for years 9-12 for

schools in West Australia which will provide the maths, science and technical studies

students will need in order to pursue maritime industry careers in the defence sector.

“Schools participating in the program will offer the right studies and training for students

to be able to work towards those careers, and defence industry in West Australia will be

able to engage with participating schools to provide awareness and work experience

opportunities to interested students,” Mr Fitzgibbon said.

“The initiative aims to increase the pool of young people in West Australia interested and

able to join local defence industry, and build upon the strong maritime skills base that

exists in the region,” Mr Gray said.

This project will be run by the West Australian government through the Department of

Education, who will have responsibility and accountability for the development,

implementation and performance of the initiative. It will build upon similar programs

successfully developed in Queensland, and be developed in consultation with local

stakeholders including schools, higher education providers and defence maritime


While Defence will work closely with the WA Department of Education and provide

project funding of $2.4 million, developing and implementing the Program will be a local


Scoping and planning for the program will be developed during 2009.  A school

curriculum focusing on the maths, science and technical studies that students need to

pursue careers in the defence maritime sector will be developed from July 2010.

It is intended that two schools will be selected to trial the curriculum from January 2011.

By January 2012, the WA Department of Education will select other schools suitable for

rolling out the curriculum, and this will continue to grow in the following years.

Media contacts:

Christian Taubenschlag (Joel Fitzgibbon):

02 6277 7800 or 0438 595 567

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6265 3343 or 0408 498 664

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